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J Christmas Jan 2010
I shall love diners after Death Famished from a million mile             trek
            Soft dances, whimsical, flowing
       All in time and In step   Effervescent  in its antiquity
   Light penetrates the vociferate soul
                                                            ­        A blinding silhouette Reveals the true physique
                             casting no shadows
         back, at last, back to the harmony &.                                                 surrealism of our sacrarium, our home
no more hours to waste away
                             nothing to signifying  
    night from day                                    no need to search for  words to convey
                  As we began                                     we return                                               just as we should
                   our recrudescence revivifies our sainthood
     with No judgment charged upon us
               with no reward for Good                          neither condemned are the noxious
               immoral nor the many many absurd
                                                                  For those deleterious malignant calamities must remain incarcerated on Earth
                              from whence it came
                   As we Return once again
               soul cleansed in beatific death
                                                           ­      The physical abandoned with sin
*Copyright John D. Christmas @2011
J Christmas Jan 2010
Did you know that life had teeth?
                    Did you think you'd be devoured?
                          Do you really think you'll see it coming
            in that fateful hour?
                Have you ever blamed the future for things
            that haven't happened yet?
                  Have you ever tried to get your god  
             to take a sucker bet?
                      Have you ever been in a moment
             that you knew was very Rare?
                        Did you share it with excitement and no one
              really cared?
           Can moments last forever, or are they all doomed
                               to  vanish into thin air?
                        Has wisdom ever rained upon you
               and messed your pretty hair.
                                  Do you often feel confined and forced
                     to sublimate your needs?
                                             Have you given up your lust
                                     for a down payment on some fools greed?
*Copyright John D. Christmas @2011
J Christmas Jan 2010
The fan whirling next to my bed
      Sounds like Nascar racing in my head
             Images in Negative
                              Not Alive Or Dead
              In another room the T.V. transmogrifies
       And ceases to be what is seen       &
                                     into a medium for
            DogoDs  GodoG eaters to commune with me
                             They whisper other's secrets   -                                                They instigate Ill will
                                                            They tale of truths and curses   _                                                                ­         so convincing            so bold
                              Be still and carefully listen            
                                              ­      They are feasting on my soul
*Copyright John D. Christmas @2011
J Christmas Jan 2010
Adults in their infancy -So scared of death
      walking, not living, the air has no taste billowing into the chest
Un-wanton of cleansed perception to see that life is our greatest gift  
and the time for I love you's kind words
and farewells is now
here on this holy ground I kiss.
         Among the most prized possessions the  beauty of this world is not one of them.
       Self dis-serving themselves sitting back watching the wheels spin.
  Feeding odium & abhorrence with sloth and vain pride in
luxuries once unknown and too soon will never again.
                        Take a moment my dears to struggle for each breath.
                        Go a pampered day with no water or bread.
                         Go without and go alone & for once pay your debt

                        No pill or prayer will cure this blindness of which you
                               were born and breed
                        Your outrage just suggests
                              That, the truth, to you, is dead.

Indignation is a vanity used by those who choose faith not seeking  truths.
  That and the following, to me,  was illuminated by a great
sayer of sooths
  To understand your  God
  You must first learn those synoptic chronicles
  A thousand  Gods  have told
  For years A thousand fold
You'll Do well to avoid the entanglements of those self  proclaimed        anointed  
  And  obviate  the pique they stir as they **** you even not disappointed
    Treasures you seek lie just behind the dark veils of bother you have hand woven to shroud you dominion
     Its no surprise honesty offends and ****** you like a knife
     Such little attention is given to the exigency's  of life
from the lost you take direction
and from fools wisdom
you adopt your school of thought
     Gods cares not what that chump told you
         with smiling  words your soul was bought
    No ceromony exists to convince God to Exalt
                 those that neglect the intellect
                       & from him our powerful thought
             To find a great friend, They first must be sincerely sought

  Mankind long from its womb still suckles the *******
Dispute in that Name brought atrocious inquest and unrest
  Just yesterday we took our first steps
Into some shade and out of the sun
and today we go no where 'less
                                             it's an all out run
   No one will reach their potential if on those ******* we stay stubbornly hung
   Our right of passage is on the horizon and there is greatness to be done.
    Its been made clear our Maker does whats best for us when He does nothing at all.
     Only you can scale your prison wall. You are the warden! And who is he gonna call?
                  Free from loving one, frees you to Love All
                     Now see what I see waiting
                                            (for you)
                       The old ways and ruins made way
                                              (for you)
                         The comfort of fine cotton over head
                                                 (for you)
                            On which the sky bleeds light
                                           As a sacrifice  Each night
                                                   (for you)
                             It seeps into your soul
                                        Sustaining the mind on furlough
                                                     ( free you)
                               Oh woe to those who  choose  not to embrace
                                                       (the gift of you)
                                  To them the inevitable & enviable road
                                                        (bef­ore you)
                                     lies in wait, but the golden road will afford you
*Copyright John D. Christmas @2011
J Christmas Jan 2010
Gallimaufries Incondite in-risible pules from anomie.
    Recondite jeremiadtions of every pessimal influence.
Yearning for the Quid-am Xanthochroi to sybaritic in the manner I long to LOVE,
   Unrestrained                  The pennicle of BATHOS
        observations of  human
                                          hopes and dubietys of mankind  
An anodyne, the demersal soul
                      attempts at pawky insights often written whilst
inebriated and Katzenjammered!
*Copyright John D. Christmas @2011

— The End —