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Nov 2019 · 295
Gareth Nov 2019
Emaciated Apparitions haunt this cities streets with their Hollow eyes and
Outstretched Arms  , to them its just another day seeking to feed the monkey on their back.

Durban is a city of Needles and spoons


Durban is NOW , just another city of Needles and spoons

Unholy Wraiths glide away from memories, now forgotten, taking that trip from needle to arm, a life lost , a past forgotten.


Humanoid husks with liquid lined  veins , endlessly seeking  Strands of golden sunshine sold by street side vendors.


Oh the city weeps, as sirens wail along her streets.

Durban is a City of Needles and spoons
Durban (South Africa) , the city I reside in.
Sep 2017 · 475
We Are Now One
Gareth Sep 2017
Oh I remeber the night
we lay entwined , lost to space and time
we held each other
naked ,
lips locked ,
hands moving,
reaching ,
 I sank into your soul through your eyes
I searched your inner being for your wants and needs
I had no fear of what I saw ,
I blissfully floated for hours in the depths of your being
caressing your soft amd gentle heart
I will hold you forever , protect you
My armour will be battered
as I shield you from life
we are now one
I will envelop you
and shield you from harm
we are now one
Sep 2017 · 763
Life and Love Return
Gareth Sep 2017
You are gift given to me
wrapped in the heavens and stars
an angel who spreads her wings
and reveals a heart as bright and warm as the sun

I bask in your beauty
and lie numb as I soak in the blinding rays of your heart
they penetrate deep into my being , my soul
bringing light to the darkness
bringing purpose
Your light embraces the vastness of my being , bringing warmth and comfort
I have never known before.
I stumbled in darkness for a life time ,
the joy I feel now as the night recedes ,
oh I bless the the day we met
and curse the minutes and hours we apart.

Oh how I rejoice
that I met you.
 Love and life
Aug 2017 · 405
An Ode
Gareth Aug 2017
Silence drapes the day
as the African sun beats down
While the birds sing and flutter from branch to branch,
sweet mother nature's melodies carried on the breeze.

Blue skies filled with dreams , not a pillow of cloud in sight.
So here I sit and fill my soul
reminiscing of conversations from our time spent together
words turn in my mind , painting portraits
willfull wishes , hopes and aspirations.
Angels Wings , You my Beauty
Oh how I feel blessed
Gareth Jun 2017
So here we are another Friday night amd the routine will probably play out the same way it always has ..

I find myself lazing on the couch staring at some 90's television show waiting for my wingman to arrive..

I always get aggravated around this time , he is always late, but in the back of my mind , I know that he is in the red rocket hurtling toward Uitenhage , dodging buck and tortoises  with Addo in his rear view mirror..

The minutes tick by slowly as I wait in anticipation for his arrival , I am sure I will start pacing soon amd stealing peeks out the window at every sound in hopes it is him..

It's Friday night amd ***** going to get real , honestly it's the way we always thought it would but living in a small industrial town like Uitenhage doing anything felt like a huge party at the best of times

Finally I hear the sound of car making an abrupt halt  and park under the  tree , just infront of my folks home.
 Car door swings open and out climbs the dude i been waiting for .. Clad in the usual garb, flannel shirt , blue jeans and the complimentary steel capped boots, unkpet shoulder length hair and stubble that would make the hairiest bear in the forest jealous..

"Hey G" he pronounces " sorry I am late man, but had to catch up on some X-Files, before hitting the street"...

"**** Dude you always late" is the best I could come up with . "Let's rock n roll man , I wanna get  outta this joint and light up the night".. So after our front yard banter we both Hopped into the Red Rocket and headed off down the road still not entirely sure where we were off too but the night was still young and we had alot to get through
Jun 2017 · 357
A Friday Night in 1995
Gareth Jun 2017
Friday night in 1995
Waiting for the Red Rocket to Pull in
Drop in with speed
land underneath the tree
Then this night is gonna get started

In a zip and whizz
the eagle has landed
Hop into the front seat

Rolling Joints as we go
First stop
The Milner street pad

who will be there ?

four hip and high cats
puffing on snipes
with guitars on the floor
and doodles on the wall

this is a far out spot
where we will wonder and ponder the existence of small town life
pass around blunts
and talk some more..
minutes flow like a psychedelic waterfall
with intertwining colours churning into everlasting hours
Memories made that I carry to this day

There will be no talk of sport or the last fight
cause over here we dont roll with testosterone
But with hungry minds
Cassettes play the tunes of the hour
Heavy riffs and indie trips
have carried these few youths away
once again we broken free from this small town living
become larger than life in this tiny room
were the social outcasts come to play...
Jun 2017 · 331
Road Kid
Gareth Jun 2017
I met that Bo on the way to Bangor Last Spring
He was a man blown outta glass
Just released from the Big House
Most said that he was a Bindlestiff
But there aint no truth In that

He looked at me and called me an Angelina
Just another inexperienced kid
Who wanted to hit the rail and travel
He sat me down by the  fire and told me about
Bad roads and accommodation cars
and how to flip and evade the Bulls
also how to spot the easy marks

Bindlestiks and California Blankets
We sat eating bullets and gumps
Smoking snipes into the night.
With the moon as our cover
Safe in the Jungle
No buzzards around that night

The following day we would be padding the hoof along the main drag
Looking for a train to grab on the fly
and see were destiny would  take us
* Road kid – A young hobo who apprentices himself to an older hobo in order to learn the ways of the road
Gareth Jun 2017
Make a call on  your horn
and let the world know
Hillcrest is now Dullsville
Where mommies Ride SUV's
And shop in their Gym attire
Diamond rings and expensive hair
I just gotta be better
Mountain Biking Breakfasts
Micropenis and big fat wallets
Kauai food ******
Plantations *******
For sure this **** ain't The crest I knew
Hillcrest once a small suburb nestled between large trees and African bush , Unfortunatley after 2004 , greedy *** land developers got there hands on the place and turned it into Trendy *** place to be and attracted the wrong people to it , now the once sleepy country suburb has been possessed by the materialistic culture of the I wanna better types ..
Jun 2017 · 365
The Fuzz
Gareth Jun 2017
We don't need no Fuzz Daddy O
they just fall on us cats
tell us to Dummy up
When we running far out
That's be when the  Fuzz rod pulls in
Tell us we can't be swinging like sixteen
Beat us with sticks
Squaresville peep
Then Lock us up
Jun 2017 · 332
Waking Up
Gareth Jun 2017
Waking up

Last night we chose to ride those Chill Pills
Now,Waking up, I am trying to shake it
The Memories flash like a B rated movie
Just who was that woman with the heels ?
Here I am trying to waking up
Edge of the bed, watching the slides in my mind
Its like moving through a wasteland
haze and  daze
Far out
Still trying to tune in
Am I waking up
.................not yet
Need a trip to Vitamin Village
Solo Flight 101
Short trip to Rio
Gather the scattered thoughts haunting my mind
It's time to wake up
Take my red orbs outta this pad
Slowly, ever so Slowly 
this cat is
Jun 2017 · 303
A Date with my Girl
Gareth Jun 2017
Mario snarl
Artsy gain groups
A Taste of a vast lustiness
Let us write and create
Let us make no sense

Come on honey and Tune In
Hop in and let's ride
for tonight we can't Die
*******  are Ahead
We feel altruistic & alone
Take the next left
Head down to Midtown
 use terms like
because they are cool

Don't blow the Jets honey
We gonna Blast the Edison
And head to Beatsville
Spend the night listening to some crazy cat
Some chilled out Jazz vibes
Corner Cafe
Smoked filled dive
No cheap creeper gonna crash our night
you dig?
you dig?
Cause when this night ends we will be naked in the moonlight Jazzing to some crazy tunes
Jun 2017 · 649
Shame On You
Gareth Jun 2017
why do you bow down to fat cats
men who dress up in suits
They ***** lies from podiums

                         shame on you
                         shame on you
                       SHAME ON YOU
         Once Again I say Shame on You

indoctrinated by leaders and teachers

birth, school, job, marry and die
birth, school, job, marry and die

Conform , Conform or Die
that's the message you learn
blind to the propaganda
Government's bend to Bankers
Oil greases the war machines cogs
Soldiers just keep on marching

W   we
A    are
R    right
Jun 2017 · 369
Small Town Tripping
Gareth Jun 2017
Lost our hats too a purple cat
We no longer dream in black and white
colours taste good
flavours sound fine
fluffy pink unicorns dance round in our minds
Glitter and Sparkles all round

We just small town boys
on a night out.
Immortalised an image on the backdoor
Coals be burning bright tonight
Burn coal Burn
Pass me my stamp
under the tongue
now it's time to wait

Lost our hats too a purple cat
We no longer dream in black and white
colours taste good
flavours sound fine
fluffy pink unicorns dance round in our minds
Glitter and Sparkles all round
Jun 2017 · 282
Wake Up
Gareth Jun 2017
When will the rich wake up
Their Slumber torn asunder
Reveal the inner self
falseness hidden behind
expensive perfume
fake ****
new nose
keeping up with Joneses
fancy cars
for fancy pants
have a cat and a dog too.
Hide behind the walls of their Castles
False beauty on the outside
Blackness seeps out from the inside
accumulate and devastate
their Mantra for the day

Wake up
See the poor and down trodden
no airs and no graces
no manicure
no pedicure
is easier to be real with you live in the gutter
th th-th-thank you the broken old man did stutter
When you look into his eyes the real man you do see
Cause there is no time for falseness or pretense

So Wake up
and help those in need
and find a few mouths to feed
this world is asleep
and dreams only of greed
Jun 2017 · 286
Just Another Sheeple
Gareth Jun 2017
*****,  seedy
filthy, greedy
text me honey when you have the time.

modern day society
money grabbing
soul destoying
materialistic *****
trample on the poor
selfie loving
deep *******
gossip on her news feed
swallow it up whole

Modern day Society
pain is pleasure
hidden faces
just who the **** are you
plastic people
have no meaning
Just another Sheeple
Jun 2017 · 270
Gareth Jun 2017
Another dead ******
Another life the devil just bought
this is Street corner living
Stale wine on the wind
hands out
swept aside
A few cents for me sir
The Traffic lights are now red

******* shadows fall on blood stained curbs
Devils and Demons dance to the macabre sounds of the night
This is the ballet that dances beneath the cities flickering light
Alley way murders
Bottle store *****
Gunshots linger in the air as the sirens wail
Veiled Curtains hide this scene from those who slumber in cozy, safe sweet suburban bliss
Jun 2017 · 360
The Beatnik
Gareth Jun 2017
Keep your hands above the Mason Dickson line
You don't have to make the right desicion now
Some of this old beat slang
is right off the cob
So let us Ride and get Dixie fried
With some small town gin mill cowboy

I can see you're interviewing your brain
so for now I'll  just leave you alone
because I'm just a pearl diver
at a greasy spoon
and soon we will be in jail for hanging paper with that  runway in a ******* so I guess we  better just jungle up in Varicose Alley.
Apr 2017 · 545
Ignorant Fools
Gareth Apr 2017
Corporate ****** and Concubines
The devil wears a black suit
It's a Rich mans game of chess

There is fluoride in your water
Chemtrails in the air
Cancer in your body
And yet most dont care

A life of lies
Dead horse

Let's watch the news
Lap up what the television spews
And we all die
Ignorant fools
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
The World Today
Gareth Apr 2017
click bait
A life of smoke and mirrors
Selfie filters
fake smiles
That's the world today

News feeds
Fake news
Ignorant of all the wars
Empty shells
Bombed out holes
That's the world today

Ignorant fools
No regard for rules
That's the world today
Dec 2016 · 372
Sunday Night
Gareth Dec 2016
Were  to from here
Nov 2016 · 701
Profit (Devils and Demons)
Gareth Nov 2016
The Devil summons his demons
While earthly mortals sell their souls
It's a game of master and slave

In the cold grey offices
It's where they meet
To devour your soul
Clickety clack , clickety clack
Rows and rows of puppets
Sitting in front their screens
In hopes of recieving more money
to put themselves further in debt

They gather round the coffee machine
Plastic smiles that go for miles , awaiting to clock themselves out.

This where Everything is measured
With walls
full of
regarded as art.

Lifeless being
A cog in the machine
Spewing out profits
For the elite
But don't dare be late
Or you out on the street
Because the devil and demons
Don't give a **** about you
It all about that profit
Nov 2016 · 798
The Time Has Arrived
Gareth Nov 2016
In this world
Nowhere to run
In this world
They don't care

Don't you see the control
Don't you see the freedom lost

In this world
The control don't you feel
No more , you and me

Its us or them
Class separation
Class War is coming
Divide and Separate

Systems failing
Time to rise

Oct 2016 · 495
Gareth Oct 2016
It's not like I ask for the world to turn black
It's a road travelled , I want to turn back

I didn't ask for this to happen
But this is where I sit

Moments of happiness
And peace do exist

Today I was told to snap the **** out of it
And that i live a life of dreary woes
It hurts the most hearing theses words
I tried to explain how I feel
Because I know that it's irrational

Prehaps to hear the words
I am sorry , I do understand
They  Could go along way to healing my heart
But I carry scars
From a life of no meaning
Snap the **** out
Snap the **** out
These words ring in my ears
You truly don't understand
You don't think
I wish
I could
With all of my heart
I Wish
I never suffered from this from the start

But I guess the best
Is to be on my own
Cause it seems that people don't understand
It's easy to be happy when the clouds don't come your way
Sep 2016 · 799
A New Day Dawns
Gareth Sep 2016
When will I wake up
And this world will be over
The systems are broken
And people don't care
Fashion before caring
No love in the air
Money's your God now
And Greed so unfair
Bankers control us
War in the air

I want to wake up now
And see that people care
Sep 2016 · 307
hour Vs day
Gareth Sep 2016
Sep 2016 · 334
Wake Up
Gareth Sep 2016
Where are the writings of all social ills
I see only tears of love lost
life's dreary woes

No social commentary
But personal pains
We given up on our brothers and sisters
And cry only for ourselves

My love has left me
My life is all black
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

What of the child that wears no clothes
What of the mother whom has no home
What of the father who stands in a line waiting in hope for a job to find

When will we wake up
Our humanity to find
Stop being so selfish
And help out mankind
Gareth Sep 2016
For me
It's become
Painfully clear
That today's society
Would not shed a tear for the hungry
The man who lives on the street
Would cry buckets
Cause last night  
Their sports team
Got beat..
Sep 2016 · 369
Gareth Sep 2016
Everyday I work my hands to the bone,
I wear steel capped boots
Not a 3 piece suit..
I struggle each day for the  next bill to pay
Work Long hours and miss my childs play

You sit in your office
And discuss the next cut
Profits are down by a quarter percent
Let's cut a few more jobs because their lives are that cheap.

Hey , you ,  number 592 your number is up
We no longer need you
Our profits will go up

Class war is on the horizon
Workers unite
Equality for all
Our lives are important
Number 592
Sep 2016 · 448
A New Day
Gareth Sep 2016
Darkness lifts
Drunken haze seeps away.

The waking birds sing their morning praise as the warmth of the sun bathes my cheeks..

I wake from the nightmare that has haunted me for many a year.

I can only express a deep gratitude for your soft touch and gentle nudge towards a life worth living ..

Each day dawns with a passion  for life.
A sense of purpose and being .

I once forgot who I truly was
But your soft whispers have ignited a fire and a desire to be free of the shackles that were drowning me
Gareth Jul 2016
Unwanted thoughts haunt the mind

Cobwebs settle on the happy times
As time turns to dust
Eons go by shrouded in mist

Is it wrong to feel alive
The pain these wounds inflict
This is what has become the norm
Expectation of better days lost

Finding solice and comfort
In this solitary confinement of the mind
Heres where your demons

People say they understand
But their hollow words take no root

The mind becomes a derelict playground
Broken Swings and Merry Go rounds
The laughter is your own .

Unwanted thoughts haunt the mind
Jul 2016 · 540
True Art
Gareth Jul 2016
Seated in the chair

Crafting his art
With words channeled from the heart
Trying to make sense of this world

Does art lie within a so called artist
Within the man just sitting in his chair

True art comes from within the heart
No need to understand composition
Nor Learned ways of extra flair

Art is to help the bleeding heart
So let it all out

Keep it simple and easy to understand
For everyday people are the ones that need the help

The champagne sipping artsy types
Have made it what it's not supposed to be.

Their art is incomprehensible
Made for their wallets
And not for broken hearts
Jul 2016 · 560
The Night
Gareth Jul 2016
Oh night filled with wonders

Upturned soil
Forbidden fruit
The dead are arising

Witches dressed in black
Cauldrons bubble and boil
Crimson cats with crooked tails
Deep into the night wail

Vampire hunters sharpen their stakes
Nosferatu what's your fate ?

Mass Murderers with the tools of  their trade Silently
Into the shadows fade
Awaiting the thrill
The ****

Oh velvet night
What wonders do await
Jul 2016 · 619
Happily Ever Disaster
Gareth Jul 2016
I live as a secret
But I have gotta smile
Time to meet and greet

Cupids poison arrow
Protruding from my heart

Fairytale ending
Nowhere in sight

Happily  ever after
To me are Words of disaster
Jul 2016 · 396
When The Truths Revealed
Gareth Jul 2016
Have you ever realised
You are nothing that you thought
Everythings a lie
Hypocrisy rules

Have ever read your mind
In the dead of the night
And the truth becomes real

It's easy to hide in the daytime
But the voices echo at night
And resound in your heart
Cutting deep
Truths revealed
hidden from yourself

What if you woke
And realised you are everything
Opposite You wanted to be
Belief and value systems
A complete lie.

When the truths revealed
What is it you will do ???
Jun 2016 · 413
Death To Silence
Gareth Jun 2016
The early morning silence
A wonderous beauty to behold
When humanity sleeps
The silence is real
Nature is in control

Once man awakes
Anarchy pursues
It's death to the peace
And silence retreats
For man thinks
He's in control
Jun 2016 · 440
Last Thing We Would Do
Gareth Jun 2016
Have another slice of pizza
Crack another beer
Don't worry about the old man outside
The Blizzard
That bad

You have no time for the less fortunate
You see them as a disease

Take no time to wonder about their world
Self consumed is what we are
Our  one directive is to accumulate
As much **** as we possibly  can
Truth be told it's things we don't need
The couple of bucks
We throw away
Could improve the life
Of somebody else
But that is last thing we would do
Jun 2016 · 437
Modern Day Family
Gareth Jun 2016
The trees have told me they sad
For children no longer play in them

Little bobby
Sits on the couch
As he learns from mommy
To stare blankly at the device in her hand
The parks are empty
The servers are full
The butterflies flutter in peace
Daddy is trolling around a forum
Jun 2016 · 486
Dearest Old Betty
Gareth Jun 2016
She sits in the corner
Of the broken old home
With a crown made of thorns

What has life done to Betty
To have beaten her , bad
No sight is truly this sad

She once was an angel
But now ensnared in guilt and betrayal
Drawing circles in the sand

I once saw an emotion
when the floor boards creaked
But she snuffed it out faster than the Flame could ignite.

The say you can tell the soul of a person  By looking into their eyes
But she only has hollows where her eyes used to be
Two Bottomless pits into hell

Are you the person
Possibly knows
What happened to dearest old Betty

For if you are
Then please to do tell
So the rest of us don't end up just like her
Gareth Jun 2016
Modern society




Keep the masses
The system

Ignorance is the special of the day

If Google says it
It has to be true

"Likes" are what matter today

Just look at these drones
With artifical lives
Created by the stroke of the key

The art of a letter
Is a dust filled dream
And books they no longer matter

Hollywood lives
****** dives

Mass ******
A global scale


Politically Correctness
Jun 2016 · 782
Strive Ahead
Gareth Jun 2016
Middle aged
Broken goods
Damaged on the inside

Chance has come
Chance has gone

Alone our lot shall be
Free to think
Free to be
Is what I tell myself

But what is life
Without touch
A lonely place to be

Midnight thoughts
Of past and future
Haunt the inner soul

Without you there are no boundaries
To keep my sanity

On Sunny days
And Cloudy nights
The tears roll down my cheeks

Silver trails
Of unforgotten thoughts
Like veins across my face

Memories leave scars
Of a distant past
One foot I place ahead

Each step filled with dread
You can never take my soul
Foward I strive ahead
Jun 2016 · 416
Just Another Day
Gareth Jun 2016
Gotta get my life in order
Gotta to get it right
Gotta get myself away
Gotta decide to stay

Gotta get out bed this morning
Gotta earn a living
Gotta pay my rent
Gotta pull my myself together
Gotta stop staring at the clock
Gotta stop checking messages non stop

Gotta read another book
Gotta learn another quote
Gotta learn another song
Jun 2016 · 566
I Live In This World
Gareth Jun 2016
I live in this world
But I am not from it

I just can't bring myself
To be like the rest

I flutter round the outskirts
Of what society deems fit

This world is lost in darkness
A scourge is this planet called earth

Humanity is ******
All sinners we are

Blinded by hatred
Seekers of greed

Accumulate and devastate
Painted on the wall

When will the scales fall your eyes
Another day wished by
A day closer till we die.

Robotic daily motions
Grey eyes and no emotions
Programmed behaviour pumped into your mind

This world we live in is a joke
When will we have freedom
It's 1984
As told by Mr. Orwell
Jun 2016 · 733
No More Masters
Gareth Jun 2016
No more Masters
No more Slaves

No more Borders
No more Banks

That's what I want to see

But the sad reality

The world we live in is dead
Slaves to the rich

Exploited , brainwashed masses
Same coloured sheep
Programmed from birth

Consumed by consuming
Purchase from birth
I better be better than Lucy
Latest trends be trending
That's what I am worth

No more Love and patience
Instant gratification
Discarded hearts line the earth

We will rather have money
Than love in our life

Labels and status
They are net worth

It would be better

No more Masters
No more Slaves

No more Borders
No more Banks
Jun 2016 · 554
Hash tags and Trending
Gareth Jun 2016
Who is the true you
Do you live in the Web

Who is the true you
Is the world of data your reality

Life is blur when you live behind a screen
With an Information overload
 Your  true souls ****** away

Do you live as a hash tag
An illusion of your own creation

This is the age we create alternate realities
We create new personas
Behind various accounts
But who lives behind the username and password
Is that the true you or the best pic from fifty

Real people are hard to find these days
Between these interwebs crazies
Jun 2016 · 683
Gareth Jun 2016
A feeling I won't want to share

A feeling that I can't bare

A dark hole
Not known to all
May 2016 · 314
Gareth May 2016
They might
Surround me
But I am Alone
Mar 2016 · 803
Love Is The Only Crime
Gareth Mar 2016
Seated in silence
While a single thought of you
Breaks this madness
A dead rose on a plate

White satin and blood stained lace
Mystery surrounds this table
It's myself I try to find
Guilty  the verdict
It's heartbreak the conviction

Passion is a byproduct
Of an illecite  crime
18 and life
Was it love this time
Mar 2016 · 620
The Night .
Gareth Mar 2016
We stand mesmerised by the twinkle of the stars
And the glow of the moon
While mesmerised by their beauty
The tendrils of the dark take hold
We are ****** into the abyss of darkness
While hypnotised by  the so called beauty of the night.
Mar 2016 · 771
All I Need
Gareth Mar 2016
Black T-shirt and Blue Jeans
Brown Boots or Black Chuck Taylors
That's all I need .
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
Gareth Mar 2016
I can stare into a void of nothingness for hours
Brainwashed , propaganda and taught  how to live
It will teach me what I want
It will teach me what I Need
It will teach me what I have
It will teach me life is cheap
It will teach me my life is not good enough
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