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118 · Feb 2019
Bharti Feb 2019
My dreams haunt me with the faces I left behind
I cry and demand explanations
Only to get a smirking smile and unspoken answers
That I try to decipher after waking  up
I wonder where did I go wrong
As I see people moving ahead with the speed of escalators
While  I struggle to build my own staircase
For an infinite stories of a building
Every room of which has self made wallpapers of exquisite metaphors about how I suffer inside my own mind
And keep doing so or else I will lose the purpose,
That sadness brought to me on my platter,
As I sat on my bed contemplating laughters of people,
Who once promised to hold on to me
Like a kite thread which is cut now.
So I fall aimlessly
Until I land in the backyard of a stranger,
Who has deserted his home for months now,
Yet I scream for help from bricks and branches and that garbage bin.
All of them lie fallen on the ground,
I find it hard as the wind blows and the ******* flies over  my face,
As if I once belonged to it.
Where is my redemption if not in sleep, I ask myself,
When dreams were supposed to be escape and not a web woven by the eight legged reality which stings.
My poetries carry the words "regret", "guilts", "loneliness",
Like a three meal which is important for nourishing my so called art .
I am scared to close my eyes,
For I will see my friends I miss sometimes,
But just like my chemistry teacher, I was a substitute too,
Till they met their desired kind of people.
I sit with phone in my hand
Tears in my eyes
Words in my mind
And that burden on my chest
As I see them making memories
And like a heartbroken lover convinces myself about why didn't they deserve me.
But everytime I drown myself in the memories
Without flapping my hands ,
I allow those memories to sink me inside this whirpool
Which takes me back to past
Where things were happy and calm like a lake on a mid summer day.
I eat the laughters from my childhood
Till my stomach hurts
And realise how certain pains are good.
I drink away the non existent sorrows
When the only misery was those small fights
Which were resolved before lunch breaks
Because sharing better food and better memories
Were far more important than sharing egos and denials.
I see how I used to write letters to my best friend
Who would actually cry when I would not talk to her
Maybe sometimes the value of a person is realised at the cost of losing him.
I see how my teacher taught us non conformism in a subtle way
When she said there are different way other than five plus five to make a ten.
I added two and eight and was shocked about the beauty of a simple equation,
Sometimes antonyms big and small add up to form a solution,
And so I tried finding one with my doubts and me.
But I fail like that origami
Which my sister made for hours
And broke as soon as I held it in my hands.
Things break apart in my hands
Like friendships, relationships and maybe the ship of my sinkin life which seems to float pleasantly like a duck.
So I try to ask for a hand
Who can keep me intact
As I scatter grain by grain
Like a sand castle made by a kid
Who didn't know things stand together with a binding force
And all the times
That force is love
80 · Feb 2019
Bharti Feb 2019
The rainbows of my world
Are drained of the seven colors
What remains are the shades of black and grey
In a purple blue sky
Which reminds me of an irony
My each breath  has become
Colors are nothing more than rods and cones doing magic
Or else the world is a colorless mess
And I see it in my eyes
Inside my pupil
Which eats light like a black hole
And traps it inside like love at first sight
I surrender myself in the void my eyes are, leaking the death of shine on their surface
Like a spilled tea
That stains everything I see
It's not self pity
But a realisation of self
That darkness is not a nightly phenomenon
When it resides inside me
Rather than my cold room or uncombed hair
Or the cracks of the cemented wall
Which now grows a flower
Sometimes acceptance is the only healing a mind can bear to go through
Yet I resist happiness like a hot glass of water in extreme summers
It all seems insane, doesn't it?
For how can you go on adding lines to the meaningless paragraph of your story
Only to believe that it will be a masterpiece in the end
I am a master making a piece of my being worth reading
For I have run out of metaphors or beauty
So serving truth without sugar is how I tell the world
That sometimes rainbows leak in the sky
Like droplets of rain
Until they fall on the lush green grass as dew
I drink in the morning in the hope
That Van gogh did something wrong
With eating colors to brighten his insides
I rather choose to swallow the rainbow whole
To unchain the shackles of light
Trapped inside me for years

— The End —