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22h · 63
G 22h
She was free
Not in the sense of wealth nor power
But of the mind
She was free
Didn’t have desire to be cast down by chains
No one speaking her name in vain
She was free
Of the world; of the worry
She was free
And that was a beautiful thing for her to finally
Feb 15 · 33
G Feb 15
The world at their feet
Numerous fruitful apples on the tree
Had infinite choices felt free
Then were dried another by another
Killed by the blistering sun
If only they could see
Would have been satisfied if they only picked
Feb 7 · 143
Four seasons
G Feb 7
Seasons change.
Rain falls, drowning her pain,
Leaves drift down, carrying the embers of her torched soul.
Summer brings light, yet it fails to ignite
The darkness buried deep within

Winter cold and harrowing
Reflected in her eyes, where light  once glimmered
Like flowers in bloom.
Now, only her withering spirit remains.

The seasons have changed,
Yet the feelings remain the same
Jan 2 · 26
G Jan 2
An angel falls from the sky
Fell from grace
She still has her wings yet there is no trace
A majestic, beautiful creation now bound by earth
She has wisdom despite trying to search
How to get back to the clouds
She screams for her savior yet it makes no sounds
A glorious Angel with no wings
Useless to those that worship worldly things
Dec 2024 · 39
G Dec 2024
I imagine you.
Who you are
Who you will be
My imagination wonders
But does it venture too far
I imagine the future
Imagine the good
I even imagine the could
Will my imagination allow me what should?
Dec 2024 · 39
John doe
G Dec 2024
I put out missing posters, but they went unseen.
I saw you the other day; you had to go in a rush.
I wanted you to stay, but I didn’t cause a scene.

I wish I could have stopped you, put an obstacle in your way.
Yet when I looked you in the eyes, there were no more words to say.
So you left, went down a road I will never know.

I put out missing posters,
but you wanted to go.
Nov 2024 · 51
G Nov 2024
Memories, permanent like bloodstains,
Bleach scrubs, but the residue remains.
Forgiving holds the key, yet pain sustains.
I long to be clean,
Crave to be seen.
My messy room mirrors my mind,
Frantically scrubbing images to find—
A semblance of sanity, a glimmer of hope.
So I sit idle, in silent chaos, waiting for it to
Nov 2024 · 49
The invisible girl
G Nov 2024
I don’t want to do this, I do not want to stay
The cold emptiness will not go astray
So I ponder, I find a reason to be
what is the point
if I’m no longer me
Nov 2024 · 209
The invisible man
G Nov 2024
You are everywhere but beside me
I perceive you in my head
You stalk my dreams
embedded in my soul
Refuse to release
Your grasp binds my spirt
Have persuasion over my mind
Yet you are nowhere
Impossible to find
Nov 2024 · 69
G Nov 2024
I’m on a road untraveled. Unaccompanied. Into the wild unto the unknown. The hollow ground beneath my feet. The opportunities are endless. The air. Euphoric.
Just me and my Mother. Who holds the earth in one hand and caresses mine in the other. The nature revives me restoring my embodiment.
I have mourned, yet a new spirt has been reborn. The vibrant flowers and their spirited hue heal my wounds. I am one with this planet and in return it is in unison with me.
I am free amongst the brimming trees. Liberated with the charismatic bees. The supple fruit that is planted, nourishes both my body and my soul.
With society’s chains cast off and worldly expectations behind me, all that remains is the pursuit of adventure and the fortune held within this celestial being
Oct 2024 · 62
Ocean girl
G Oct 2024
I’m drowning in the ocean but it feels good. The water takes over my body the euphoria is strong and the current indestructible. I let myself fade into fluid waters. I want someone to come but I know no one will be my savior. So I enjoy the solitude while I fade into the abyss. I’m helpless. Yet feel stronger than I ever have. They sit on the sidelines with a life raft, they hear my cries for help but they go unnoticed. Nevertheless the water validates my feeling. I’m alone now but never felt so alive. I fade deeper and deeper into the unknown until I’m unrecognizable. The pain withers and I’m finally free. While the water captures my lungs we merge; it takes my pain and in return it takes me.
Oct 2024 · 59
G Oct 2024
Do you see my light? Does it guide you through the dead of night? Like a light house searching for a loved one will it lead you back. Can you see it in the dark, can you see it amongst the lofty trees through the profuse fog or are you lost forever unable to connect. Are you trapped in the midnight with the wild things and the unknown. I cannot feel you anymore you are not on my radar. Do you see the brightness will it bring you home to me? You have been lost for so long can you even be found, can you even be saved. I seek for you everywhere but you are nowhere. Vanished out of thin air it’s like you didn’t want to be discovered you didn’t want to be established. Maybe you found comfort in the missing. Learned to find solace in the shadows. Maybe you are grounded in the darkness

— The End —