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36 · 2d
Brooke 2d
you shame me
for feeling uncomfortable
talking about my sexuality
like it’s my fault
society told me
to be ashamed
I love who I am
but I’m afraid to be it
can you blame me?
do you blame me?
Written about my experience of being shamed by another queer person for feeling embarrassed while coming out to someone.
32 · 1d
Brooke 1d
Drowning in my clouded mind
Clarity seems so hard to find

Lost, with just myself to blame
Wishing for the current to tame

It pulls me under, I feel so numb
The only sound a fading hum

Normality, a thing of the past
I wonder how long I can last

Twisting in this lonely place
No hope at all, not a trace

My senses taken; I feel so blind
Drowning in my clouded mind
Another piece from middle school. I’m not a big fan of the title.
Brooke 2d
These somber storms mirror my pain
The shadows, the cold, the rain
They make me ill
And I let them still
I wish them to stop
But when the rain drops
I simply just give in
Let the water drench my skin
My face to the sky
No tears left to dry
It feels all the same
As the endless pouring rain
So I accept my fate
Give in to the weight
Why would I even try
These clouds won’t just pass by
And though it’s twisted
My reasons are listed
If the misty skies
Don’t lead to my demise
That’ll be enough
I wrote this poem back in middle school about my struggles with mental health. I found comfort in sadness so I let myself stay there.
Brooke 15h
An illness without
reprieve, you died in the night,
such guilty relief

Hibiscus Tea
My hibiscus tea,
bitter as a cold shoulder
it beckons for me

Crisp air, fallen leaves
of crafty colors, pumpkin
patch, monster hunter

Such soft sherbet skies
Beyond these hills and cacti
Stay for sunset… please

— The End —