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Slowly I walk as happenings drift by
Every step a million moments, every moment a million miles
No goal hurried me, no plan directed me

Then a next step - I shot into a sprint
Every step a hundred happenings, every moment a hundred hours
I hurled myself forward, my heart in a mad dash

But the ground sped ahead of me
I would have tripped and fallen but for my reckless abandon that kept me just apace
But not for much longer

The goal faded off, the distance swallowing it
The world went ahead without waiting for me
Yet still I speed onward. Maybe, one day

I will catch up to the world
As the people stood at the precipice of madness,
as the tendrils of justice overpowered the land with ungodly strength,
so sat the man, held on high by a thousand hands.

On his left stood equality,
on his right stood freedom,
at his head lay a physics textbook,
at his feet lay a wooden cross,
in his right hand an AR-15,
in his left hand a bicycle lock.

As the cities blazed with the inferno of collective fury,
the people were rejoicing and wailing from within it,
their flesh a burnt offering to the man on high.

And he said:

“The blood of the world's enemies
shall bring it new life and succor.
The bones of those who sinned against history
will be timbered into a palace where only the good shall live.
The words of the liars will be twisted into truths
and become our new Bible, our revolutionary scripture.
So shall it be, for we are now True, Good, and Beautiful.”

And everyone,
the thousand hands which held aloft the god,
the million corpses, the sacrifices he demanded,
shocked by his words, they cried “who are you?”

And he said:

“I am of you, and of your enemies too,
for when words are gone,
and justice executes love and truth,
I am all that remains.”
The son cast his gaze upwards, eyes full of arrogant hope,
dreaming, fantasizing,
about the benevolence of his rule.

He forgets that his father’s fist and his mother’s biting tongue
are heirlooms, passed from generation to generation,
for the sins of his forebears gush through his arteries.
We are the monster hunters.

We lurk in the dark, till our prey strolls nonchalantly by.
Then we pounce on him,
our teeth plunge into his throat
and our claws tear through his belly.

Then we dine on his flesh
and drink his blood fresh from his arteries,
and we laugh, and sing, and rejoice.

For we are monster hunters.

Hunters, not monsters.
When you slay the Everything,

you leave nothing.

— The End —