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243 · Sep 2016
Frankie Newton Sep 2016
why is the last light, that anyone ever sees their own?

because everyone else's is brighter.

for the burden that seems lighter

only to burn in one's own fire
243 · Dec 2016
Frankie Newton Dec 2016
the pieces
all of them
a tiny sordid amount
of millions
all on the floor
bloodied hands
and pieces

a completely and utterly
futile exercise

"oh you know"

"the usual"

the brightest smile you'd ever see
239 · Mar 2016
How is it for you
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
Oh it is sad
To be happy
To celebrate
Without you

The smiles
The laughter
The merriment
Cannot feel as true as they should

But perhaps the worst is
Despite my grayness
Despite the sorrow
It could be worse

For you
Frankie Newton Apr 2017
you walk and talk
look and gawk
trying not to balk
and failing

and seeing

the shadow
that brings you low
makes you bow
in the shadow of giants

you lie.
230 · Jul 2016
Frankie Newton Jul 2016
Dear friend,
shame we must meet
I do love you
and your company

Only you know
what it is like
Only you
are my soul, solace

But it is
that I
have need of you

were it that we could meet for another reason,
229 · Mar 2017
for whom that we be
Frankie Newton Mar 2017
The King worked tirelessly
so that he may be kind

The King worked tirelessly
and so he thought he was kind

He worked and worked
for the people he thought

but honestly he'd think
it was for him to be kind

and so he lay on his bed
life ebbing from his head

and thought,
maybe now I am kind

but the people remembered otherwise
thus history said otherwise

and so The King
never existed at all
227 · May 2016
Frankie Newton May 2016

it is for me
maybe not for you but

it's too late now
I've been sending
calling for you

for who knows how long
sending from across
this eternal black space

but now
I hoped
this distance seems beyond me

I wanted to share with you
my hopes, dreams,
my light

I wonder what will reach you?

225 · Mar 2017
this pillar of sand we made
Frankie Newton Mar 2017
the people worked
and worked and worked

to get to the top

the king said a word
and so the top

and the people on it
were no more

left to work again
and again and again
220 · May 2016
tied and reflected
Frankie Newton May 2016
Psychedelia hey!
Psychedelia **!

What's the point?
Nobody knows!

All these images


insanity I say!
what's the point?

Is life so horrid, random, and cruel
that only-

218 · Mar 2016
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
Is this what it felt like?
To see it blooming
To see it growing

Except this time
It is not I
It is not you

I see
The smiles, constant
The warmth, sincere

It is not I
It is not you

And it hurts.
217 · Mar 2016
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
Everyone gets a day
that may be shared
but it is theirs all the same

And on that day
it must be celebrated
the fact that the world is graced by their name

That, is how it should be

However this is not so
maybe it is because
the names are too plenty?

but it is tragedy
that yours
must vanish among the many

but that, is how it is.
216 · Jan 2017
next song
Frankie Newton Jan 2017
they played that song

and everyone danced

it was lit

but it was only you

only you

love always leaves ruins in its wake my dear.
216 · Oct 2016
Frankie Newton Oct 2016
let me be your darkest moment
In the night
When you're alone

the absence
that makes one see

214 · May 2016
taking, recieving
Frankie Newton May 2016
Each kiss
another piece lost

Each lingering glance
another piece lost

Each moment of anger, borne of concern
another piece lost

Each aching moment
another piece lost

Each moment
losing more and more, of myself

Never less
Frankie Newton May 2016
I look at her

what majesty must be flowing behind
lying in her mind?

What a great privilege it is to see her work
and to wonder at what she produces-never knowing its true meaning

nevertheless it is still beautiful to see
210 · Mar 2016
Beyond the Sea
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
I’m sending you off
My dear
To beyond the sea

A place where
I have long have not been
It is a much different place now


My dear
I know you are strong, intelligent
And resourceful

But above all, I trust you

Be the person I raised you to be
Be the person I know you can be
Be all my hopes and dreams

Be safe…

As you set off, beyond the sea
210 · Feb 2017
valentine's great
Frankie Newton Feb 2017
the statues
that adorned

the great cathedral

the statues
that brought beauty, balance, perfection

to the great cathedral

perfect representations, made with love.

Were cast aside

and left to disrepair,

and now lie rotting

in some forgotten, dusty corner

the great cathedral stood tall however
with nary a bat of the eye
or the pang of conscience.

206 · May 2016
I am 5 feet tall
Frankie Newton May 2016
yet you are under my shadow
204 · Aug 2016
Frankie Newton Aug 2016
hubris is,

placing the universe in a thumbnail.
203 · Oct 2016
Frankie Newton Oct 2016
watching viewing looking


seeing you walk
talk, laugh

enjoying life

how can you be there


going out there
doing good


how do you, me?
202 · Jan 2017
the usual
Frankie Newton Jan 2017
the trouble with okay is...

when you say "are you okay"

I rarely have a good answer


or no.

as an artist this is very frustrating

all the feelings in the world

all the weight
and all the burden

brought to a

pinpricking, aching, agonizing


straight to your heart

straight to your ******* soul.

and all you got to play with

all you got to express with

all you got to express this with


yes, or no.

The trouble with okay is

you think it's okay

okay isn't okay

it's just, okay

okay is.



see how that rings?

hear how it rings?

how it sings?


finally, something

an answer

a word

that isn't

yes, or no.

truth, and lies.

but the real trouble

the real trouble

with okay


when you ask me

if I am


I'm not,

I rarely am.
200 · Aug 2016
Frankie Newton Aug 2016
a picture
in the mind

at imagined conversations

the perfect

over me

get out
get out

198 · Apr 2017
Frankie Newton Apr 2017
the thin line
you're over and under

not quite
it's work
it's work
it's work
it's work

183 · Mar 2017
by this interessence we.
Frankie Newton Mar 2017
to the moment when you lost your name
And remained only you

The moment when I knew
Caught by you

the moments when I'd see
Through to you

By permission
Or happenstance

Lucky or hubris
To have you

Lost in the stars and fire
That were your eyes

Eaten alive
With a smile
181 · Oct 2016
Frankie Newton Oct 2016
all too ready to believe in the worst in yourself

till the question becomes

who, are you?
180 · Jan 2017
Frankie Newton Jan 2017
i have this pebble

and with it

I'd like to build a mountain with you
180 · Jan 2017
177 · Jan 2017
Frankie Newton Jan 2017
here at last
I've found myself


free from the toil the grind
to find
what I fi-nally-


a better

person, I am.

I've left you behind
I'll miss...
-but no I won't

go back, no more.

you shouldn't either
don't wait, don't fret no more
cause i won't, i'm done

that's in my past.

now everything
is finally coalescing

into god knows what.

and i'll be here
find out.

167 · Feb 2017
Frankie Newton Feb 2017
I saw the stars

saw the sun

saw the world

and turned my back

to come back

to you

but you're not here anymore

but at least the world is still here

not for me but

at least

the stars do seem dimmer however...
164 · Jun 2016
Frankie Newton Jun 2016
I await
with bated breath
at the turn
of every page

every movement
as I hold you
with trembling hands
sends shivers down my body

slowly, surely
our layers fall away
baring you and I
naked and one

never shall
our lips touch,
always inches away

touched unlike anything else.
160 · Jan 2017
Frankie Newton Jan 2017
I want to love

to love

not to be

less lonely

but I love and I love

from the comfort of vainity

157 · Apr 2016
Frankie Newton Apr 2016
Humanity's pursuit of escapism
Through fiction for example
Is nothing but
The search
The need
For something that is finally
Something that is exactly
The same as
The way we truly are

— The End —