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Frankie Newton Jun 2016
I am enraptured,
completely and utterly


in this moment
in you

the beat shakes the air
my heart is stolen
and follows it

time slows achingly
slow enough to catch,
every moment

but not enough to savour,
not enough to appreciate nor inscribe,
fully into my being

yet even still
my heart soars
as now it knows

that it still can.
Jun 2016 · 164
Frankie Newton Jun 2016
I await
with bated breath
at the turn
of every page

every movement
as I hold you
with trembling hands
sends shivers down my body

slowly, surely
our layers fall away
baring you and I
naked and one

never shall
our lips touch,
always inches away

touched unlike anything else.
Jun 2016 · 257
Frankie Newton Jun 2016
I walked
along the path

it was a good day


but then we
locked eyes

and I spent an eternity in hers.
Jun 2016 · 285
Frankie Newton Jun 2016
You'll never know
how much you're worth

you'll never know
until you promise

to throw yourself
body and soul
into every endeavor

you'll never know
who you inspire

you'll never know
how much you radiate

you'll never know
how many you touch

by just being.

you'll never know.
May 2016 · 260
what ever do you see?
Frankie Newton May 2016
I love you
for nothing but
you being you.

Why can’t you see that?

You need not be, perfect.
you already were,
for me.

But you couldn’t see that

I don’t understand why you see yourself like that
I only ever saw the best of you

But you never could,

and perhaps it was the same,

for me.
May 2016 · 312
Frankie Newton May 2016
It is the greatest folly
to reduce a person
to a single trait

to write them off
as boring, or plain
these people do not understand

that simple, does not equal shallow

in each and everyone of us
is a story
most vivid,
most sublime,
unique and beautiful.

yet common themes always emerge
shared human experiences
binding us almost intrinsically

yet, always inches away

passing each other by
never knowing the others glory


never meeting nor noticing each other.

We are each,

the greatest story of their generation,

never to be read in full.
May 2016 · 214
taking, recieving
Frankie Newton May 2016
Each kiss
another piece lost

Each lingering glance
another piece lost

Each moment of anger, borne of concern
another piece lost

Each aching moment
another piece lost

Each moment
losing more and more, of myself

Never less
May 2016 · 726
Frankie Newton May 2016
Leave it all on the floor
your blood
your sweat
your tears

Leave it all
your hopes,
and dreams

bare your soul
in all its awful ****** glory

take everything

every cry of exhaustion
of pain
of fear
of disappointment

whatever they throw at you
take it
to be great is to risk weakness

a thousand-fold
every movement
every effort
every waking moment

in stark defiance
of insurmountable odds
of a defeat that seems destined,
of odds against.

Regret is for tomorrow
and this moment

May 2016 · 227
Frankie Newton May 2016

it is for me
maybe not for you but

it's too late now
I've been sending
calling for you

for who knows how long
sending from across
this eternal black space

but now
I hoped
this distance seems beyond me

I wanted to share with you
my hopes, dreams,
my light

I wonder what will reach you?

May 2016 · 732
Frogs after rain
Frankie Newton May 2016
The wet smell
that comes before the rain
permeates the air

slowly it comes
little at first
then all at once

some find comfort in this
huddling in their rooms,
in their blankets and sweaters

others also look forward to its end
waiting for the sun
for the rainbow after the rain

but no
this time it's just mud, cold
and frogs after rain.
May 2016 · 256
The Cellar
Frankie Newton May 2016
A shout
a scream


splashes & spurts


A frantic look
a door

A shout
a scream

May 2016 · 1.3k
Frankie Newton May 2016
Where the sun sets
just for you

Where even the tiniest apartment
can compare to the Sistine

Where you can't say it's picturesque
for you are in it

Beauty not found in reality
yet a reflection of it
May 2016 · 206
I am 5 feet tall
Frankie Newton May 2016
yet you are under my shadow
Frankie Newton May 2016
It hurts less now,
I'm sorry

It hurts less now,
a smile

I'm doing well, I'll say
if you ask

I could be better, I won't say
for it's better that way

I can live again, thankfully
but I wish

that I wasn't leaving.
May 2016 · 220
tied and reflected
Frankie Newton May 2016
Psychedelia hey!
Psychedelia **!

What's the point?
Nobody knows!

All these images


insanity I say!
what's the point?

Is life so horrid, random, and cruel
that only-

May 2016 · 313
A Damm Horrid Dilemma
Frankie Newton May 2016
i think,
about everything
every little thing
wether it be the way I walk
Or how best to converse

So much that I unconsiously remove myself from the world and everything in it

Yet even then
I end up thinking,
About nothing at all
Throwing thought aside

And depending on feeling alone
May 2016 · 249
Creature Comfort
Frankie Newton May 2016
Creature comfort
Creature comfort
Make life easier for me please

Free me from my slavery
From impulse that enraptures
and acts born of passion

Acts that take me where no rational man would go

But were it to be so
Would posses only the mind
And not the heart

And then what would we be?
Frankie Newton May 2016
I look at her

what majesty must be flowing behind
lying in her mind?

What a great privilege it is to see her work
and to wonder at what she produces-never knowing its true meaning

nevertheless it is still beautiful to see
May 2016 · 2.5k
Frankie Newton May 2016
From the outside
looking at my country

do not laugh
do not mock
do not decry this
as the collective scream

of a nation gone mad

understand that
this is not a choice born of madness

but rather
this is a choice born of desperation

a cry

of every mother who can't feed her children
of every father working multiple jobs, just to provide
of every child born into a suffering they will never rise from
of every person who has to beg on the streets

hoping, begging for things to change
May 2016 · 266
down the road chosen
Frankie Newton May 2016
when the killings start
and bodies pile up

when people disappear
never to be heard from again

when the freedom fought so hard for
is silenced forever

when the streets run red with blood
and the night filled with the cries of grieving mothers

when this all happens
and you wonder why

know that
this was our choice
#philippines #elections #godhelpusall
Apr 2016 · 157
Frankie Newton Apr 2016
Humanity's pursuit of escapism
Through fiction for example
Is nothing but
The search
The need
For something that is finally
Something that is exactly
The same as
The way we truly are
Apr 2016 · 244
gasoline rainbows
Frankie Newton Apr 2016
Perhaps the greatest tragedy
Of humanity

is that for humanity
to see beauty

in all its entirety

has to endure tragedy
Mar 2016 · 355
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
I wonder
How does it feel?
To keep grasping at it
Yet never the real thing

For you are too afraid

You dance the dance
Know the movement
But again I wonder
With ache in my heart

If you know the warmth that should come with it?

Maybe one day
You’ll come to know it
That rush and loss of breath
And nevermore

Will you have to pretend
Mar 2016 · 244
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
beneath the surface
never to be seen


Glimpses of the depth
ever so fleeting
present themselves


how does one know
if these are true?
Only you can say


maybe one day
I will see it too, if you permit
but that day has not come

Mar 2016 · 217
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
Everyone gets a day
that may be shared
but it is theirs all the same

And on that day
it must be celebrated
the fact that the world is graced by their name

That, is how it should be

However this is not so
maybe it is because
the names are too plenty?

but it is tragedy
that yours
must vanish among the many

but that, is how it is.
Mar 2016 · 305
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
I have looked up at you
up above where you lie
Idolizing you

You have been my muse
pushing me, to heights
never before reached

But now as I rise
above and beyond
I aim

To achieve the unthinkable
to rise higher and higher
So that one day

You will look up to me.
Mar 2016 · 336
90 km in the 40 zone
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
Oh you,
Consume me
Set me aflame

I want it

Send me to ruination
Destroy everything that I am
Every fiber


Take this dance
With me
And let us

Disappear in our own destruction
Mar 2016 · 218
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
Is this what it felt like?
To see it blooming
To see it growing

Except this time
It is not I
It is not you

I see
The smiles, constant
The warmth, sincere

It is not I
It is not you

And it hurts.
Mar 2016 · 210
Beyond the Sea
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
I’m sending you off
My dear
To beyond the sea

A place where
I have long have not been
It is a much different place now


My dear
I know you are strong, intelligent
And resourceful

But above all, I trust you

Be the person I raised you to be
Be the person I know you can be
Be all my hopes and dreams

Be safe…

As you set off, beyond the sea
Mar 2016 · 399
See the forest
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
See the forest for the trees
I told myself
You’ve been staring at the same one
All your life

Out of all the trees you could see
You had to see this one
And only this one

For all the lush green pines
The strong old oaks
The verdant maples
You see this… thing

And it ruins
It sours
It burns
Everything good

See the forest for the trees
And maybe then…

Maybe you’ll be alright
Mar 2016 · 494
Onward they shall go
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
I live on the precipice
Leaning in over the edge
And I see

All the wonder
All the splendor
That we will achieve

But it is not my place to take us there
To where our potential lies
To undergo the journey


I am relegated
Bound by time
To be an observer

Never has it been so ruinous to be alive now
I was not the never-was
I was the never-could
Mar 2016 · 239
How is it for you
Frankie Newton Mar 2016
Oh it is sad
To be happy
To celebrate
Without you

The smiles
The laughter
The merriment
Cannot feel as true as they should

But perhaps the worst is
Despite my grayness
Despite the sorrow
It could be worse

For you

— The End —