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Taxi stranger please
Forgive my eyes for wondering around your temple, for such beauty has rendered me speechless, for such beauty should be a crime 😊. You could be the reason why I use taxis forever... in the faith of meeting you once more🤗
let’s make a fairytale, you will be beauty and I will be can only wonder if such beauty reflects the inner beauty🤔?
I hope you are waiting like Rapunzel  to let down your heart and I will be the princess to promise to catch it and take care of it.
I don’t believe in love at first sight But you got me writing this words at first sight 😊
I need someone to talk to,  I mean I do the talking  and u will listen, I know u have ur own problems... and I shouldn't be making  my problems ur problems but please listen to me before I start thinking  that this pills are my only friends... I am not saying that my problems are better/worse than urs, I am just saying that i need someone to talk to. I am sorry  that I am shouting  at u but this pain is loud so I have to be louder... I need someone to talk to, please don't tell me to go the therapist or get professional help because they will just ask me "How does that make u feel ?" For a whole hour because to them I am just a pay cheque. I need someone to talk to, it's okay u can answer where needed, but some questions are rhetorical,they don't need an answer to them... I need someone to talk to.
Sometimes you just someone who would listen to you
When i said i am an open book, i meant that u should read me as i am.
i didn't mean that u should annotate me add ur own understanding, make assumptions, label me  or call me names.
say my name as the cover page is titled.
please don't take out any pages in me just because you don't like those pages.
do not make ***** by spreading rumors about me, say it as it is in the book. Please don't judge me based on who read me,  how could you judge winter by its ability  to shine like summer.
And ooh i forgot i also come in audio for those who cant read or see.
add value in this open book by covering me, with love  and don't destory me by summarising  me.
How dare u use my low self esteem to block my vocabulary.
How dare you use my religion to judge me.
How dare you use my past to constrain my movement.
How dare you tell me that I will not amount to  an ounce.
How dare you think that I need your validation.
How dare you blind me and all I can see is darkness.
How dare you limit my abilities.
How dare you let my ego take the best of me.
How dare me for listening to you
How dare you think that I  need your approval or your conformation.
how dare I ?
You are your own enemy
It's a mean place where people make judgements about u.
the world makes you  feel small so that it can feel better about itself.
A place  where u have to do certain things and not do certain things in order to fit in. A place where you have to be someone  u are not, and conform to the norms and values of it so that it can accept u.
most of the low class people never seem to make it in this mean world.
A place where pain and sadness are trying to be friends with you.
A place  where your success is not often celebrated but only brings heart ache to the world.
A place where unemployment wants to be part of your family.
A place when **** is written inmost women's forehead.
the world is a place where u have to get pieces of paper called money to make it. A place where love has lost its value, where fear has became houses that people live in.
A place where joy finds you cheating and decides to leave you.
*that is how the world is

— The End —