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386 · May 2018
sweet temtation
yachev May 2018
Sparkling eyes watching over
As I live a dreadful dream
An eased and gentle face watching over
such as a flower that none has seen
Glorious thunder falling over
as my mind devoured by an awful scream
Lustful eyes sinking over
as I ache for places that I've never been
sweet temptation luring over
So I drink with ease and just
give in.
162 · May 2018
Far from the ground
yachev May 2018
gray day with showers
my soul blooms
like a garden of flowers
clear late night hours
and the view of the city
from these bright
sky towers
our heart devours
and leave us without
any powers.
127 · May 2018
yachev May 2018
So I picked you

Like you pick the most beautiful flower from a poor garden.

Didn't even give you a choice

You were doomed to fade in time
with me
so I took out your roots, as well.
123 · May 2018
for her
yachev May 2018
i should have left her; set her free
many times that crossed my mind,
not once i had the courage to do so
that meant to leave the only
part that was left of me
and it wasn't  much

sunk slowly under my skin
silenced the demons inside me
she was the only one who
could dance with my madness
as if i was her song

a melody playing only
for her

— The End —