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TG Hinchcliff Aug 2015
Sarah Bella
poured her coffee
in the cool, cool evening.

old cricket
racket blooming.

cup is
black, No Sugar.

her red lips
on down to her shoes.
May 2015 · 403
Between Two Lines
TG Hinchcliff May 2015
The parking lot
Me wondering why
Always turn away from me.
Radio music
Over the low
Rumble of someone's engine.

Sundays aren't easy.
Mar 2015 · 513
Get Stung
TG Hinchcliff Mar 2015
Everything alive is behind the Redwood Curtain.
Somewhere west of Holy trinity, Oregon Pass and further still.
River stones into the Pacific, swept.
Parked vans on the 299 indicate a prolonged ****-stop.
An old man has been camping in the same spot for 10 days straight,
waiting on the radio.
You listen in about the 9/11 inside job and then tune the **** out.
There's a banjo being tuned in knee-high agua while the steelies
dive too deep on a meal.
Just beyond Blue Lake,
the skinned knees of Grandmothers and wizard bums
bleed into your morning coffee.
And if you haven't been stung in Fieldbrook
then what good are you?
Mar 2015 · 400
Ramblin' Sunday Farm Blues
TG Hinchcliff Mar 2015
Paint chips and coffee grounds keep me awake at night.
The lonely, baggy-eyed stranger with sight wary for headlights.
Great murderer of self and carrier of glad tidings for dogs.
With nose stained color of Earth and eyes stained color of rain.
Only one mother.
Only one father.
One in the same as by all.
Elbows cut deeply by Ida's scratch.
Ego cut deeper than that.
Empty space, gimme, gimme, gimme.
Wilting flowers on family room tables leave everything humble as hell,
while the dog takes everything for granted.
Familiar shapes and sounds threaten humanity while everything else
quietly changes.
One golden band on your middle-finger while ring-finger smiles.
She who understands the bite of rain on spring-stained fields.

The riot of March rain swings through the hills and into the orchard.
Ma and Pa are getting soaked, I bet.
Feet trampin' through mud and straw for many foggy miles.
They let me believe in the wet-winged discovery of truth.

This truth, the low neon light of lowlife bars while red-lipped German
girls beckon from cigarette breaks in the distant corners of the world.
I cried for your brother under a bright red light after the *** and coke had done me in.

When I awoke the next morning, I took a train to the Amersee to make sure that there was a church that I could get drunk inside of.
Please, please, please let there be a girl in the Alps wearing cowboy boots.
Feb 2015 · 299
It's OK
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2015
Well now that we're older
things don't seem quite as bad.
It's best to have lost
than to never have had.

Though roses have thorns
and people can change.
Your life can't be trusted
till it's all rearranged.

Well it never seemed wrong
to stay out all night.
And then eat at a diner
at the first sign of light.

But if you burn all your bridges
you got no way to cross.
And that river won't carry
your sorrow and loss.

You're not the people you knew
the bad or the good.
You're not the words that were said
or misunderstood.

If your mirror get's broken
don't let your heart do the same.
Even the coldest of winters
is killed with a flame.

Well I know how you're feelin'
cuz we're in the same boat.
Out on that river
much better to float.

Though the eyes that you loved
have left you or closed.
Well they left you here starin'
with eyes brighter than most.
Feb 2015 · 346
Home Sweet Loneliness
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2015
They promised rain
for five
days straight.
You were all alone
in that
little home
where no one
really liked
to go.
The fireplace was cold
and the mailbox
couldn't fill your pockets.
You slept on the floor
in a raggedy
nest of blankets
and loved a
paper bag
twice a day.
Old pictures made
realize that Mom & Pop
were kids
at night when you would
lay awake
you could hear
the trees
and the wind
plotting to **** you.
By morning you
that both you and the kitty
on your doorstep
were hungry.
But only
she deserved to eat.
You drank
coffee at 12:13 PM
your breakfast.
Two cans of orange soda
made you start
God again.
The deer trespassed
as they pleased.
You realized that you weren't
scared to walk
down the hallway
at night
I wish you could have
seen your
when it started raining.
But I wish
more than anything
you could have
seen this coming.
is a
Jan 2015 · 397
TG Hinchcliff Jan 2015
Oh my word
you have it, you have it.
Take it in your turquoise fingers.
Stuttering through cold Hamburg streets.
Every frigid whisper
your cheek
for an instant.
This city,
bound with rope,
glimmers off of your breast
at the edge of the water and at the edge of the night.
I could sink
so easily.
But unlike all of those drunken fish
You chose me.
My word on your name.
Negin, Negin, Negin.
May 2014 · 279
TG Hinchcliff May 2014
"I'd rather buy a
pack of
of cigarettes."


The smoke
pouring from her lips
no colors
at all.
May 2014 · 376
Somewhere in Eugene
TG Hinchcliff May 2014
I saw
all of your cassettes
that left
your left hand and
deep into my pocket
where a 5 bill slept
it was quite
warm so in you
and a little bit
of the bits I kept
can be bought
or traded or stolen or
for a limited time only
to those who have wept
in the dark
on strange pathways to stranger yet
Mar 2014 · 463
TG Hinchcliff Mar 2014
From softest rose
I steal your hue
to hold you in my mind.
On plane of white
With sullen thought
I'll sneak to hide desire
But here it lies
This naked flower
The one I call Irene.
Mar 2014 · 293
Just a Little While
TG Hinchcliff Mar 2014
With her,
It was always ***.
An absolute meltdown of passion
At least twice a day for half of the year.
No words or even sounds.
Only two bodies convinced of love.
When both of us had one thing in mind.
Close the curtains
Block the sun and all hope of greeting the day.
The most beautiful dungeon
In the world
Was mine
For just a little while.
Feb 2014 · 532
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Oh, dear sweet one.
If you ever
beneath the glass
I could only ask of you
your promise
hold fast.
It is not the tree
and withered
your blossom-body, chaste,
that sets aside
a destiny
fits you with a mask.
I am not Buddy,
Gordon, Irwin,
in your past.
I'll wait till Spring
to call for them
Ms. Greenwood
and Ms. Plath.
Feb 2014 · 590
Jet Black Girls
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Had to get out
From our second hand world
To a cinder block warehouse
With jet black girls
Racing away
From the carpeted walls

Out in the night
Immortality calls

Six pack of tall boys
Shoved down my pants
My life was saved
By Darby Crash
Co Co puffs
With Mr. Scratch

Out in the night
Immortality calls

Inside the Masque
With Alley Cats
Someone sprayed ***
Across my back
My drunken crush
On Mary Rat

Out in the night
Immortality calls
Jet Black Girls: Song written by Coats/Morris of OFF!
Feb 2014 · 618
Hungover in A Minor.
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
The daisy daylight
my windows
like an old guitar
beaten into
From my pillows
and hangover
I build a fortress
to protect
from ever mistakenly
away from loneliness
your resplendent song.
Feb 2014 · 302
For Elizabeth
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
My dear
East Coast ******.
If you gave me one second
I would rob
the calendar
and give you the summer.
Feb 2014 · 304
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
My lungs expand
Everything looks tasty
Hello couch
Feb 2014 · 337
Hot Stuff
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
some flame
into the wide open
spaces of your heart
and charge through
all of the arson
you have created
with matches
and no pants.

Feb 2014 · 526
Chicken Frypan Blues
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Where are all the old
White beards with pockets
as empty
As the eyes of the ol bums
on 5th ave.
Daughters whose fingers grew heavy
with gold.
Whose skin went cold like
Coffee in the breeze.

They still scribble verses
On bathroom stalls, arms and
They stay drunk on wine from
the corner store.
And make sweet love in apartment
Only when the rain comes do they

Their notes & teeth have
And the bright boys now have
strange names.
Henry & Lester & Edgar & Frederick
& Vincent St. Clair.
Whose food stamps were used on
junk food banquets.
Their cats don't even call them

Dangerous Betty whispers into her
She has been in the kitchen
all day.
which is also her bedroom, also her workspace,
also her home.
And the door cries out a good "knock, knock,
She answers the call but finds no one

Seven old dogs tear through
the garbage.
Old lists, letters, Valentine's Day
love poems.
One reads, "Your ***** as
a Blossom."
One is blank except for "Dearest
Matthew," Dated 1983.
Six dogs scratch & snap while one chokes
on an insincere apology.

At 7:59 AM the street is
Morning bloom.
Men in suits call each other
A mother pumps gas for $10 an
At 8:01 AM the show is
Somewhere in the air are children's
Feb 2014 · 423
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
She likes to drink
But she aint no $5 wine.
I'd like for her grapes
to be crushed with mine.

She gave me a cigarette in
the monotonous rain.
Divided two ways in time
on separate plains.

Begging the night to surround
our carnivorous dance.
Boring futures delighted
as victims of chance.

Wild eyes white & burning
while arms black & blue.
Oh darling, devoid of the void
catch me like the flu.
Feb 2014 · 3.5k
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
I was eating a
in the kitchen
listening to Bob Dylan
& thinking
the taken girl
who shows up at
the bar
on Wednesdays.
She is the last
wonder of this world.
I smiled
the ceiling and then
turned off
The song was over.
Feb 2014 · 471
Lady Danger Blues
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
The Lady, Danger
Sneaking down streets innumerable
with breath of Eden
and words
of poison.
All lonely in the wintertime.
She freezes with the bums
and lights a fire
in the chest
of every man she passes.
All whom she sees
she greets
with a whisper gone frail.
Each bed she visits
is a childhood
and everyone who knows
doesn't really seem to know.
The Lady, Danger
A crumpled dollar bill
is dinner time
at last.
Feb 2014 · 475
The Geese Won't Fly
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Caught a red-eye
Chasing women
dressed as angels
dressed as oceans
dressed as saviors from the bleak.
Another grey morning where
the geese
won't fly and
the water grins up at you
you to jump.
swim into existence
and chip
away the headstones of the
long gone.
away the years
and childhood fears of
falling and failing
and finally grow stale
with the
old bounty of happiness.
the current
until your knees
that they will weep
red tears.
Think about it.
Feb 2014 · 637
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
The hills at dusk
are calling
out to all
these evening lovelies.
Bring everything.
Your toes
and your tails.
Your books
and your new
pure, painted purple

The old, rotten dogs
hear it too.
A whistle
most crystal
bursting across
and tulips
and Queen Elizabeth tea-time.
It calls to all:

Rise from
your planks.
Don't just beg
for bones
but give thanks.
You have
scarce a penny left
but Lincoln will forgive you
For wanting to be free.

The river stones are
in their places
and unabashed
to wash their faces.
they won't blink an eye
when it all
simply crashes.
Cuz all the water
is but an old
From the Mississippi
to the
Valley Floor.

these brave children
aint used to cryin'
cuz they have
it all.
Their eyes were only
red cuz
they let the Devil
Look around lucky ones.

Everyone out here
is gonna
Call it Quits
40 Days
40 Nights
40 Years
40 fits.
That garden is a danger
Where a beast
is sure
Thank you Ma'am
The first real gift to give.

Running wild
Break your necks
Don't go up There
Better Here
Is Finally
Feb 2014 · 255
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
I want to color you
into the sky
with infinite lines
and let the sunlight
turn to shade
when it sees
Feb 2014 · 631
Scribbles on the Porch
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Misty hilled
like a rainbow
exploding from the
Tree of Life.
The jaded madmen
and women
who lost their luster
long ago.
They are all on a
one way trip
in reverse
and empty of all verses.
The fluid love
that has kept me
is dry and dying
like the
bones of Ophelia
she bit the big one.
And the no-nonsense
say it aint right
to freeze in bluejeans under
while sippin' on
dreams of wild foxes
in endless
We could
prove em incorrect
by holding
our breath underwater
for fourteen
then erupt from the tide
w/ hearts
as hard
as diamonds.
It's a lucrative business
pull the wool
down till we think
of nothing.
Feb 2014 · 382
West the Eastern Way
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Her hair
is all ambrosia roses.
Each one dying
for my fingertips.
through art
hidden beneath the books.
Brown eyes
to dim the stars.
All of it.
Out there.
Feb 2014 · 384
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
There's a
black cat on the roof
a girl with
Coca-Cola skin.
One surely
is an omen for bad luck
& the other
is merely

leafy Whiteaker
alive w/
& my reflection in the windows.
Alive w/
strange breeze &
all that is carried w/ it.

Curiosity is killing
but somehow keeping
me alive.
Tossing and Turning on
the cold banks
of the

Ice water that
creeps into the
street & sweeps up
while children bellow
from beyond.

is a weight
that they have yet to know.

They are wild
& sick w/ the
fresh evenings of the future.
Mondays &
that you & I shall never
ever see.

For now,
All I have is the girl.
Black Cat
has long since fled.

Feb 2014 · 523
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Rad-ee-oh a' rumblin'
Ridin' hard
into & outta all
I'm being chased
into the
by piano keys
all sorts.
Crumblin' boogie
all, like, bumbling along
into wee-hour
Three week ol'
Greetin' daylight
But I'm just
24 year old garbage
gripin' white
middle class
YOU know it.
And the
Fridge cries
the whole night LONG.
Somewhere else
Minor chords
Ring out from guitar, old-fashioned.
*After this
I promise.
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
16 oz Can Blues
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
I wonder if the music
is too loud
or if I
am just too soft.

Cut my lip
bleddin' blues into can
My sunglasses
are $ store commodity
& clothes thrifty.
Got my all-cotton
white shirts
runnin' roun Tejas
Gallopin' legless
this can
& that can
Bone dead ol' wives tale.
A little trickery
Here, there, everywhere
Justa make
ma shoes fit.

Cuz no matter where ya walk there are bagpipes in the rain.

Don't forget
bout the ol'
Beer cans in the road
And numb legs
in Amsterdam Canals.
Oh buddy, & I'm
drinkin' another.
An just like that:
The blood had run
And my
was DONE.
Feb 2014 · 598
The Fiddler in the Mud
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
His sheet of music
was a damp
Lazily placed on
the ground
to his left.
His violin
whined slow
& sincere
While engines overhead
roared toward

But that was nonsense.
This was real.

Reminded me of
tough, lucky
A fighter & a
fiddler in his
own right.
This muddied man clouded the air
With a mournful
story that
defeated all wisdom.
I drank coffee
afterward in a
small shop.

But the warmth was gone.
Feb 2014 · 335
10:08 PM
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
The nocturnal ones get it.
Spindly Children
Swimming in the delicious uncertainty
of being
Long gone bonkers
for each moaning breath
And every dying streetlight.
the complicated flicker
Begins at sunset
and ends w/ the last
sip of wine.
Lost in woebegone
& Everywhere.
The alleys
the roads
the yards
the smiles
are meant to lay down
all trouble.
Don't sleep.
I mean it.
Everything is happening
& dying all at once
just like you.
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Two days in
And Kansas approaches with arms outstretched.
It began with me in trust of reaching Colorado
Unharmed and unabated.
But my windshield was
Covered in dirt, grime, and debris left over from
The truckdrivers of this entire country.
Behind me I left
The frozen fields of Illinois, the Old Civil War battlefields that still smoke and steam
And divide us
And I left my cousin somewhere with his moaning girl in a dark apartment
Most importantly,
I left behind unfulfilled wants for selfish, future me.
On the road ahead was
And that was all that I could possibly know.
Beyond in the clutches of California
was a romantic relationship, doomed to perish
And disappear too quickly from this world, just like the kind eyes of my father.
But first,
There was Kansas.
The plains screaming to me that
If I was to get home without incident,
I first had to scrape through this entire state
And earn that icy rest stop in eastern Colorado.
Where I might lay my head and dream beautiful dreams
About the furious sadness that lay ahead of me.
Every radio station was a blazing relief from
The fascinating void of this state that only goes East to West.
I thought often, “Where the **** am I?”
Half-way through, I suffer from
The tragic beauty of no gas stations
No restaurants
No hotels
No people
For over three hours.
And when you realize that your oasis in the desert
Is McDonalds and a place to fill your car up with regular, well
That is all you need to realize.
That is all you need to realize that insanity is not too far off.
And at first you will be giddy.
I was at least.
Countless radio talk shows about the truth of God and the comeuppance of man.
Maybe they’re right.
Moses wandered for 40 years and I can’t handle 4 days in my car.
NPR repeats stories of how Gays should legally be able to marry and **** when they want to.
But no music, where did it all go, man? Where is the great Blues Music of
I start singing to myself, making up noises, nonsensical rhymes.
On-the-spot poetry that, when recorded, sounds like the words of a boy trapped in his car
Somewhere in America.
And there it is.
Welcome to Colorado.
Wait…the moon is full and I just drove through all of Kansas in the majesty of the night?
I want it all back.
This whole state, this whole region, this entire country.
But all I have is that cold rest stop in the plains of eastern Colorado
Just west of Kansas.
All of the danger ahead of me seems colder still.
“I made it, Kansas! What do you think?”
She answers, “I don’t think much, all you did was use me to get where you needed to go.”
That night
Was the loneliest night
I ever had.
Feb 2014 · 4.1k
Redheaded Letdown
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Two times in four years
We allowed ourselves to be wild.
We found a dark room and four years later
a backseat in an even
Darker vehicle.
The second time was the best
Because I felt twice as bad by the end
But twice as satisfied.
I fell in lust for one hot week
And because of this,
The only fault is my own.
But it still hurts
Worse than losing someone that I
Have l loved every day forever
When I think of your red hair spilling like wine
In some bed
With someone else.
At least you let me have a taste.
I guess I should be grateful.
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Where in the world
Was I standing when all of the school buses were abandoned?
The voices of the trees
What did they have to say about today’s execution?
Unusual world.
With a masterful patience for precision.
The maladroit tremors of each moment
Are as fleeting as the smoke beneath the lampshade.
What was the weather like
When all of the airplanes fell from the sky?
How many dentists died for no reason
On the day that I was born?
Just as easily as the wine from my glass
Can the tears of millions spill to the Earth
And run, disappearing into each crack and crevice
Into the Night.
It seems so awfully heavy
All of this.
Chase all of the answers deep into the evening.
Scrape and scratch at all who pass.
Contaminate the world with your selfish story.
If you dare.
Feb 2014 · 329
The Worst
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Looking back on that failed relationship
I think I see where
The most important decision
Was made.
Even though her couch
And her tears
Swallowed me whole for more
Than two hours straight,
The world outside kept on spinning.
Lovers were finding shady areas to lay.
Children were out playing in the
Millions of yards of the world.
Sad men were dying from dry throats
Or throats that had too much to drink.
The spinning would not
Stop for us.
She was the second woman
That I had heard cry that day.
Although her tears were
More panicked and in a way,
Scared for life without another.
The first sobs that had reached my ears
Were from a woman
Who also had to face a life
without another.
In fact
Life itself would face everything
Without him.
I heard both women cry
And I almost wish that I too had wept.
In the end
I stayed with the woman
Who’s tears hurt the worst.
That made
The difference.
Feb 2014 · 445
A Pistol in the Pond
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
A saintly cabdriver
High in the mountains of Arizona
Once told me to try to never be cynical.
Live in the now, you won’t regret it.
His own son
Had given his life to negativity.
I never saw the driver’s face
But I know he had a moustache
And I imagine his face was lined
With many years of the winters of Flagstaff
And the harsh wisdom of all creation.
I tipped him two dollars after
The ride was over.
I probably should have also told him
Thanks for saving my life
Thanks to you
For imparting these golden thoughts
I hope things work out between you and your boy.
But I didn’t.
Instead I got in my car
And pointed the headlights
For New Mexico.
It was a long drive.
That was many months ago
And it has been a crazy ride ever since.
I remember every single woman
That I have “loved.”
I remember all of the friends
Whose shoulders were but precipices for understanding.
I even remember what I had for breakfast this morning
Or what new horror story the news had for me a month ago.
But I will forget those things soon enough.
The cabdriver
Who’s name I never even asked for
High in the San Francisco Mountains
Of Arizona
Spinning his wheels all around a city
Filled with
People that really just want him to drive them somewhere.
He drove me somewhere.
I just don’t know where.
The perfect thing is that
Once he was gone
He was gone.
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
That love we had which predates June
Kept us in fits all afternoon.
Her sky-stained eyes sang ***** tunes.
Bluer being than bluest moons.
All around her fresh lagoon
I swam and sank and spoke too soon.
A brighter night from this was hewn
And on a page the tale was strewn.
A voice that rang inopportune
And ears to its hum immune.
Feb 2014 · 607
Boots on the Ground
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
The night was filled with a
severe tranquility.
Each pocket jingling and jangling
With emptiness.
Even the clouds were
Only holy silence of the untame.
Natural humility.
Clever disruption of all that
Which is frightening
And strange.
Unique, fresh
The children began to smash things.
Feb 2014 · 310
W. 5th Ave.
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
The men here walk
With their lives on their backs.
Some lope up and down the road for hours, days even.
Cardboard signs strewn about reading, “PORTLAND,” “SOUTH,”
Some sleep in the parks whacked
On a drug-induced trip
Whacked from the long trip of life.
You can tell they are tired,
Can’t you?
Girls will sometimes cross the street
In tears.
They really don’t care if you see them that way.
But they don’t seem to care about much.
Crying babies pushed in strollers
Down the avenue for miles
While their mothers talk on cellphones
About something that they probably shouldn’t.
The grass in the park is green and wet from the rain,
Still a homeless man lies there.
Asleep for just a little bit longer.
And as a train rumbles into town, you realize
That soon there will be more
Of them.
This town was meant for the strange.
What’s more, it all makes you finally realize that
All along, you have been the strangest of all.
The whistle in the distance
“Welcome home.”
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
The afternoon was pink roses and damp cement.
First avenue carried breeze with news
Of a man who sang trainsong lament
And old busted body blues.
Another stared as eyes would stray,
Soon after, angry Spanish spoken
A Latina girl ignites the day
All ears that heard, a-smokin’.
The walls were all as nonsense written.
Every broad in town was busy.
I waste away my time just sittin’
Cuz standing makes me dizzy.
The roads were cut, and clean, and scripted
Bumpy, tidy, to and fro.
This is where the legs had drifted
All those words ago.
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Hey, you angels.
You who aint sinners, or spinners, or
Kindling for hell.
All you strangers,
Everything for nothin’, or everything for
What you compel.
Don’t be afraid
To echo your sadness and nourish
Each empty glove.
If she was a maid
She’d be made to be glad and flourish
And seek love.
So we’re enchanted
By that which we buy and save
Lucky tomorrow.
We stay where we’re planted
In homes, small towns, and caves
Break don’t borrow.
Hey, believers.
Wake up to his starry breath
Break bread and bottles.
Don’t deceive her.
The woman put to death
For reading Aristotle.
Hey, you hills.
The ones just over there and gone.
Sleepy stones.
A Patient’s pills.
The one’s right here and on and on.
Are for kidney stones.
Don’t keep
You are of a different kind
Collected or thrown.
Try not to sleep
The clock and your bones will grind
You were barely known.
Feb 2014 · 521
Step Inside of Everything
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
There’s a statue of
Rembrandt in Amsterdam and
Beneath his feet I once got ******
With a funny German man who would die
Soon after in a dreadful accident
Involving a beautiful waterfall.
There’s a five-foot ****
Just West of Sacramento
That got me so ripped,
As well as one of my best friend’s
Brothers who soon after rolled
His car and went away from the Earth.
There are some beautiful mountains
In California and
In their shadow I got red-eyed
With a May-Queen so beautiful
That she just would not
Be long for this world.
There’s a ridge outside of Vegas
That looks like a naked woman on her back and
It was pointed out to me
By the man I call, “Pa.”
I wasn’t ****** that time.
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Barefoot in the street
Toes stubbed and scratched from wicked
The chill of fall carries
The waning sunlight into the trees.
It turns their leaves
Red as wine,
Killing them with beauty.
Voices carry
But they reveal nothing.
Everyone sees the boy in the road
Taking a photograph
And then walking off
By the time the sky has dimmed
Everything is
Just beginning.
Where is the promise of
painful truth and
the bitter surprise
of comfort?
Don’t let it catch
You sleeping
While the real daydream
Has come.
Feb 2014 · 634
Pretty Little Sunday
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Lou Reed
And was
Velvet Underground.
The streets
The leaves
Kept falling.
The grass
And so were
A single
Lay in the road
From debauchery
I’m sure.
A day like
Is enough
The night
A day like
Is enough
Is enough.
I see
In the puddles
The morning.
We are all
At first
And then
At last.
Feb 2014 · 944
The Trumpet and the Bell
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
The story begins
Just a touch of
The color
It was meant to be
Tall tale
Told by old men
And bright
And lovers
Late nights
And springtime.
I’m sorry
For your silence
I only meant
For you to
The time
You could have had
Singing beneath
Feb 2014 · 983
The Baker from Bakersfield
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Her arm carries
The compass rose
Pointing North, South, East
And Best of all
Is her
Soft mutter in
Between cigarettes.
In a darkened
Bar on main street
She sat still
Enough to **** me.
2 in the morning
I gave her
And a kiss.
I tried to push
Her further
And it only pushed
Her out
The door.
More than ever
I want more.

— The End —