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TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
My dear
East Coast ******.
If you gave me one second
I would rob
the calendar
and give you the summer.
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
My lungs expand
Everything looks tasty
Hello couch
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
some flame
into the wide open
spaces of your heart
and charge through
all of the arson
you have created
with matches
and no pants.

TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
Where are all the old
White beards with pockets
as empty
As the eyes of the ol bums
on 5th ave.
Daughters whose fingers grew heavy
with gold.
Whose skin went cold like
Coffee in the breeze.

They still scribble verses
On bathroom stalls, arms and
They stay drunk on wine from
the corner store.
And make sweet love in apartment
Only when the rain comes do they

Their notes & teeth have
And the bright boys now have
strange names.
Henry & Lester & Edgar & Frederick
& Vincent St. Clair.
Whose food stamps were used on
junk food banquets.
Their cats don't even call them

Dangerous Betty whispers into her
She has been in the kitchen
all day.
which is also her bedroom, also her workspace,
also her home.
And the door cries out a good "knock, knock,
She answers the call but finds no one

Seven old dogs tear through
the garbage.
Old lists, letters, Valentine's Day
love poems.
One reads, "Your ***** as
a Blossom."
One is blank except for "Dearest
Matthew," Dated 1983.
Six dogs scratch & snap while one chokes
on an insincere apology.

At 7:59 AM the street is
Morning bloom.
Men in suits call each other
A mother pumps gas for $10 an
At 8:01 AM the show is
Somewhere in the air are children's
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
She likes to drink
But she aint no $5 wine.
I'd like for her grapes
to be crushed with mine.

She gave me a cigarette in
the monotonous rain.
Divided two ways in time
on separate plains.

Begging the night to surround
our carnivorous dance.
Boring futures delighted
as victims of chance.

Wild eyes white & burning
while arms black & blue.
Oh darling, devoid of the void
catch me like the flu.
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
I was eating a
in the kitchen
listening to Bob Dylan
& thinking
the taken girl
who shows up at
the bar
on Wednesdays.
She is the last
wonder of this world.
I smiled
the ceiling and then
turned off
The song was over.
TG Hinchcliff Feb 2014
The Lady, Danger
Sneaking down streets innumerable
with breath of Eden
and words
of poison.
All lonely in the wintertime.
She freezes with the bums
and lights a fire
in the chest
of every man she passes.
All whom she sees
she greets
with a whisper gone frail.
Each bed she visits
is a childhood
and everyone who knows
doesn't really seem to know.
The Lady, Danger
A crumpled dollar bill
is dinner time
at last.
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