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Bryant Nov 2018
When you swim in the bay, you must watch out for sharks
Or red tide
Or all the **** that aims to feed on you

Please be sure to know
Everybody hates you
When all they care about is themselves

They hate themselves
I hate myself
For my rejection of the notion of innate evilness


Way back in the way when
They were innocent
Much like myself

You only find yourself in the consul of thives when you have fenced all your purest possessions

Your soul

Brings in the value of a pund of flesh
Cut me
Cleave my meat
Sadly you will see
It takes a lot of salt to dry the bitterness out of me
Bryant Nov 2018
Starved angel
Crippled wings
Snared in freedom's strings

Heaven born
Luckless lady locked in Limbo's scorn

Tell me girl, do you hear the Rapture's triumphant horn?
Calling you to remove all your trifles and thorns

Golden essence
Pouring from the piercings in your gaunt gourd
Reversing the process of pruning
Glory fills you cheeks and fancy floats beneath your feet

Always perfect
No longer meek
Bryant Nov 2018
I want to write you poems and bury you flowers
Put acetone in the foundation of all the pretty girls you envy
Dismantle every claim to beauty besides your own
Clip the wings of your insecurities and plant raspberries on your scars

I want to love you
From wherever you will have me
Very near, or even further far
With glamour gaze or diverted eyes

Never yours and always mine.
Bryant Nov 2018
There are no friends on fiend street
Desire is a ******* and everyones a carnavor concealing their teeth
Careful not to smile or speak to wide
So as to hide the serrated razors they sheath

It takes a cool head and slow hand
Poaching perfected; placation of prey
Soothing sedation; sinking sensation
Men munching mandible
Ravenous exsanguination; gluttonous grin

Until nothing remains
Bryant Nov 2018
(Right Hand Red, Left Foot Blue, Free Foot Yellow And Your Other Hand Too)- While I Have You *******..... I Love You.-

Sounds about right
Poetic justice

-You Provoke Cliche Mediocrity-

Orator sent to stuttering in the shadow of the Colossus
Singing sonnets to the bottom oven rack

The ocean dried up
Leaving my vessel moored upon your peak
Comfy with lofty notions; but how will we ever feed these mouths a plenty

Squaking!, screeching!, screaming!


This is exactly what im talking about
What the **** am I going on about?

I can't verbalize fantasy
I sleep flat back on concrete
No matinees play behind these hibernating lids

Like..... Like.....
This is a ******* baby right?
Filling one of the many vacancies in Bryant's home for wayward SIDS kids

Like.... Like......
This is ******* love right?
A cloak rebounding every wave length of light

-Hidding In My Text Message Window-

Shaking; waiting
For your generous thumbs
Erecting Pagoda towers; chasing the sun
Evicting the heavenly bodies
Rendering all the celestial space cold and secluded with ****** loneliness

-I Have Never ****** Off In Mix Company-

That's why you condemned me to this
You find pleasure in my clinched fist beating myself

This how you would have me?

Alone; so in control; awaiting your orders
Conditioned to drool at the sound of a click and a beep


I slept for like 20 minutes the other day
Sagging salvia like second skin
I don't remember a ******* thing

Brutal bliss's purest equivalent
Planes of oblivion
Floating lifeless through the astral field

If I want happiness, I gots to go through you!!!!!!...........

-Or I Don't Remember-

What lies in between is the smokers' closet in the Atlanta Airport
Packed shoulder to shoulder with people you can feel but can't see

Spectors sliding through one another
Synced and severed in an instant
Emerging unchanged
Vapid gas; visceral vessel

-Your Dead Hand Moves Mechanically-

Adjusting position
Compensating for my placement in the pitiful people stock pile

Plunging clutch
Grabbing a gimp
Metal condor claw cradling porcelain shelled embryo
Jostled and dropped by greed's glutinous ******

Souvenir sliding down a memento shoot
Hinged flap; livestock slot

You sought me out
Propped me up and gave me a name

  - Vore-

It's bad practice to give meat title and soul
Most will feel sorrow when sustenance meets need
No cringe in your grin
Regret is absent from your face
Savoring the salt of my flesh

I want to be your banquet

You're insatiable
You're never satisfied

I'm a T.V. dinner
A concession of convenience
Poorly digesting in your intestines
Bryant Nov 2018
"Do you think thats what happens when you die, an eternity occupying the last space your consciousness surveyed."

I will wait in that place where your silhouette was made perfect and whole
Impatience, will chatter through my toes
Anticipating my chance to merge our souls
Sensually synchronizing; spirits spiraling
Spinning down with the finality of dish solution

Soylent Green
Waste water
A job well done
Done dirt cheep

The Economy Package

Putting up my entirety as capital

Dredging in the red
There are dollars in the margins
Black ink deluge
Staining these ****** shoes

Paying gangbusters dividends in,
Blue chip
Wholesale "*******!"
Padding your wallets  
Adding diversity to your portfolio

This is the game
Your are only as interesting as your generosity

God, I want to save you
After every failure
I debate the resonance of my decency

For **** sakes
Can you see the passion I feel?
Bursting from my pores
Wishing to whelm your tumultuous pain

Envelope you and make your struggles my own
Like plasma we separate
All of our preciousness  rising to the top

It's unfair for there to be so little nectar floating above the mud

That's all we are
When we are long simmered and reduced down
Bland bitter roroux
Garish gravey inundated with savorless gristle

No salt
No pepper
This our lives
This is the only flavor

At any cost
All was lost
Love dwindles
Empty handed
Fading with each waving farewell

Alas, I am a lone
Completely worth knowing
Even if only to suffer

Obviously; Crazy
Bryant Sep 2018

I think about touching you and wonder what the feel of you will do to my senses. Will my rhythmic organs palpitate; shiver and writhe?Would my nervous jitters portray me as lame?

A perfect impression of a jack-in the-box. My crank in your hand, jumping at the chance to keep you entertained. Once spung, a jester is left limp and lopsided. Foolish grin leering in your direction.


Mostly, my visions are of our palms. Overlaying them to see if our future lines converge or divide. Perhaps, they will wind up the center and pit fall into the driven vortex of true love's martyrdom.

Or an unintentional graze of your side. Instead of apologizing systematically; we smile finding each others friction to bolster... to blossom.... rosier dispositions.


Neither of us are dreamers because it takes practice, and we were drafted into reality straight from the womb. Fostering fundamental frailties. Functioning figments fueled by bitterness.

Salacious diction uttering fictions of fantastical fairy tale folk lore. Regal romance; a slow waltz with intricate twirling


Worthlessness justifying our worst decisions, circumventing the fear of happiness. Entertaining notions of China's undiscovered route.

Staring down the formidable "Great Tera Tendon;" passageways in their minds. Planing to pelt people, pulverizing natures permanence.

If it's at any cost, there is no cost
Obviously Crazy
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