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Bryant Aug 2018
Pretty parasite
Shoulder saddled
Practically practical
Conscience's cozy cubby
Whispering mirthless whimpers
Demanding denial's distraction
Factual frailties

Fragile cadaver; crystalline corpses
Breathless without cause
Atrophy; aghast glaze
Awaiting articulated autopsy
Coroner's Report
COD: Acute adverse reaction to a sudden withdrawal of esteem. Causing a welling of the eyes and esophageal swelling.
A fond farewell to a friend
Carnations circled casket
Comisseration's soft scent
Woeful woft; harvester angels aloft
Hevean's hooks; marionette soul

Silk strands; raised hands
Silk strands; jumping jubilant jig

Endless happy day reruns
Closed captions cheery censorship
Seamless syndicated smiles
Looping luxurious bow
Adorning adorable facade
Bryant Aug 2018
Heaven Has No Room For A Heathen
Chaotic embolism eyes
Surmise gray soot saturated skies
Tapping toes; itchy holes
Minutes dwindling proofing infinity

Grueling gastric grumble
Cringing clamy canvas
Death without a salesmen

Visceral view point; pale vacancet vogue
Familiar visage vague
Exiting velvet underground

Hoodless executioner; happy harbinger
Hyperglycemia's candy courier

Fidgeting digits
Crackle crinkling plastic shroud
Drawing desperately; whistfull twist
Pinched crimped; lonely confections
Toothy chatters clamour for their just deserts

Hungry Hanzel, ginger bread grotto
Gentrification exemption; horrid horde haven
Sensation slave station; indentured intravenous interjection
Wicked witch black tar water
Gradual plunger rise
Magma solidification; red algee bloom
Expelling crucifix prik
Shuttering sclear
Purple lips muttering

Securing salvation
Bryant Aug 2018
You want to know about thirst?
Quenchless burden; bioengineered cureless
Upon first drop i was sold into servitude
Lonely lust for life; Death's lonesome lapping lush

I am the Thirstiest Hermit Out There
Parched for whatever is clever

Many have a flavor they savor

Genealogical endowments
Dry saliva glands; pallet extra bland
Fandom found in random chemicals intandem

Pandemic parade progressions
Participants precipitating intoxicating exhibitionism
Dopamine teamed with endorphins
Rope double dutch occupying all your synaptic terminals
Stomping sneakers; soothing stampede
Screeching soles setting soul settling sequence to vehement ventricle vexation

My life, jaw under the faucet
Whising for waterboarding's elusive ethereal exstraction
Whimsical wind wafting wanderlust
Withdrawing from this weary wharf

Crest caress my silhouette
Sea salt soaked; sweaty saline *****
Turned up, tuned out, dug in
Bryant Aug 2018
You are a crowded intersection
Ebullient bloating, churn
Bustling with acquaintances

They know your name
Know your way, but see you mearly as an impass
Navigated with neither choice nor decision
Route without resistance
Path of least conviction
A jumping of point
Endeavors formulated; yet your corridors are never considered

No exceptional exemptions
Chimerical observers,  are shuffled and thumb  Fulminant prostration; muddling insertion
Maudlin automaton corral

An adverse opposition, preferring to evaluate you at night
Your gaslit candescence reaches in all directions
Ebbing lambency traversing space
Conveyance of curious possibility

Enveloped in your vacancy
Swaddling spances; rampart wrapping
Quarantined and completely mine

Somber meditation tranquility
All of my substance settling to a manhole center
Shedding all my persistent memories
Unencumbered relife; unfettered elation
Ravishing beatitude exaltation
Distracting detraction
Time abstractedly trickling away

Disecting rays of light clutching the arc of the Plutonian horizon
Stampeding hordes in infinite single file lines
Sieging you from every direction
Like a colony of ants disintegrating a discarded carcass
You are gone
Bryant Jul 2018
Blank stare; don't care
Bleak silk hood
Satellite shine

Ambiant refraction, glowing
Prole projection; neat niche
People stock pile pantry

Fun house
Halls of elaborate mirrors
Impossible iris fixation
Gazillion glances; glaring

Muted mutation

Centering self
Hobbled wobble; mindless meandering
Outer rim, space cadet

Vapid vacuum vissor
clutched clasped canistar
Contemptuous callow contents
Cranial pasteurization
Condensed cerebellum chowder

Sticky sludge; silver sere
Salavation strands slinking
Steadfast starvation saturation
Single serving; superficial snack
Solitude's stretched sling..........


Blank stare
Bleak silk mutation
Callow cadet
Streched starvation

— The End —