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Fernando Sep 2019
Show me your other side
The side you hide from this dark world
The side that doesn’t deserve to be broken
The side that lives internally inside
The side inside that you always hide
Fernando Aug 2019
Why does this woman have such a pull on me
She can hurt me
Deceive me and I still won’t leave
Built strong like a tree
But brittle like a fallen leaf
At least to her anyway
If it were anyone else
I wouldn’t pay no mind
But why is it her
Is her love hard to find ?
Not given to everyone
And given in full
I broke my rules for her
Am I the fool ?
For going back to something
That considers me a tool
Fernando Feb 2019
It’s like I’m seeing her for the first time
Every time I see her
The way her eyes look back into mine
The way my heart falls out my chest when she see’s me
She’s broken, lonely, and terrified
But yesterday I saw her
I met her at 10:15  
And it was as if for the moments we were together
Time flew by
Seconds turned to minutes
Minutes turned to hours
And before I knew it
It was 2 am
I decided to get her a gift
One that I got her before we stopped speaking
And the look on her face when I gave it to her
It was everything
To see that look again
I’d do anything
Go to the ends of the earth  
Just to never see her frown
She was it, She was the one
and I knew it from day one
That I met the love of my life at 16
I’m glad I could do that for her
Make her smile
Just a little story, listen if you’d like
Fernando Feb 2019
And I can tell from your smile
That your thoughts are insecure
Intentions pure
I might think wrong but I am sure
You’re feeling more
And when youre with me you’re secure
Your mind starts to open
And I see you smiling more
And things are different
You ain’t the same from before
You look so bright
cause really are the glow
Fernando Jan 2019
Find myself wanting comfort
When I’ve lost it myself
Cause I’m a monster in disguise with a boy at the center
A pure beginning
But soon the darkness starts to enter
Cold as ice

— The End —