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Fenna Capelle Apr 2020
My dreams wrought me a ship on which I embarked  
In want of an island that lay in the  comfort of solitude alone
And amidst all hopes, illusions and dreams to hold onto
I set foot upon this island and had soon made it to be mine own

It became the fortress of my very mind
And I watched it fill itself with all sounds, colours and odours
That the power of imagination is but heir to
And to which it slowly made me subject

If nature is a reflection of the human soul
Then a human hand will show itself in sweet flowers and the mystery of the darkest wood
The oblivion of the deepest sea

Yet then the solitude and desolation of my island
Woke me up from dreaming
And I was left with nothing but the illusion in the mind of a displaced refugee
That still lives in his own world; this island of his imagination
Fenna Capelle Apr 2020
Figments of a thousand solitary thoughts flew all around me
And long have I intended to chase and hunt them down by choice
For I knew: if they would lay locked within the safe keeping of a boundary
They were to entangle in a word, and be the silent figment of a voice

For what is the height of love, but merely a thought astray
If it doesn't speak in her own defence
And what is the fire of passion, but a long and worn out way
That leads to nothing, if words would not grant it recompense

Yet all these words speak for the echoes of all that came before
That too once spoke and were no stranger to sheer humanity
T'is the thought that finds the sweet eloquence it bore
That moulds the most pure and sincere consistency
Fenna Capelle Mar 2020
A shimmering lake in moonlight lay
Under the watchful eye of some mighty trees
A swan resided there, bound to the water through the passing of her days
Yet her appearance so compounded with grace and majesty

But every evening, as darkness fell upon this solemn scenery
And a thousand stars shaped the contours of a shapeless night
This graceful swan turned into the very substance of mortality
And became a girl, dressed in beauty faint and white  

As a man lost himself in wandering on one dark and misty night  
And panic blinding as the fallen night began to lead his tread
He happened upon this hidden lake; an illusion to his restless sight  
And heard the soft singing of a girl that roamed about the riverbed

And between them love did grow, sprung from the seeds of unexpectancy
And both gave up their hearts to this fair and loving night
Yet rising dawn lighted the way for sheer reality to see
That all things must once dissolve and come to light

For when daylight perched upon the lake, this girl became a swan once more
And being tied to the water, set her ability to love to bounds
Yet every twilight remembered her what she had been loving for
It is in the burning pain of the  impossibile that a love most fiery is found

And uncounted years they lived; years of love and purest grace
Never does sincere love consign to what the course of time can take  
For when it took the swan's white feathers and the pale beauty of her face    
She lay tenderly enclosed in the shimmering moonlight on a solemn lake
Fenna Capelle Jan 2020
A river ran through a golden wood
That lay bathed in the peaceful fall of eventide
And two streams sprung from it as I stood
And watched them meandering into the light

I found a place to quench my thirst
And kneeled down on the banks of the first stream
But the water reflected my sight, and I reversed
For it showed a shape that I had  never seen

Long had this vision dried out the soul in me
And obstructed me to drink and water it even so
But how solid is a concrete thing that leans upon a fantasy
When thereby hangs the entire world you know

I ran towards the second brook, drawn by sheer objection
Where I knelt down and drank most eagerly
Yet the water was troubled, and without reflection
Thus with the troubled water, the image dissolved within me

My thirst was quenched, and bid the image to escape
It was in these golden woods that I had learned to see
T'is often the beauty unacquainted with its shape
That shapes the most fair and solid imagery
Fenna Capelle Dec 2019
Yet when in autumn a leaf -long worn out-
On the wings of wind falls down and twirls
The air it catches is carried about
And won in power until it fanned a hurling gale

It destroyed all he laid his will upon
And all beauty that once rose a victim to his reign
Yet in these depths of decay, new life had begun
In the peaceful eye of this hurricane

New life flourishes in the middle of its most dreaded fight
For when calmness perched upon this raging of extremity
One bright flower still bloomed in all its pride
And immortalised the barrenness of hope with eternity
Fenna Capelle Dec 2019
I witnessed the ignition of the past
And an astounding fire it had been
For the flames twirled and danced, and cast
The most fiery of their beings on the scene

I was drawn towards it for its  elegance
Even gracefulness seems to have faded into a memory
For the moment I reached out, the fire quenched
All that but seems cannot bear substantiality

I now found warmth by the ashes of that fire
And hope in the nostalgia of the ignited
Yet I longed for the flames, though it is a fool's desire
To walk in dreams and let your ways with that be coincided
Fenna Capelle Nov 2019
Even the cracked reed shall not break
And each road to a destiny shall lead
And spreads the sea its waves
While from his waves its effect he takes

Shall not I then be spared
This world exists by grace
For if not, how could we have shared
Nature's changing, untrimmed gaze
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