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Fatima Mar 2020
I wanted to be imprinted on his soul
Just like I was in his eyes
Fatima Mar 2020
Bitter sweet curses
Dripping from my tongue
Just for you baby
Fatima Feb 2020
"D-d-don't look at my stretch marks like that-"
"Beauty marks, darling. They're called beauty marks", he smiled while tracing my insecurities away
Fatima Feb 2020
'Her perfume...'
He said, while lighting up his cigarette
'Used to lit desire inside me'
Polluting himself, his lips curved slightly
'People should build a rehab centre regarding this inclination...'
Fatima May 2020
My fingers traced down the path of the flowing tears
Down my flushed chubby cheeks
Dripping down my collar bone
Tickling the way his lips used to
Down the nape of my neck
Soaking the way his kisses used to

— The End —