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 Jun 2015 Katia Bomholt
 Jun 2015 Katia Bomholt
She danced in the dark grass on white frozen feet
And she twirled with her skinny arms wide
She stared at the sky and imagined it full of the
Demons she carried inside

She took off her nightgown and let down her hair
As she waltzed with the ghosts of her past
She fell on her back, all spread-eagled and bare
For she knew that this night was her last

Oh, if they saw her, they’d say “Crazy”
Oh, if they saw her, they’d cry “Mad”

She watched constellations do cartwheels above
Felt the tilt of earth as it spun
And from outer space came a cold rush of black wind
As she circled an invisible sun

Oh, if they saw her, they’d say “Crazy”
Oh, if they saw her, they’d cry “Mad”

And she knew that the stars got as lonely as she
And she wondered if planets could cry
And she realized she was as alone on the earth
As they were in the sky

Oh, if they saw her, they’d say “Crazy”
Oh, if they saw her, they’d cry “Mad”

— The End —