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Asa Levens Jan 2021
You must first imagine death
in all of its gruesome details
to better focus on the living.

But unfortunately, death no longer looks so gruesome.
It has lost its detail, just as the living have lost their focus.

So...What to do with this Limbo...

Watch, and imagine the living from afar,
while gambling with depravity.
Asa Levens Jan 2021
Red as the dawn
blood hangs from the young man's corpse,
and drips
like water droplets from icicles.

Crisp as the mildewed air
the smell carries a tang
that becomes the atmosphere.

His neck
stretches like crinkled leather,
rips beginning to form
as the noose struggles
to dangle the weight of him.

His life was ordinary,
with little focus.
But in death, there are far more details
to be descried from his rot.

Maggots pool in his eye sockets,
squirming and fighting for eats,
like nibble fish squirming
to get their meal
of dead skin on a spa day.

His mouth hangs open,
blackened and destroyed
by nature's devices.

His feet have turned blue;
nails cracked,
as though he struggled
with all his might
against the promise of the rope.

A rag doll he has become,
while the tree he hangs from
is strong, sturdy, and reaches to touch the sky.
And he dangles just inches,
struggling to reach the ground.

Soon to fall into a crumpled heap
among the dirt, and fallen leaves
with a splat, no doubt,
like the heavy drops of rain
that splash the mud puddles.

Grime and decay
stick to each and every part
clinging to his dry and wrinkled skin,
like rust on door hinges.

His limbs
look long and unnatural
as the deteriorating layers
of flesh wrap tightly around his bones,
as a babe swaddled in cloth.

An animal would not eat him
as it may contract illness.

But is it not already sick
that we would sooner
watch him fade away so gruesomely,
Allow nature to run its course openly,
than to lower him down
And build him a grave?

We would sooner see him and *****,
than to ***** ourselves
by coming too close
to his ghastly secretion.
Asa Levens Jan 2021
The story of the widow is so sad,
I'm not surprised she took her life.

The old lady, surely depressed
stabbed herself twice with a knife.

She was widowed, you see,
by her husband's ex-wife.

Who was overwrought with jealousy.
She came like a thief in the night.

When the widow found him dead,
of course, she was riddled with grief.

And amid her wailing,
she managed to call the police.

They did their job, but the arrest
could not offer relief.

And over the years, her moments of happiness
became more and more brief.

I was unperturbed when I'd heard the news
of the old widow's suicide.

But the woman in the cell next to mine,
hooted and cheered with boisterous pride.
Asa Levens Jan 2021
Giants we think we are,
but no bigger than pebbles
on our Creator's shoe.
Compared to our potential
we are sub-par

And yet, we think we are succeeders.

We do to escape
the feeling of inevitable death
Soon to be bones in the dirt.
Zombies already walking, I'd say
I surely feel dead inside,

And yet, we think we are alive.

Imprisoned to eternal sin,
Beat the young and betray our kin,
****, pillage, and become tyrants.
We think we are giants
but we only do low deeds to feel tall.

And yet, we think we have morale.

Grandiosity has plagued the soul,
We do to get away with
and bury morality in our future graves.
Teach children bad behavior
and punish them for it.

And yet, we blame the times.

I blame the lovers of themselves;
the all-for-one thinkers.
We believe we are giants
but pay no mind to the mound
of sinking sand we stand upon.

And yet, we think we're going up.
Asa Levens Jan 2021
Your love was a fire you lit only sometimes,
leaving me otherwise of its warmth deprived.
The emotional heaving of my chest
for the pain you caused me was best
expressed in the dark of night,
where you couldn't see my inner fight.

Your love was not just a stab to my chest
but a slow twist of the knife.
I was left to mend myself alone,
then perform as though I was brand new
every time.

— The End —