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1.1k · Aug 2015
The Black Rose
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
I planted a seed underneath the concrete; unable to feed it what it needed, it seemed obsolete.
Aware of the complications to this plants creation, stationary I stood depending on faith to advocate me in my dedication.
As I waited for the rose to rise, I rose my head to look up at the sky; wondering why a guy like me is doing this and why I'm even trying.
I guess I just wanted to see beauty penetrate the tough surface giving it the purpose to teach me that beauty lies within each person.
The hard reality that everyone else sees on the outside fails to expose the rose underneath; so the cracks in the concrete are all that they see and all that they know allowing beauty to seem surface deep.
If they stuck around to see what's in the ground, the very foundation that reveals the variation of our souls, they would know that beauty can be seen even from the deepest of holes.
After much debating, contemplating and waiting, I had concentrated on a view so intoxicating; even correlating with my previous statement.
There I saw in front of me, a healthy, black rose that broke through; unknown as to how it changed its hue, it did what I didn't think it'd be able to do: it grew through the barrier into something new, teaching me that even a plant can do it, too.
Although the mystery of it's dark beauty is still a surprise, I won't question it; just make the best of it and understand that it came through, despite what may have tested it.
728 · Aug 2015
Mirror, Mirror
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
When I stare into the mirror, do you know what I see? I look into my eyes and see the stranger things about me.
So many stories and tears that I've obtained over the years are starting to show, I fear, and affect the ones I hold dear.
Why do I have to have these emotions and feel so much? Like my heart starts off lightly touched then it turns into a clutch feeling like it's in a death grip and such.
My atelophobia has me seeing like myopia, breathing like pneumonia and sleeping like insomnia.
There's no question that because I lie to myself about how I feel is part of the progression to my depression and aggression deeply compressed in my expressions; I'm in need of an intercession.
This reflection staring back at me reveals my imperfection; with close inspection, you can see the connection of affection and infection in the projection of my eyes complexion.
My silence is my loudest cry and I don't know why that I lie when I say it's because I'm shy; the only reply I rely on.
But when someone takes a peep through the peephole, I feel a loss of control when they see a part of my soul that has taken it's toll and is no longer whole begging to be consoled.
The heaviness of this emptiness isn't for pity; it's loneliness in the form of poems and lyrics since I'm left breathless and can't speak about this restless craziness.
Mirror, mirror staring straight at me, is happiness in the near future something you can foresee? Can you please guarantee that I will be set free from the misery?
636 · Aug 2015
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
I'm living enclosed inside a place nobody knows about where a part of my soul grows in the dark and it blossoms in the cold.
Being the only soul here, it gets lonely; nobody to hold me, but if only I was more like the old me and had more of an open heart policy.
This space allows me to hide my true face; pushing away out of this place others who get too close. I have come to just embrace it.
There's a certain limit I have when it comes to outsiders being in it trying to find and get inside of my mind to get closer, unaware they're not going to win it.
It's been a minute since I've allowed it; I'm not proud of it but I can't do anything about it.
So many have tried to get me to confide in them about my spirit that's died; I thought I was hiding it but never knew it was this visible on the outside.
I wear my heart on my sleeve but my soul's in a pocket; deep inside, I zip that ***** up and locked it, threw away the key so no one can come in no matter how much they're knocking.
The only thing accompanying me is a mirror that I allow to be this near for a reason clear enough to understand if you were here.
I punched it watching the cracks spread wildly, but the fact is that simultaneously the reason for that is so it can stay here with me.
Now I'm not as lonely, have no reason to pretend or fake a feeling and even have someone to understand what I'm dealing with when I look at the falling shards of my reflections, then pick my head up to see that I finally have someone here I can see who's as broken as me.
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
Like most would do on Halloween, we'd wear a mask to be a person or a thing that we aren't usually,
But do you wear one so you can hide what is on the other side? Another side that you have on the inside that divides you like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
It's not uncommon to hear that most of us fear how we would appear to our peers and the ones we hold dear.
It's worn to protect them so it won't affect them to a point where we're rejected, disconnected or projected as more than defected.
The main difference with those who wear it is what we have to bear; what most wouldn't dare to share or just scared for the unprepared.
It could be our best friend or worst enemy; the complexity of its identity are incidentally formed either chemically, mentally or even manifest destiny.
How we choose to cooperate with or tolerate it is based off how it is incorporated in our moderated or complicated lives.
The level of comfort is great when the mask is lifted; like the weight has been shifted straight off my face, can you relate?
This mask is about to break so I must take it off and I won't make another; I need to relieve this ache and stop being fake. Please do not forsake, for it is time for me to be awake.
438 · Sep 2015
Sweet Nightmares
Fallen Angel Sep 2015
Dreams: a succession of images, sensations and feelings;
what you see while you're sleeping at times concealing a deeper meaning.
Intervening our evenings leaving us thinking;
clinging to a believing that they're healing or deceiving.
Lickety split I try to fit it to a reason why I had it
but I couldn't grasp it in time cuz it faded like the latest fad and
I don't know whether to be mad, sad or glad.
But it ain't so bad because I remember just a tad of it.
In my surrealistic world, you felt so real;
feeling you on my skin is an appealing ordeal.
Though it might sound insane, I'm not gonna complain
because I only feel the pain when I'm finally awake.
When you spoke, it opened my broken soul and
stole a major component from the mind of this poet.
My heart and soul know it; your love's just so potent.
Focused on what you spoke telling me, "I love you." Whoa..
Chills down my spine, now I'm on cloud nine;
wish I was confined to this divine design.
Wouldn't hesitate or decline cuz I know you would be all mine;
I'll no longer need this red, red wine. Let's fly
high in the sky, just you and I.
Baby, don't cry; let me dry your eyes.
Where you going? Don't say bye.. Where you going? Thought we were fine..
Now darkened are the skies...
Nightmares: a version of a dream designed to scare
or create feelings of sadness, anxiety and despair
from scenarios containing psychological or physical terror
impairing our state of mind as we lay unaware of it.
A deer in the headlights; I'm frozen in fear
unclear of what happened here and why you disappeared.
We finally came together, my dear,
now my tears are searing my face; please reappear.
Maybe I've gone completely crazy
but I miss you, baby; I need your kiss, my lady.
It feels like Hades turned the heat up to eighty
thousand degrees and now my visions getting hazy.
Morality's getting feeble in this inferno cathedral;
surrounded by this deceitful evil, it's lethal
injections from these needles filled with diesel and beetles.
How did I get this far away from our peaceful sequel?
But this synergy from my memories helped me fight off all these enemies
and believe me when I say that the reality from this jeopardy
had generally ******* me mentally because it felt like it took a century
for these entities to expertly **** with my nocturnal slumber sensories.
And I feel so alone
in this combat zone but when I looked down below,
to me, it's still unknown the emotion I had shown
when I saw the word "love" engraved on a broken tombstone...
410 · Aug 2015
Dance With the Devil
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
I feel it crawling all around my skin;
I feel the war within my mind and It's about to win.
I do not want to scare the ones I love,
But God, please send your angels from up above.
I feel the bitterness and hardening of my soul
As It stiffens up my heart and takes It's unholy toll.
To the people I love, remember who I once was,
For it won't let me give a **** due to my severe lack of trust.
I've tried to stick it out and stay mentally strong, well now no one can penetrate my heart; it'll destroy any that don't belong!
Believe me when I say I'm sorry for my words..
I'll always be here for you..NO I WON'T! STOP LYING!
I still care for you..NO! THAT PART OF YOU IS DYING!
Am I going crazy? Who's inside my brain?!
I'm not insane, I'm not insANE, I'M NOT INSANE!
Will I be normal? WHAT IS "NORMAL"? Such frustration.
TO BE OR NOT TO BE; that is the unasked question.
Who am I to judge myself? I am not worthy.
It is not my duty to make such accusations against myself and be so wordy.
Who am I? What's my name?
WHAT'S YOUR DEAL, BRO? What's your game?
Are there any rules or is it no holds barred?
Will it be easy or will it be hard?
I need to care for my loved ones..THEY CAN DO IT ON THEIR OWN!
They need my support..SHUT UP, LET'S GO HOME.
How long will you continue to terrorize my sanity?
YOU GAVE YOURSELF TO BE LONG AGO..I was stupid and young;
I had no idea the power and poison I had within my tongue..
I can still care while I have a strong heart..
Will you understand how I truly feel, friends?
Is this the beginning or beginning of the end?
I truly am sorry all my family and friends;
I wish not to be this way and it won't happen again..
KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT; I feel it coming soon.

Help m...YOURSELF.
404 · Aug 2015
The Possession
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
Los demonios que residen oscurecen nuestro mundo
Dispuesto a tomar nuestra vida en un segundo.
Creeping and crawling, they terrorize your soul;
They all crawl out and roam about from their deep, demonic hell holes.
Run all you want; there's no where you can hide.
You can't survive in this cruel life without God by your side.
I need Him there to love and care and guide me in His light
Because you never know when el Diablo's gonna strike you in the night.
You dance with the devil, you're playing with your luck
Y el poseerte faster than you can scream fu...
I JUST TRIED TO HELP YOU. *******, you're a liar.
You're just a falsifier..I'LL FILL YOUR VEINS WITH FIRE!
I don't wanna be that person..******* YOU'RE A LIAR, TOO!
That's when I remembered my Heavenly Father from up above
Who blesses me so graciously with His never ending love.
I need Your help to save myself from a dark, demonic fate
Filled with agony, misery, darkness and hate.
I looked at him in the eyes saying, "You don't even know."
I knew He was arriving; I could feel it in the air.
An aura of love and bliss replaced the hate and despair.
As he left, I took a breath; I just escaped my death.
His presence was an essence like a bad trip on some ****.
And it's in that moment that suddenly blew my mind
When I finally realized that real eyes realize real lies.
And as God entered my heart, I began to start
To love my Lord as a whole; not just as a part.
I know the dark Lord will come for me someday,
But to his dismay, I must say, the Lord will have his way... OBEY
393 · Aug 2015
Spiritual Awareness
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
On the road to self-recovery, there's a lot I discovered about me.
The different perspectives and views of my path shed the light to reveal the good and bad that I have.
On my way to self-discovery, I find out who I want to be; able to release the negativity positively.
The choices I make and the paths I take are the ones that could break any strong man and bring him to wake.
Taking a trip to transcendental realization with simple meditation is an education to an eye-opening sedation.
Finding a purpose is lifelong and never ending; mind bending along with spiritual rending and mental mending.
Different levels beyond our comprehension in other dimensions await our explorations.
Eyes are the true window to the soul; the hole to see us whole.
Look deep enough and see the journey of our being and all the beautiful things.
Look deeper and gaze upon the weaker, inner weeper silently accompanied with the reaper.
Various vibrations and universal sensations connect all creation in abstract deviations.
To feel so deep, to laugh and to weep, to close your eyes and see all the beautiful things are what set us free.
376 · Aug 2015
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
The colors in this mood ring are constantly changing along with these mood swings; I don't know what I'm feeling.
The music in my mind is what I have defined as the feelings I can find in my heart where they're confined.
My stomach holds these butterflies that reveal the insecurity in my eyes; I do my best to disguise it, however, it remains exposed despite how hard I try.
My heart has a beat that tends to deplete
the energy I have; I have to retreat from telling you I'm incomplete.
The closer I get to you, I obtain these different point of views; breaking down walls I didn't think I'd break through and reliving this painful déjà vu.
I'm perplexed as to how to confess and express the feelings I suppress; am I stressed? Obsessed? Depressed? Rather fall of a bridge than in love cuz it hurts less.
My heart has become external; on my shoulder, it sits so vulnerable. Around my enemies, it's durable; around you, it's penetrable.
My eyes, though closed from being weary and red from being teary, clearly are expressed as being dreary.
These butterflies have turned into bees;
as they sting, I drop to my knees. Like a disease to the highest degree, I'm eaten alive from the inside out by these.
The music that was playing is now betraying and dismaying; displaying the decaying of my once robustious ways.
How can this mood ring define what I'm feeling if a color represents one thing but I feel love, pain, fear and anxiety? Tell me please... I'm breaking..
358 · Aug 2015
Spiritual Warfare
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
We're in a battlefield that most can't understand; others have their own opinion about this no man's land.
There are even those who won't accept the unseen reality because their morality shifts their mentality so they view spirituality as an abnormality.
Negative forces are all around taking on various disguises to bound, drown and break us down below the ground.
At war with our guardian angels for our soul, they'll use anything that can benefit towards their control to bring us down into their hell hole.
Though the battle may not be seen as many may depict, the wicked will pick out the weak and restrict them of anything that may conflict them from turning us into victims or resist them from becoming a convict, addict or being tricked by them.
So it is crucial to know how to handle such a menacing foe that'll have us undergo a life filled with misery and woe if we should want to throw in the towel, let go and allow them to grab a hold of our soul.
Whether you think it's spiritual or not, we all have a belief that there are forces out there that can cause to feel grief or relief and we all choose a side to receive an increase in extreme self-esteem that advocates in the defeat of deceit, disease and all the mean things.
So it may be spiritual or materialistic, however you may see out whether you're Catholic or atheistic, there are sadistic and twisted spirits out there creating more statistics right now as I speak about it.
Stand strong like a soldier, tough like a boulder and be the beholder of a more powerful enforcer right by your shoulder to help maintain your composure in the midst of overexposure to spiritual torture; this is war.
356 · Aug 2015
Love and Fate
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
As I go through my life and begin to contemplate,
These aspects of love and hate tend to control my fate.
How do you control your emotions in this malicious delirium;
When everything you used to feel is replaced by these numb
And unbearable, malevolent, just terrible soul-crushing feelings?
Lord, please help me with the sinister cards that I'm dealing.
I need Your love in my life; oh, please save me Jesus.
My heart's been stolen, broken and obliterated to pieces.
I can't move on but I'm moving with the world now; it's cold now.
Caught up in the midst of this evilness as it takes me on its own route.
The pain is like a dart on fire and fired to straight into my heart
Because I loved you from the start and I hate to see it all fall apart.
But that's just life and life, as they say, it moves on.
You gotta get up and carry on even if a huge part of you is gone.
But you tell yourself if it's true, she'll come back to you
And no matter what you do, you know she'll always love you, too.
I just can't let you go no matter how hard I may try;
These memories haunt my sanity so vividly as I sit here and cry.
We said a lot, meant a lot and went through too much just to pull the plug;
To just cut me off, pretend I'm nothing and sweep me under the rug.
It just seems that no one understands how real it was to me.
You changed my heart, mind and soul girl, my life will never be
Complete without you and this I say is true; your love gets me through
The worst of the worst. You make me feel brand new.
I sit here dropping tears wondering how it got so bad;
Like cyanide, it kills inside cuz you were all that I had.
Maybe one day, the Lord will grant me that miracle
Of seeing your delicate smile and divine and shining eyes again, girl.
But I gotta be patient and let the Lord's will be done
Even though this waiting burns like the inner core of a feiry, blazing Sun.
I can't stop you from loving another, no matter the agony;
You will always be there with me in my dreams where we're free from this misery.
The song is for you; written in blood as it slows my heart rate,
I wait for that I seal this...with a kiss, love,.....and......fate.........
353 · Aug 2015
Crazy In Love
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
Imagine you being with the love of your life
And seeing their smile just light up the night.
Imagine you're cuddling; you're holding them near
As you whisper in their ear that they have nothing to fear.
The night goes flawless; you live life lawless.
She goes braless; he goes drawless.
Making love in the moonlight, until you hear them scream
Only to wake up and realize it was nothing but a dream.
Realizing it's a dream, it reminds you that they're gone
Reminding you that you gotta be strong, get up and move on.
It's a cold, cruel reality that we all live in;
Bringing us to our knees and forcing us to give in to sin.
Love is an element; you think you can handle it?
Because it comes with all the elements of pain.
Your heart's gone; your mind's lost in it's thoughts from the loss
Of your life...but you're alive? It drives you insane..
They're always there in your prayers, in your dreams and your nightmares;
An idolized and prized possession; someone so rare.
You sit and reminisce on how those memories create a bliss;
Such a bittersweet perfectness in alternate universes.
You try to stay awake because they show up in your dreams
And the less you acknowledge their existence, the more it seems
That the universe is toying with your weakened, wounded heart.
Can't pull yourself together because love is tearing you apart
And you wonder how you can take it all away
To stop the demons from telling you you can't live another day
Without your love, but up above, God's love will always prevail.
In the Bible, 1st Corinthians states that "Love never fails."
But if you were to take my advice, I know it's not the best
But don't fall in love; fall off a bridge cuz it hurts less
And that nothing is forever cuz forever is a lie.
That all we got is what we had between hello and goodbye.
You can't destroy yourself though; it just isn't worth it.
You gotta understand that life is filled with sadistic, evil *******
Trying to run you down in the ground where you can't make a sound
And once you're there, you're life feels like it's bound.
As you sit there and wonder while life takes you under,
Without rhyme or reason, life passes you by.
Just take a lesson from me cuz you don't wanna be
In this empty padded room as you watch yourself slowly die..
311 · Aug 2015
Broken Heart
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
So much to say, I don't know where to start;
Guess I'll begin from where the pain originates: the heart.
A simple, yet vital, muscle of life
Undergoing lifes experiences; unity and strife.
We associate it with various amounts of aspects
Not fully comprehending the little things that can affect it.
It's become a symbol of love, a reference for compassion,
Used in a holiday and even senses of fashion.
Such a delicate mechanism, yet a powerful tool
To pump the life through your body or make you feel like a fool.
A broken heart can be the worst kind of pain;
It could leave you crying your heart out over and over again.
Heartfelt tears will never leave you alone;
Broken hearts hurt more than broken bones.
My heart's set on you; have a heart and be merciful.
Forgive for all the things I have ever done to you.
The cracks in my heart allow these lyrics to flow out
And give me the ability to express what raw emotion is about.
The more time I spent with you, the harder that I fell
Into a love that started out as heaven then turned into my hell.
You left me; it was the death of me.
Mí corazón, todo mí vida, you were my everything.
My heart's still with you even though you said goodbye;
Whether I have it or not, without you, I'll never feel alive.
It seems so impossible to put my heart back together;
There are vital pieces missing and they'll be gone forever.
The weight of the world is nothing compared to this;
My heavy heart is just a part of this darkened, lonely sadness.
Why can't I come to terms with the fact that you won't return?
It's a feeling that stimulates my nerves worse than a heartburn.
I wish my heart was as hard as my head.
The thought of you leaving can't seem to get through; what about some lead?
These rhythmic contractions tell a tale of our actions,
Our words and our feelings and everything that's happened.
But now the story's ended; I'm at the final sentence.
It's time for me to go to the Lord and pray for my repentance.
I can't have you in my life, but I'll always have Jesus
And if not you, He can fix my heart but He needs all the pieces.
I'd give Him my heart, but you have it still,
So I'll give Him what I got and just have faith in His will.
As time moves on and you're still gone,
True love is telling me not to let go but keep holding on.
I've never felt this before; a love that's so real.
But now that it's gone, I don't know what to feel.
My heart's still beating, but I don't feel alive;
It hurts to know you're not my girl and you're out of my life.
I'll never let you go; I'm hanging on by a heart string
And as my broken heart sets the beat, I'll use my last breath to sing.
305 · Aug 2015
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
Music is the omnipresent unifier inspired by those with the desire to start a symphonic fire.
It can reveal what we feel on a real or surreal level ideal to our own appeal.
Of all the genres and varieties, heard in numerous societies, it can be responsible for commendable acts or impropriety.
Music expresses what we cannot say and allow us to break away on a deeper level to help deal with issues we face everyday.
It can be a work of art; creating a beautiful picture that touches the heart.
Music can motivate us to do great, control our heart rate, even relate to a date or person we either love or hate.
I honestly believe that music connects us all and without it, mankind would fall; our dreams and aspirations would be small and we wouldn't stand tall.
It can bring out the positivity or enhance the negativity, even increase productivity because it stands for: Music Unlocks Self-expression, Intelligence, and Creativity.
302 · Aug 2015
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
Like a dead oak tree, there is no life in me. I stand tall and have yet to fall, but still no life, you see?
I was born in a desolate area; began as a single seed. I was different from the rest of these trees of this common type of breed.
Many thought they knew about me as I may have appeared; I had leaves full of life and stood tall against fear.
I gave shelter and comfort; was understood by few. Others loved me for who I was but most used me for my attributes.
I had no problem with it, for it gave joy to the world; from all who came to me and stated they loved me, I only felt it from one girl.
This one person, ever so kind, was one soul I thought I'd never find.
Someone who took care of me and helped my life go on; the pureness of water, her innocence I was very fond.
The rich, healthy ground, her foundation so steady; the air that she breathed into me was anything but petty.
Though the elements took their toll, close like bonds we made; she was my tree lover as I was her shade.
We encountered the world together and made it through the rain. We shared big parts of our lives; both beauty and pain.
I had her name carved onto me for the whole world to see, but time moved on while I stood still; now she's experiencing the world without me.
Now I'm alone with no one to watch over me; alone in this valley where there are no other trees.
So now my leaves are gone; now my life withered away. I let the elements take their time day by day.
Very few still come by, but see how different I am now; they see I've changed and they think they know how.
Like most trees, they grow and wither over time; they don't get their vital nutrients or lack the beautiful sunshine.
But me, I'm a different breed; not a whole lot of needs. I chose to go down the path of my slow demise instead of being overtaken by weeds.
Through the roughest of winds and the harshest of storms, I stand tall though I'm broken and torn.
I appear lifeless and little to give to you, but I still serve some type of purpose that's understood by few.
I'll take on the elements till I am cut out from this world; but I'll always remember the ones who gave me life, my closest friends and family, and one special girl.
291 · Aug 2015
Let Go
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
I'm not used to this and I'm not great at it; dead center of the target in my heart, it hits crushing it to bits.
This is what I get for feeling what I had no idea what I was dealing with and I can no longer conceal it; only God knows the time needed to heal it.
We've had our time; it was sublime. Though it seemed so, I can't think straight; I'm having difficulty finding the words to rhyme.
But I have to use my ability to rhyme and infuse it into these poetic blues to try and define how I don't want to lose you or confuse you when I tell you the news.
The last thing I want is for you to feel pain; I'm going insane in the brain trying to refrain from this strain that I'm doing my best to contain trying to explain.
Maybe you need to be away from me; this is no cliché nor a game to me. It's been weighing on my mind all day.
I've never had a relationship like this; no meaning behind a kiss and feelings are hit and miss.. I don't want to reminisce.
Maybe it's my fault for falling too deep; having too much faith in my leap..I ended up sowing what I reaped.
I don't want the hurt to show or reveal that I feel so low, and though I'll feel so alone, it wasn't that long ago when you had me before hello..but I have to let you go...
286 · Aug 2015
Cinematic Romantic
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
You could be my Jamie and change my troubled ways;
Even be my Savannah who thinks about me everyday.
You could also be my Allie and be with me when you remember;
Like Sally and love through all seasons forever and ever.
Be my Victoria and you'll never fear with me in dark nor light;
Be my Rose, such a heavenly love at first sight.
You could play the part of Belle and look past my horrid flaws,
But not like Taylor singing a bunch of break up songs.
I could be your Landon; not even death could do us part.
Even be your John and write you letters from the heart.
I could also be your Noah and always be by your side;
Like Jack put away all my selfish pride.
Be your Victor and know who I'm married to;
Be your Jack and give my life for you.
I could play the part of Beast and keep no record of your wrongs,
But instead, I'm just like Bruno singing these **** break up songs..
258 · Aug 2015
First Casualty
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
As the days go by and the birds fly free, many live their lives in a false reality.
They let themselves believe what they see and hear; they're desperate for knowledge and unwilling to face fear.
Many are afraid to look death in the eye, while denying their fears allows them to die a little inside.
When going through a trial, you can let it penetrate your heart, or harden it to keep the demons from tearing your soul and sanity apart.
Your life, your decisions; they affect more than you can fathom. Most of us don't realize the value of our true happiness even while we have them.
Life is one of the cruelest teachers I have ever had; it gave me the tests first and the lessons last.
Slowly, but surely, I'm losing it all; I feel the happiness and peace in my life taking a long freefall.
My soul is hardening; my sanity silently shouts. The cracks in my heart allow everything and everyone in it to slowly fall out.
I feel the inevitable change transforming who I was before; I feel my battles leaving their scars to tell the story when I can't anymore.
No matter how I put it to you, it will never make sense, but to better understand, know that the first casualty of war is innocence.
224 · Aug 2015
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
I dig,
You dig,
We dig,
He digs,
She digs,
They dig...

Not much of a poem, but it's deep.

Something to put a smile on your face.

— The End —