The path was breaking aloud,
what was it about,
the bang that looked like a cloud..
..All i know that it was a sound of Life, that it was a moment of Light,
that it was a show of Might,
and it was The beginning of the Plight.,.. ...
I felt i was numb , lying in a shell dumb, was it the first time in the first wave when i felt that the Shell was Mine,... ....Had it happened before or was the same all the Time that went round,
I could not figure and wondered if I ran through the Time or the other way around,... i say if there was no time, there would be no rhyme,.... ..."I" is all he says, but he yet doesn't know the "I", why does he fear the loss of "I",.... ...Why is he so reluctant to surrender, Did he earn something to Lose, or he felt the belongingness too hard to Lose,....
....They say its a mystery, How he(I) does not wonder, When they perish everyday asunder,... .
So it comes back to Time, as he waites for zero to turn nine, and adds just new words to the same rhyme, I just implore Him to End this Time, I beseech Him to Let Us be One and forget the Nine,.....
Let's be just one and forget the TIME.