Only once you reach new frontiers
does the human mind decide they want to expand a little more
there is only
one love
one peace
one number that counts
when it comes to crunch time and you are lost in the dark where else can you turn to but you?
when there is government corruption and manipulaton of information
and there is no such thing as a truthful lie
the worst they say , but come, one is not the number i'm talking about
i'm talking about 0.
the halo , the magicians secret .
add a 0 to any number and suddenly, it's worth a heck of a lot more.
And my dear friends, fellow poets ...weaver of words....minstrels of sound , technicians of language - there is one very , very , very , very subtle thing that i reckon... we know better than any legislation paper or cop with gun to head or bomb dropped or whatever warfare you want to call this
is , the ideas in our poems are not always our own,
unknowingly... or to some perhaps knowingly we have connected each other to each other
string theory using words as dimensions.