"Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,
Time held me green and dying
Though I sang in my chains like the sea."
-Dylan Thomas, Fern Hill
Under the involucres of yard hazel
I stopped your water when I was ten -
bent over the hidden pump stock,
I unscrewed the round rusty skullcap,
& felt the living nests of wire in my fingers.
Your father was patiently furious
in the fresh dooryard of the old farmhouse
where we played the Winnie the Pooh game.
Twenty years later we briefly crossed paths,
but my then-wife hated you -
you were pretty, clever, lustrous,
your hands full of sly flat smiles.
You threw me Belle and Sebastian -
you'll never know they are my favorite,
because you slid onward to Vanderbilt,
god only knows where you are now.
You escaped into a life,
I flattened under one.
Your imagination stuck me like arrows.
Your voice was glossy with cat-dreams.
You are a comet - you visit twice
in a lifetime, and always leave me astonished.