Until it happens to you, you won’t know how it feels.
You won’t know the fear of having to cross the room while all eyes are on you;
How your legs shake and you can barely stand up;
How your head keeps telling you to not do anything stupid, to just be quick:
Your heart beats faster and you can feel your cheeks turning red:
You imagine their thoughts
“What’s wrong with her?”
“Why is she walking like that?”
“Why is she trying so hard?”
Their thoughts fill your head with insecurity…
But you have to make it look as you are doing something natural, which in reality you are
But not for you that over thinks every breath, every action….
Sometimes you are afraid they can hear your thoughts
Hearing you practise every word you are going to say
Worry about how you are going to say it
When you are going to say it
She was a single drop in an immense ocean
Everyone was ready to judge every action
Until that happens to you
Don’t go around ******* judging people
Your words are like stones thrown to a river…
How deep do they go?