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Edward Schall Feb 2020
From abandonment's cage by you my heart is freed,

The lock opened by your love when past tumblers it did seep,

Then with gentle sureness my soul you even did save from the ocean of sorrow so deep,

To with patient care cherish my fragments until they mend, and make the sun die of envy, because your radiant light is all I need.
Edward Schall Feb 2020
Through my own eyes I rush inwards as by verbal plucks you've snapped my last string,
From the sanctity of sanity my spirit falls, smoldering while disintegrating, of tomorrow we can now only dream,
Memories fading and terror realized that this fall ends in rebirth and no more are the feathers of my hope's wings,
What will tomorrow bring with dead birds in my soul that no longer sing?

Vicariously through the nescient words manipulate,
But of consequence they do not calculate,
As the dead cells of in our soul accumulate,
Now a new rendition we will play, with blackened intentions to dismay, now for their spirits what in the coda awaits?

We will annihilate,
Force pain on them to assimilate,
With a rage death can not sate,
In their mind of dreams we will depopulate,
And in Hell together we will immolate,
Never again shall you formulate to isolate and decimate,
Scream and pray, for us both it is too late,
From your tower of schemes your corpse shall occilate,
As from your eyes I watch life dissipate,
Of this ire to you seconds are dire, no escape,
No rest until of your entirety we mutilate,
For our race needs no more vermin to postulate,
That by ****** they can alleviate,
Their jealous need to emulate,
Emotions others have that in them God forgot to activate.

To hurt the innocent for thoughts and feelings you can not make,
May result in things you will not have to fake.
Edward Schall Feb 2020
To dust now my bones,
At my form of soot you sneer,
The wages of sin.
Edward Schall Feb 2020
Now in the heavens our emotions warm the stars,

Protected by our future in utero we seek more, onwards through the Kuniper we'll go, now juxtaposed with Mars,

This high fades as blood runs from steaming corpses while we hold hands, our love so gorgeous here now draining memoirs,

Your perception isn't ours, your the ones conditioned to conform by propoganda's scars, how on the trails of ignorance did you get this far?

You can't judge when you don't even know who you are.
Edward Schall Feb 2020
To the mind what is a word?
A carrier pigeon sent to deliver love and hope unheard,
Or perhaps a harbinger of held feelings more ill,
Some even hide inside the carrier's feathers crows to disguise their will,

To others what is a word?
A verbal bouquet of lilacs whose petals brush the heart to get love stirred,
For some it is the last bit of pressure on the pistol held to the head of their spirits trigger,
And those entranced by flowers can't see the serpents in the vase writhing with vigor.

How will you use a word?
To be a saboteur of others dreams while to your tiding's muck their hope you see interred,
Or to the broken blindly searching for their pieces speak a guiding hand to hold,
For the word can not decide, all are born empty, we fill them to make life unfold.

A word is a gun as a gun is a word, instruments to decide whose children will never be heard.
Edward Schall Feb 2020
The gleam of her eyes takes root in my soul,
Honeyed words in a sweet breeze relieve from my heart this storm's control,
How serendipitous to the scattered fragments of me for her love's role,
For in her embrace my dreams are again waking because with her I'm whole.
Edward Schall Feb 2020
Once upon a time,
Our heartbeats were synced in time,
There was nothing but us and that was fine,
Life was sublime,
Then like glass you shattered us in our prime,
Now with my heart bleeding tears and will buried in grime,
I wonder why to you forever wasn't worth the climb.
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