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Esperanza H Mar 2
Fingertips travel,
Across my tender landscape.
Flush lust takes it shape.
This is an older poem I wrote based on the "honeymoon phase" feeling that we all get to experience the burnout of.
Esperanza H Jan 24
Families tethered, friends in panic,
How do I keep myself from going manic?

Ignorance is bliss, but secretly a crime.
Because now all of our lives are on the line.

“Go and vote!”, “ PLAY YOUR PART!”.
But I wish I could just stay at home and forge art.

Create a world with my own two hands,
One that lack ****** and his foul plans.

I just want to be happy, so badly to be free.
This country deepen its hold on me.

There’s solutions to this feeling, some more grotesque than others.

I wish I could just be held by my mother.

To pat my head, tell me everything’s alright, start thinking of dinner plans for tonight.

But that reality is so far from mine.

So I’ll just dissociate at home.

Where my worries will continue to roam.
These are my raw feelings from the shock I’ve been feeling since Monday.
That being said, there still fairly raw.
Esperanza H Jan 22
The only clear paths
Are the ones we've walked.
You’ll never know if it was the right choice till you’ve followed through.
Esperanza H Jan 20
Spontaneously on this night,
Your eyes had a spark.

The droplets of sweat rolled past your freckles, landed on my heart.

I wouldn’t call this a “crush”
                                                  “wanting to be yours”.

But selfishly my lips wonder about more.
More of your beauty beaming it’s rays on my skin,

Because somehow your rays make me feel
happier within.
Dancing in the clerb, he caught my soul. I know not to pursue, but I can’t help but feel drawn to him in a genuinely selfish way.
P.S. if you somehow find this, don’t find me weird…
Esperanza H Jan 17
You never saw it.
The anger that rest inside me.
Lucky for you, the kindness and compassion had shone through.
My anger moves aside from time to time, wishing you happiness down the line.

But should our happiness ever cross.
Just know that you’ll be at a devastating loss.

For the me you’ll see is so far from the woman who cried relentlessly from the choice you made.

How that caused me so much dismay.

So I’ll keep nurturing her, anger and all. Polishing off every flaw, wearing them proudly like a badge.

Because I have survived the hands of yet another                                      

I wish him happiness, just far away from mine🙂
Esperanza H Jan 17
You know that thing you told me would happen eventually?
Give your brain time for it all to work out mentally.
It’s happening more and more often each day, turning almost seemlessly gay.

This being said,
You’ll never be gone.

I’ll always carry a piece of you, like a tiny pawn.
Forever sitting on the sidelines.

Watching me experience the most intimate pleasures of this lifeline, the way it was always meant to be…
You always try to fast track getting over a breakup. But one day without realizing it, it clicks.
Esperanza H Jan 15
When do the hours become less daunting? When does my life become more wanting?
Which one is me? They all feel so forced. My view on everything is becoming too coarse.
Feelings balled deep in my chest, like a rabid animal dying in their nest.
Weeds all scattered, rigid. It's scared.
Does anybody even care?
I'll hold it close to my being.
Count the last breaths I'm overseeing.
And I'll take comfort in its unseemly demise,
Because now I caught a glimpse of how I'll die.

— The End —