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J Jan 2011
these are the same keys you taught my fingers to love
still the same deities changing channels on their tvs cause our team never hits home runs
the cliffs so sheer that the caverns look like dew drops,
beginning to simmer in the morning sun
giving the atmosphere a breath of fresh air when it is done
the night sky drops a shower of ice pops down onto your ancient mountaintops,
the same ones you told me i would love if we didn't go careening down a wrong turn.
keep a cheshire smile fading in your jacket pocket and bring me up,
i'll bring you a peace of the atmosphere, we'll watch the colors run away from the sun
sweet mint chip against hungry lips, smile as the milky sugar runs down
clean t-shirts can expect the worst in this race for last place
the city sleeps beyond my windowsill
i am a crippled ballerina, dancing a frustrated, slow pace
time bides itself and i smile in imaginary landscapes painted by masters
living like a story inside me
like a flower i open to the world, dispose of the plaster cast
dream to dare me, i will jump, and my arms unfold spirit feathers that tickle the air as i am
written 01/18/2010
J Jan 2011
sleepless under that blanket of monsters,
trembling in the heat.
the medications you're taking are helping her sleep,
when the night comes and your heart-shaped hit
flows through space time
to pursed lips behind which jagged ivories grind.
flowing freely across
a woven circuit board of smiles and wires.
words surfing along radio waves,
slow and gentle, strong and deep
a lullaby to which finally sleep
can take a hold across stiff shoulders.
relaxing the pace at which she runs through the slew of
gunfire and ****** and fear;
pumping clouds
        her closed eyes
fields of vision turning from broken glass to meadows,
thoughts from lost kittens to the same warm blankets
under which she curls.
hum a lullaby, so she'll sing a lullaby, the buzz of noise
in her mind so clear yet so far away;
dancing on clouds to keep you smiling.
dancing with this glow
illuminating everything she touches,
let light lead this lovely lullaby tonight.
sweet sugar rains send sticky waves
from the clouds,
now everything is sweet
and the songs on the radio waves
send waves of peace flowing through aching bones.
slow and gentle, strong and deep.
a lullaby to which finally sleep
can take a hold across stiff shoulders
written 10/23/2010
J Jan 2011
Staccato beats pulsate; contrast deep lines, extended exposure.
The stars carve bright tracers across a sky so far past midnight,
it may as well be mourning again.
I can see the city from here, but my eyes do not truly see
us in the backseat holding hands.
Your eyes are endless even in still frame photos,
the fire in your hands can't compare to the fire in your heart.
Desire; I look down on a sea of stars, and the atmosphere so foreign to me,
so alien.
I can't even begin to describe what's really real to me,
it's so different from what they taught us to see.
My eyes are open.
Footsteps silent and ghostly, across miles in seconds just to see your smile.
It rings across dimensions, the demands of the commander
to protect and love.
We run miles upon miles to settle this fury, to wrap you in the warmth of spirit.
I can't see the forest for these concrete trees.
If there was ever a horizon it settles only upon this city with the sunset,
If there was ever a moon, there it hides among our clouds.
Crown me king... this kingdom unseen, its citizens anonymous,
and unaware.
Can I comfort all who run for these outstretched arms?
I will never be sure, but I can be sure there will always be room
in this weather-worn heart for another smile,
another try.
We run together, like rivulets into one tear drop
complete apart and together.
written 11/15/2010

— The End —