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Empty Nov 2019
**** said the cunting apple treat trope
Slitting on a firm grip of a tree rope
Spinnin on a note book off the rocks
this head off mine bounces with a flock of bad *****
beatin it sittin for forty body bed binding but a balding butthitting *** hammer makes meowing a healthy heat hicky
slippin up the road in trans am acre
soap suds spottin fifty… quarter pounders
my only repo citation culls me off the hopeless handsome horseman
**** it like the tip was for free
mess up the ***** mop, and spit it like you split ***** **** tangoing to be a lit stick and fee
**** ******* **** buzzkill shill and analingus for me
For Komrade
I made this poem in roughly 3 minutes to make a point poetry needn't be good or "deep".
Empty Nov 2019
I failed to feel the failure, too stupid was I.
Thesis for thought and food for the mention
With wit we all slumber in sloth to ease the tension.
Pass me the flask, “my operation makes me a new idea”
Stare at the cliff, and wrote a note, nothing comes to mind ill repeat
“My operation makes me a new idea.”
Outward, we march, the drole hole, the spitting imagine-ation placates temptation with a blue rosebud toppling ******* mountain ranges, but yours my dear are so near to my fears.
How dare thy sky turn red and rose and pink and peach and holds the wind but has no heartbeat.
Shedding pedigrees after Fahrenheit stole the slow show
Send off a pigeon but call it a crow,
The bar apart of a far war warning a barmaid for having scar less arm blades worth arming.
Nuke head hyperactively shear sheds at the bleating of Radiohead, bled my radio activity like imagine wyverns with arms.
That’s drag-in like Dragons Racing **** poor lightning…and losing.
Choosing over watching senpai, oh GOD YOU CARD feasting in the deck don’t you process meat don’t I think you think you know thinking…then why am I here?
Peerless lost and still you follow, hello senpai but gone we are. Insert beast mode not follow throughout a breast made of clay cupped by victory in secret. You wont ever look at that brand the same again, I promise.
“My operation makes me an idea”
Floating on you mouse so modest, sails of canvas, flapping in a breeze we made with our lips.
Dips and rolls, folie a deux dec-a-hide-my-heathenish dodecahedron like chest-bursting wound ***** light. Fist deep measurements making three wonderful numbers. One two, and you.
Romanticize failure fluting failings, march with a brother unlike my ukulele, comes with another.
1 two three, 1 two three, sink. 1 two three, 1 two three blinking and she $TOLE the showmakers ***** work **.
IF only that were me…
1 two three, 1 two three drink.
1 two three, 1 two three drink.
For me
Empty Nov 2019
Hello Sunhead
Unheaded director in whatever direction
Tease to be the only one inspection
Tazed too, un-fit unwitting dancing depiction

Hello Sunhead
Do not be afraid that my name is diety,
For fear in a firm light touch lightly you lost in piety
For what?
We are what not? But, to be believing in her faith in pedigree,
The degree we ***** existence makes love like winds in lofty leanings

Hello Sunhead
Hi, said my only side you see, I want you to be seen
Flashlight in the eyes of the aether, which with folding chairs made cloudy on paper
The Napier’s staple, cold ensemble you assemble within reach
Bleach bone napkin cuts deeper like hailing holders of my paw printing preacher
I’m going to be the teacher, the wretch, my name is a stretching of two stars signs signing singing and…is the opt-out.
I sing to you my praises.
Not that you may hear them, but to be near them
For burning may sting, but a singed arm scarf coiling off the palm springs is a helluva day than wetter.
To hold them with a handle like a grip in a snakeskin locked chest.
I say I know best, but that’s not true.
Hello Sunhead. I miss you.
For Peach

— The End —