I tend to breach the boundaries of reality, I break free of my boarders and draw outside of the lines that keep me in, I look away from where I am and settle my eyes upon an ever expanding universe, I witness the birth of all creation as i try to run along side the intergalactic painting splashes of the big bang. I see stars colliding to create planets of all colors and sizes, I astroly project my insecurities to the universe and have them return to me as starways and galaxies that house my confidence to slip through the illusion of time. I become omnipotent and omnipresent. I see all of the inter dimensions collide to one, I no longer know the meaning of the word death and live in everything, I am the star in the night sky you see before you go to bed and the music in your playlist you hear just before you see the universe, then I come back to my body and just smile.