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Jan 2018 · 395
Ambrial Dobbins Jan 2018
I feel like the first step of loving yourself is realizing there's a part of yourself that you hate. The steps to getting there is what makes the path unique, it's what makes you, you. I felt like it was extremely difficult to say what you hate about yourself to another human. You literally are exposing your real fears, expecting the worse reaction possible. I mean duh you're expecting the worst the reaction, it's literally what you hate about yourself. How do you expect to perceive anyone to love this **** if you can't ? But ya know what, once I put myself in this vulnerable position to face my worst demons head on, with myself, It was like I opened a whole new portal to where love could enter this part of me that had never seen the light. Once I had the discussion with myself is when there were these opportunities created where I was now sharing my most hated parts with other humans. I am so thankful for these souls that were sent to me at this time. They loved me so exactly who I was. They didn't see me as tainted. There was a spark made in these times of exposure. I spark that changed the course of a lifetime. It was love.
Jan 2018 · 388
The Virgin and Lion
Ambrial Dobbins Jan 2018
All I sense is sparks and lightening.
Instantly drawn, so far from frightening.
I dream of you and your speaking eyes.
Please Hold me close, no need to disguise.
I rinse my soul with your everlasting glow.
Living in moments, so easy and slow.
I melt in your warmth when you show your heart.
Please Don't shell up, I'll love every part.
I'll share your love to the highest degree.
Even if all I take from this is my dreams.
Aug 2016 · 211
Road Back Home
Ambrial Dobbins Aug 2016
With my negative train
I find myself seperated
I know I don't like it here
And this is truly where I chose to be
Through a tunnel of insecurities
I find myself back in the same place
Reaching towards the light
For the warmth I know exists

— The End —