What is wrong with me dad?
I'm sorry for making you upset.
I just wanted to be perfect,
because then I thought maybe
you would start to care or at least
acknowledge my existence.
Why do you hate me so much?
What did I ever do to you?!
You make me feel like ****,
just like another useless tool.
Every vein in my body is racing
with sadness and utter rage.
I feel like I'm being infused with
this toxicity that has already killed
me inside.
Then my mind starts to drown
itself inside it's own dark thoughts.
Trying to make it seem like it's
me to blame for being myself,
but it's not.
How can I be seen as such a
toxic person that it tears someone
to their very core?
How they can just have
so much hate for me to where
they make it seem like I
don't exist.
When their mind is solely focused
on me,
thinking how could it be?
That the only daughter they
have is no longer theirs to keep.
She lost herself to the darkness,
and sadly to say,
she's not coming back...
Well, at least not today.