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31 · Sep 14
Winds of Time
ElariaLuthien Sep 14
How fast time flies, with fleeting grace,
The hours vanish without trace.
Each moment lost, yet hope remains,
That he, by fate, will break our chains.

The world spins on, the stars still gleam,
Our lives flow like a restless stream.
And though the winds of change may blow,
His heart will find its way, I know.

So let the night drift calmly by,
With whispered prayers to the sky,
For soon he’ll come, the path is clear—
And we shall greet him, standing near.

24 · 1d
Mirrored Souls
We are but travelers on this weary road,
Yet bear alike the weight of sorrow’s load.
The wounds we share, though veiled from common sight,
Do mirror pain that echoes in the night.

The heavens see, and God shall pardon thee,
Though salt may sting, it sets no spirit free.
For wounds of soul no balm or cure shall find,
When fate doth cast its shadow on the mind.

But let not sorrow be thy lasting stain,
For in thy heart there blooms both joy and pain.
Though mirrored paths we tread, our burdens shared,
The stars above will show that we are spared.

So walk beside me, as we journey still,
Though trials come, they shape our iron will.
For we, though wounded, yet shall rise again,
And in our hearts, forgiveness shall remain.


— The End —