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Haylee Sep 2014
They put warning labels on things like cigarettes, they tell you they're bad for you, that they'll **** you slowly,

But there's no warning label on people, there's no sign on anyone warning you that although they are warm and calm you down they'll leave you cold and shaking on the floor feeling like your chest is cracked open wishing someone had told you to stay away.
Haylee Sep 2014
To me you were a star, you shone so bright sometimes it was blinding

But you know what they say about stars, that then can burn out and still shine.

Maybe that's what happened to you all your brightness burnt out years ago but you still shone.

Well I think your time is up, you no longer the bright star I thought you were, you're more of a black hole ******* everything in, destroying everything in your path.

Well I don't want to be in your path anymore, I won't let you take me shine away.
Haylee Sep 2014
I used to hate you because you didn't care

But now I realized it wasn't that you didn't care

You're intentions were never accidental,

Everything you did was delectable, even hurting me, you did that on purpose.
Haylee Feb 2014
No matter how many cigarettes I smoke

No matter how many drinks I take

No matter how many tears I shed

No matter how many showers I take

My clothes will always smell of you

My mouth will always taste like you

My eyes will always see you

And my skin will always feel *you
Haylee Feb 2014
The dull ache that you left me with is much worse than a sharp and quick pain

its like trying to saw off your own arm with a butter knife

it takes to long to work

and it doesn't hurt as bad right away

but when it finally hurts

or begins to bleed,

oh it hurts like hell, and you don’t think it will ever stop
Haylee Feb 2014
You asked me why

why I was laughing

You asked me what

what was I thinking

so now I ask you why

why did you push me and run away knowing I would fall forward and you wouldn’t be there to catch me?

what were you thinking

and so I must tell you I am no longer laughing and I think of nothing except for you
Haylee Feb 2014
People who tell you if you love something let it go, have obviously never been let go of.

They have never felt themselves slip through someone's fingers as if they were nothing but grains of sand

So **** that

If you love someone love them, love them with the intensity of the waves crashing against the sand love them like the moon loves the sea always pulling it back no matter what

love like both of your hearts could burst from how much love is inside them

So whenever someone tells you if you love something set it free.

shake you head and smile and know if you love truly love something

never set it free.

— The End —