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Austin Nov 2017
Your brain is blurry now.
Your touch almost unreal.
You had went and found your way.
But forgotten how to feel.

You feel as if you know it all.
You feel as if your smart.
Then you come to find.
Your only further from the start.

Your mind races violently.
Gasping for air.
Your thoughts travel farther now.
Searching for a care.

Your mind trips over itself.
Weakened by each fall.
Off in the distance you hear a lone voice call.
But like all the voices it makes no sense at all.

Your thoughts are splattered now all on the bathroom floor.
You had to let them out.
Couldnt take it anymore.
They had to escape, they were eating at your core.

Now you can not think oh lord whats been done.
Now you can't see what you've done to everyone.
But your thoughts can rest easy.
The insanity is done.
Austin Nov 2017
You are the same.
You have not changed.
I still see our youth when I see your face.
I long to return.
To the days of the past.
When we were both younger.
When time was less fast.
A time when we only dreamed of now.
A time when we hadnt yet figured out.
That you have your life and I have mine.
Only entangled for a breif moment in time.
When you were all I needed.
To the world I payed no mind.
How I search for it again.
Which I never may find.
Searching for my child that you saw inside.
Looking to find him.
Longing to know.
I am foolish.
We were both bound to grow.
We had to get older.
We had to drift away.
If I could go back in time.
The things I would say.
If I could only go back to the good ole days.
Austin Nov 2017
You seem to have changed. I know longer see your face the same. Your smile, your laugh different now. I sometimes ask myself how?

Is it because you broke me down. Your now in rags. Where is your crown? Ill never forget that familiar sound.

The sound of a heart I once knew. Beating for me oh so true. I hear the beat no longer near. Your heart is now for someone elses ear.

Your smile is no longer a beauty to me. There now is nothing to see. What once brought joy is nothing now. Just a number of teeth in a mouth.

Everything I once knew, has turned to dust as you have to. No longer the person I once knew. I know longer see you the same. I guess its part of this crazy game.

A game between heart and mind. Changing direction all the time. One day here one day there. Where it travels I do not care.

Just strange how I once witnessed the world. In the eyes of a young girl. Who now looks nothing like herself. She is gone, with someone else.
Austin Nov 2017
Why must you hide your eyes?
Is it the fear of seeing mine?
Through these holes in our head do you see the once tangling of our souls is gone and now dead.
Or when you look at me can you clearly see the child in my old smile you once knew longing to be free.
Is the connection gone? Is it still there?
If my eyes were to lock yours with no one near would we transfer our pain? Transfer our fear?
Our hopes our dreams would they come with out speech?
Would energy transfer or are we out of reach?
Could you take my pain and I take yours. Travel this path in search of more.
In which we may never find.
What would happen if your eyes touched mine?
If your eyes touched mine would you drift off to?
In your head would you play a tune?
Would your mind float off only to soon crash back down into the world you live in?
Would it be as if you were on a cloud?
Floating calmly without sound.
Because the truth of it all now is this is truly happy.
Or has the fire burned and the flame long gone?
Do you see no reason to look into these eyes in which you once swam in.
Austin Nov 2017
I look into your eyes.
I see straight through you.
You give the apperence of stregth.
To me this is untrue.

When I look I see you crying.
I see you screaming out in vain.
I want to be there for you.
I want to take your pain.

I want to make you smile.
But not just on the outside.
I want to see you laugh.
The peace you long to find.

I want to help you to do this.
I want to be right near.
I long for you to listen.
I long for you to hear.

When you look into me.
I hope you feel the same.
I want us to help each other.
Help take away the pain.

The pain from the past.
Which is still close behind.
We can begin to run from it.
Your hand locked in mine.

As our hands are tangled.
With our hearts and souls.
We will find one another.
Two halves now a whole.

I can not promise perfection.
I am only a man.
But I will show you.
That you can love again.

— The End —