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Eric May 2019
Holding on by a string of a stem
Thinning by gravity
I will catch the next breeze
Warm and gentle, carry me free

I am so very young
Yet I know how to fly
Watch me spin, watch me twirl!
Flying down, down, into a soft earthy bed

I look up at the mighty sun
It feeds me energy
Enough to reach down into the soil
For I am thirsty

Seeking out underground
For any droplet I can find
I reach out here and there
And fill myself right up

Look at me, I am green!
I’ll push up higher for you to see
Stretching, stretching, day after day
Watch me as I climb

I’m getting stronger now
But nothing like my mother
She is the mightiest tree I know
One day I’ll be just like her
Eric May 2019
Look at me the way you do
Hatred from your heart's centre
For your reasons  high or low
Hate me the way you do

I need it
A square man cannot live with passion
Let me quest for love, or die in battle
But hate me, because you do
Eric May 2019
InhAle, SURGE, LiftinG, ENergy
rISe your Spirit up to the HeaVens
BE AlivE, be aliVe, FREEDOM is your AcceSSioN
Eric May 2019
Pour your half full glass of spirit down the drain
There's no time for one last drink
Because your going to try and make changes
Going to is not an option

You must educate yourself
and others
We've waited too long and the world needs to change
Immediately, habits must die and be born

And so as insignificant as your last drink may seem
Your will is what matters most
So pour that drink, for you are greater
But do it now, because it's our last hope
Eric May 2019
Art is anything appreciated
In any form, by any living thing

And if there exists something, which is not appreciated by anything
Wouldn't that be artistic in itself?
Eric May 2019
In the middle of this society, reflecting on what it’s done to me
Planning my next move, calculating it within the rules
I think about the very essence, am I here or in other dimensions
But then my clock tick tocks, alarm set back to culture shock

Is there a way to someplace better, where my mood’s not dictated by the weather
Where I’m not guided by technology, a world where there’s surprise for me
Something meaningful, more powerful than a hand can create
A revolution of my consciousness, societies’ debate

So I step out now and look into the horizon
Before a million miles, but my motivation’s rising
And I see the peak, a pathway to the heavens
I rely on myself, I’ve learnt you can’t rely on sevens

Now I’m finding my truth, I’m trusting it to carry me
To inspire my thoughts, to inspire self philosophy
I don’t need to be told what to do or think or say
I’m a let the universe guide me before it throws us all away

Eric May 2019
Two words from the title, now you are here
A glimpse of hope, a reason to cheer
Raise your head, stand up, and make a choice
Our world needs you, your one and only voice

Yours and mine and more to discover
A message of peace, round the world it will hover
And as more voices call out, our cloud will get bigger
Then rain peace across earth, and love into rivers

OUR world.
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