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Mar 2018 · 193
The Last Glimpse
Audrey Mar 2018
Your vibrantly colored smile slowly faded to grey. I watched as you seeped back into the folds of the outer-sphere; the universe was spread across your eyes.
Mar 2018 · 195
How to be happy
Audrey Mar 2018
My happiness relies on how much I sleep
and the dreams I get to keep
Mar 2018 · 229
The Perfect Fit
Audrey Mar 2018
"Oh, I love you, will you tell me your name?"
"Hello, I'm good for nothing. Would you love me just the same?"
Mar 2018 · 178
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Audrey Mar 2018
"And in the end,
we were all just humans...
drunk on the idea that love
that only love
could heal our brokenness."
Mar 2018 · 166
Hopeless Romantic #1
Audrey Mar 2018
For most, love is abstract splotches of paint scattered about poetically.
For me; love is geometrical figures and a rule book to follow.
Mar 2018 · 152
Audrey Mar 2018
How unaware one must be
to only realized
that they are submerged when it's too late?
Loneliness creeps across the floor.
At first, it's only around your ankles; making it hard to follow others without feeling like a nuisance.
Then suddenly,
not a day has gone by
and it's pressed against your ribcage.
Everything is tightened.
As it becomes harder to breathe,
the weight of the body becomes more noticeable.
When you've finally decided it hurts too much to breathe,
it coils around your neck; only choking you for the satisfaction of discomfort.
Dec 2017 · 178
Audrey Dec 2017
Earthquakes in my head oh how they wish me dead.
Migraines banging against my skull
then i fall.
Sea of angst, hear my plea! Stop letting jealousy wash over me.
Sympathy, don't leave.
Kindness, steal my heart.
........I don't want to fall apart........
Shatter the windows, shake the halls.
Tsunamis rage on and on.
Critics smirk and poets dream
while i sit on the floor and SCREAM.


Earthquakes in my head, oh how they wish me dead. Maigrains hitting against my skull, then i fall.
Every day is like a hurricane.
Emotions raging on and on.

Can i feel just one moment of peace?
i think i just heard a voice softly speak:

                     "Be still and quiet
that's the art of the silent.
Feelings can become too strong.
                                                         ­           just
                                                                ­                 let  
                                                           ­                           it
                                   ­                                                           all
  ­                                                                 ­                                    fall
Dec 2017 · 163
Audrey Dec 2017
Whenever I hear your name,
it's like tears stuck in the rain.
Dec 2017 · 178
Love me
Audrey Dec 2017
maybe im depressed
and a bit of a mess,
does that mean you should love me
any less?
Dec 2017 · 311
With Love~Thin Lizzy
Audrey Dec 2017
"I must confess
that in my quest
I have become depressed
and restless."
Audrey Oct 2017
Governed by impulses of the moment,
The inroads of misery and grief
Are Blind to a thousand minute circumstances.
A thousand conflictions are rendered mute
by Dreary imaginations
Spent in listless indolence.
Occupied by gloomy thoughts,
A wretch, haunted by a curse, shuts up every avenue to enjoyment.
On willowy islands,
The laborer’s
are  Depressed in mind with Spirits continually agitated by gloomy feelings
Enjoying happiness seldom tasted by man.
Casting black and impenetrable shades,
Mournful appearances are
Agitated by a tempest.
Oct 2017 · 170
witty quip #2
Audrey Oct 2017
Noises in the dark frighten me,
especially when they scream.
Oct 2017 · 148
Audrey Oct 2017
you are a star
and I a meteoroid
fearing for my life
that if I get too close
                                   I'll burn and melt.
being so far away,
I drift through
cold space.
Oct 2017 · 166
In the Town of Promises
Audrey Oct 2017
In the town of promises that never last,
short days to long and then past.
The stars and moon,
they made my heart swoon,
in the town of Promises That Never Last.
Oct 2017 · 159
Audrey Oct 2017
'Tis darkness that dwells in the corners of the heart and love that warms our flowing blood but air is the source of speech that too many take for granted.
Oct 2017 · 163
Philosophical love
Audrey Oct 2017
I wish they had taught us
when we were young
the difference between satisfied
and "being in love".
Oct 2017 · 157
witty quip #1
Audrey Oct 2017
I hate having a good breakfast in the morning. It ruins the bad day I was about to have.
Oct 2017 · 166
Dear Soulmate
Audrey Oct 2017
Where are you?
I look around empty corners
and across crowded streets
but you're nowhere to be found.
I once thought I had found you,
riding heaven lights that broke through stormy sick clouds.
You left happiness in your wake.
But now,
I am certain
that was not you.
Why don't you seek me out?
Do you not know of me either?
I wish
to make myself known
to you
for the very core of my being burns for your understanding nature.
end my loneliness.
Find me.
Or, perhaps, allow me
to find you.

— The End —