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Audrey Oct 2017
'Tis darkness that dwells in the corners of the heart and love that warms our flowing blood but air is the source of speech that too many take for granted.
Audrey Oct 2017
I wish they had taught us
when we were young
the difference between satisfied
and "being in love".
Audrey Oct 2017
I hate having a good breakfast in the morning. It ruins the bad day I was about to have.
Audrey Oct 2017
Where are you?
I look around empty corners
and across crowded streets
but you're nowhere to be found.
I once thought I had found you,
riding heaven lights that broke through stormy sick clouds.
You left happiness in your wake.
But now,
I am certain
that was not you.
Why don't you seek me out?
Do you not know of me either?
I wish
to make myself known
to you
for the very core of my being burns for your understanding nature.
end my loneliness.
Find me.
Or, perhaps, allow me
to find you.

— The End —