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Connor Veach Feb 2017
Without and but around she tags herself indecent in ganky exposure. Jubilee cranks up, and but with half her street’s mailboxes signal defeat with eyes on mantelpiece, surrounded. Roadside debutante grudgingly refuses both leftovers, then confession. Make known with loud insistent shrug of day how intricate cracks size up, amalgamated mess of tongue-and-cheek prevail. His and hers with signs pre-recorded – history, of course, being disloyal and impatient nut-case that she is, scribbling over own bones with fate of children’s children, exposed. Brick to brack rolls fervor in wet incandescence, itself a lone category expanded to virtual (any) interests of land sharks and dead. Making no mistake, catalogue drop falls and hits strike back bright the beacon of their magical thinking. Doubled down in laughter pain, the grotesque ridges of the system unencumbered dribbles off and drugs itself over dying embers sparkle. And then laughter more exposes weak tongue in probe - and probably prose - instead weeps, crosses the nose, sits sand, and follows freaky through the underlings – hostile territory restricted but for her name.
Connor Veach Feb 2017
Confuse make meddle break a sound, trilobite in the stucotto field merely music but a standing drum with handles Holden. Gold blast in shriek; titanium white in Marshal mopey: Messages of Mediums and a hearsay scald goes galactic, rain pallet wide and knows no planet reducible. Feel and then reel, I zing liquid quality crank, and crack has bountless laden, knows nuggets, and with fact falses out loosely, bound with bark a brain a fusion dance like rotoscope rigid. Has it with faces, and a carouselling cherub sizzles like defiance in. No more marks congratulate dumb-dumb, and have the false equivalency of like. A future has to fade fast, make room for jesty jocular, and a ride with census no love for the dark she’s seen in it.
Connor Veach Feb 2017
Her math homework,
no longer funny
and instead perverse,
speaking to her with
the spheres of song
and galactic reverb,
like-follows suit,
stutters numbers
and signs of equality
through her, on her,
to my sweet grey

on her lap, where: So
with then I listen and
make no motion
of the skin, everyone’s sighs;
likewise recording her
answers for a later date
she will never remember,
and by all accounts,
have moved past
long ago.

— The End —