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 Feb 2013 Love is in the Air
You're somewhere in that distant city, just a breath away,
hiding from the stars.
Life doesn't try to disguise its light... its people that do.
So when starlight is the only beam you shine under
how to I begin to try and find you.
I guess its time to learn to see in the dark,
the shadows will be my guide.

You pierced my heart and left the blade in
and the emotions are filling up and spilling out.
And I can't speak because the words are caught in your throat.
And you wont ever understand my tears, they are yours.

When we weave our threads together
we realize that the river of time is a lake.
We are in charge of these seconds, we can break the clocks
but we can never go back,

Don't look at me with faraway eyes
because your heart matches them.
Rings around fingers and necks, the strongest chains are invisible.
Please don't fade away from my dreams
that's the only place you visit me.
I wish I forgot how to cry.

I forgot the way your body ached
After a long day.

I forgot the color of your favorite shirt.

I forgot the photographs you took
With your tongue sticking out at me.

I forgot how easily the drugs
Took over our lives.

I forgot the scent of your hair,
Littered on our bathroom floor.

I forgot your scars
And the stories behind them.

I forgot the needles
And the ghosts you wanted to forget.

I forgot how you'd sing to me off key
While strumming your acoustic.
And the way your basement gave me the creeps.

I forgot just how loud you screamed
When they called my name at graduation,
With your fist in the air
And how I was almost embarrassed by you

I forgot how easily you made me laugh
And how difficult it was to let you go

I forgot.

I sat next to your headstone
With my face pressed against your name
Forgetting how to say goodbye.

And I wish I forgot how to cry.

— The End —