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Solitaire Archer Jun 2014
I never saw her cry
I always thought she was too strong to lose hope
She never asked for help or allowed the offer of a hand
She smiled always and had never a hard word to say
So I never knew you see that the world she saw was so dark
So without colour or warmth
Did I miss the signs?
Was I to involved in my own small life to notice hers had stopped turning
There must have been a point a phone call an unexpected visit
where I saw that she was reaching for me But I never saw

And now she's gone

I miss her smile and wise words I wish she had let me know she was so sad
I am sorry I was not there for you my Sister and I hope the next turning brings you more joy
Till the wheel turns and we again join in the Circle

May The Lady hold you gently and bring you solace

Solita - 2006
Solitaire Archer Jun 2014
The Night

by Doyenne Solace Arcanna ShadoeWalker

The night is full upon me now and the silver light of my Lady keeps watch

here now at this time when the birds sleep and the city seems frozen I can write or read or pray

But I cannot sleep So I write

not extraordinary things nothing to publish or to write home about

small night thoughts thoughts that go careening around my mind stopping the heavy curtain that is sleep

What shall I write?
No words tumble gracefully from my pen
Shall I read with my mind pin balling from one
thought to another
no reading tonight.

the soft scent of incense is calming and the music leads me to a place of study and I read magic mystery stories of ages past
and soon the night is forgotten
then light now greying into a cold march dawn the city shakes off her deep sleep

and flex's her sleep numbed shoulders to begin the work of the day

and now the birds are vibrant in their salute to the morning with joyous chorus

the night has past and I am lost in another tome of theory and magic suddenly no longer weary ..

as the first eastern rays brighten the skies and begin to melt the night ice

into morning moisture scattered across the sidewalks leaving sloppy ankle deep puddles

Now there will be peace
Now there will be silence
Now there will be sleep
Now I will be safe in My Lady's care.

Once more She has brought me safely through a cold winter night and as I light the day's candle I thank Her

Solita @ 2007
Solitaire Archer May 2014

everywhere I look there are traces of you
like smoke wrapped around the bare limbs of a fall tree
a soft scent so elusive yet it permeates my life
an open book or your coffee cup
traces everywhere

I do well ..really
until I hear your favorite song
and I double over in pain
I wasn't ready for you leave
you should have waited

you left a shirt on your chair
I sleep with it now
it's not the same
you should have waited
I never got to say good bye

I would have told you
how much you were needed
how much you were loved
I had so much left to say
and I never said Goodbye

but you left your traces..
on my heart
on my soul

I only  wish you had waited ...

May The Lady Hold You Gently My Love

Solita - 2006
Solitaire Archer May 2014
I never loved you anyway !!

I never loved you anyway
You only started my heart beating

I never loved you anyway
You only hung the stars

I never loved you anyway
The sun merely rose at your command

I never loved you anyway
You only held my soul

I never loved you anyway
Your smile only blinded my senses

I never loved you anyway
You only taught me how to laugh

I never loved you anyway
Your arms only held me safe

I never loved you anyway
You only opened my souls eyes

I never loved you anyway ... So why would I miss you, Now that your gone

When I never loved you anyway

Solita 2006
Solitaire Archer May 2014
Trapped in amber forever in place

no change no shift no race in haste

can steal me from my amber case

no sound no touch no worries here

the world is still and sunlit here

A fly in amber this mite is me

When was I trapped

Why didn't I see

The slow drip of resin that has trapped me

Minute by minute day after day it built up around me

it now bars my way

But it's quiet here and there is no strife

far am I from daily life

Perhaps it's not a trap at all
but a carefully built haven

Now home   ... after all

Solita - 2007
Solitaire Archer May 2014
I Thought You Should Know.

The Lilly's opened today
and I thought you should know

I sat and watched the rain wash over the roses you planted
and I thought you should know

Your favorite movie played this weekend and I watched it... alone
and I thought you should know

The world turns still, Growing and dying blooming and fading

Its odd and I thought you should know

You would think the earth would crack open
the skies would explode in rage
the seas should all boil away

And I thought you should know ..

The Lilly's bloomed today and your not here.

Solitaire Archer May 2014
Between indigo twilight and dawns rose gold
There is an hour
of shadowed soul
I am chasing sleep with tomorrows toil
so finite is time on this mortal coil
oaths and vows, promises unkept
leave me searching now for my latest misstep
So much needs doing how can I dream
fretting now for tasks yet unseen
should have could have might have beens
my place of rest uneasy seems
Between lightnings crack and thunders roll
There is an hour
of shadowed soul
half recalled tasks things yet undone
laying here far from the rising sun
careening thoughts chase sleep far apace
spinning like the dancer captive in a music case
Between fading moon and rising Sol
there is an hour
of shadowed soul

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