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Feb 2016 · 389
Douleur Exquise Feb 2016
Serenity fascinates
Ev­erything we should be.
Everything we are.
Feb 2016 · 369
Douleur Exquise Feb 2016
If the world was a reflection of ourselves
would we really be seen as innocent beings?
Feb 2016 · 399
For Moebius
Douleur Exquise Feb 2016
you had these great expectations
but you just have to wait this out
...let it sit
...let yourself breathe for a second
& remind yourself that this isn't the only reason you're living.
You are the full embodiment of what
beautiful things
the cosmos make us believe.
As a matter of fact
you are even more beautiful than the stars.
Nothing hurts me more than seeing someone I truly love being hurt.
Feb 2016 · 197
of Woman
Douleur Exquise Feb 2016
& with the crisp early light
out of bed she rose
with power, her strength.
Put on some lipstick
take a sip of your coffee
let everything be beautiful
let everything reflect her.
Feb 2016 · 886
Douleur Exquise Feb 2016
With every shake and stir
the world continues to evolve
into something else.
Something greater
just a little bit more
We stand beneath these lights
and we all shine.
Shine with the colors of life.

— The End —