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Dorothy Quinn Mar 2014
Infatuation is a dangerous thing
and I've been in(love)fatuated with you
since you first said my name.
It wasn't romantic at all,
it was just,

I know you never told me you'd stay
or that you loved me,
or anyone,
and I'm sorry that this has taken so long.

But I'm in love with how
you've never dragged your hands across my skin,
and whispered my name in the dark,
and how you never even think more of me
than your friend with a pretty face and full lips
you call when you're lonely.  

I'm sorry enough for the both of us
that I'm not strong enough
just to say
Dorothy Quinn Feb 2014
Someone told me
you can't write (p)oetry ab(o)ut things
you don't want to romanticiz(e).

So for a long (t)ime
(because of w(r)ong people like (y)ou)
I d(i)dn't write drunk,
becau(s)e the(n) I c(o)uldn't
guard my feelings.

But now I'm drunk as hell
and no(t)hing in my life
is close to romantic
and I don't have to explain to you
why (b)oats, oc(e)ans, and words
are the only things
that e(a)se my open wo(u)nds.

I don'(t) have to tell you why
I don't scream or cry or f(i)ght
when I think about how many of my (f)riends
killed themselves.
I write instead,
and it's not romantic.

I am not
in love
with words.

I am
in love
with them
and they're no longer here,
breathing, holding my hand,
and singing me songs about rivers
and how we'll always find each other.

But we won't,
because there's not a
single f(u)cking romantic thing
about how I'll never hold their hands

So I drink,
and I write,
and I do not (l)isten
to people like you.
Dorothy Quinn Jan 2014
Don't worry about him,
he doesn't love you
and he never did.

That's okay, love.
He's not full of hate and lust
just because he fell in love with someone else.
It's not his fault,
and it's certainly not yours.  

It's strange, I know,
that you don't scream or cry or even frown
because you can't feel anything at all.
It's four in the morning and you're drinking
his favourite tea and trying to keep your heart
beating without his name resonating throughout your chest -
and you can't do that yet, but you will soon.

I know it's hard
and all the bones in your body
sometimes ache with loneliness -
just don't think of him.

I know it's not much,
but think of how lovely your hands look
when you're holding your favourite mug of tea.
This is a series I'm in the process of posting that is titled "time travel" because they're mostly letters I would write people I care about (or myself) based on how I've seen things they've carried, grown through, or grieved over the past three years or so.
Dorothy Quinn Jan 2014
I don't think we're friends anymore.
Friends don't kiss like that
and push fire through each other's veins
Dorothy Quinn Jan 2014
He told me,
'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
And I'm so, so sorry
but what if I don't love myself?

I swear
I'm trying,
and I think I can love them
more than I love myself,
but I'm so, so sorry
if I can't.
Dorothy Quinn Jan 2014
I wish I didn’t love you
and I wish your lips
would stop
dripping poison
because I can’t help but touch them,

and I wish your heart was softer
and you learned how to kiss your mother goodnight,
and I wish you didn’t try
to **** yourself last May,
and I wish they’d let you leave this place,
because I’d like to hear your voice
even though I wish I didn’t.
You belong here,
with me,
even though I wish
that I never loved you
and I never let you sleep with your arms around me
or tell me how you think,
how you wished,
and you hoped that one day
you could love me, too.

I wish I knew how to say goodbye,
you can’t love me,
and there’s nothing romantic about that.
Dorothy Quinn Jan 2014
I dropped your favourite mug today.
I have the steadiest of hands,
but I thought of her name
and all the times you sighed it
into my pillow.

And face-down in a pillow
flooded with tears
is not heartbroken.

Heartbroken is seven drinks laced with ***,
and I can't breathe in
without seeing your face
and the room is spinning so much
and I forget which way is up,
and I dropped your favourite coffee mug
and I realized as it shattered into pieces,
I'm too tired to pick it up.
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