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Dorothy Quinn Jul 2013
If you’ve never had your heart broken,
listen closely.
But first, just know that I hope you marry
the first man that you kiss,
I hope that he never runs claws
through your chest and into your heart.
I pray he never even comes close
to scratching the finest layer
of protective skin around your organs;
and that you will never have to know
what it feels like
to have another person
slowly scar you with words.

Listen closely,
loving someone is more than a risk.
Do you know how a drive-by works?
Do you know what it’s like to hit a shoal
so that a peaceful cruise
turns to mayhem?
Your heart is the victim
but he’s not always the criminal -
remember that.

Don’t ever even think about thinking
that you did something wrong,
even if you did.
If your heart is torn into tiny shreds,
that’s punishment enough.
Don’t burn pictures and bridges
and his favourite scarf.
You don’t need to forget,
you need to forgive.

It will dully ache inside of your chest for
months, and months, and maybe years,
but you will be okay,
and you will open up your heart again,
but be careful, because heartbreak
does not get easier
over time.
Do not kiss boys who give you attention,
kiss boys who give you love, and limited editions
of Pride and Prejudice.
Everyone is fragile;
do not break boys’ hearts
because you are bitter.

Your body will heal itself
over time.
Be careful, and loving,
and forgiving,
and do not avoid heartbreak
by withholding love -
love is a risk and understand that heartbreak
is the worst case scenario
of a drive by shooting,
or a cruise running aground.
I wrote this while balling my eyes out and haven't even attempted to edit it, but it's raw and real and not my best piece. I wouldn't take relationship advice from me, but I would take advice from me on how to heal a broken heart. Hearts heal better when allowed to breathe in fresh air and absorb sunshine, love freely and don't lock your hearts away in damp chests void of light. Your body can heal itself just fine on its own.
Dorothy Quinn Jul 2013
I knew I promised I’d keep writing,
I don’t break promises,
so I’m writing,
but you don’t know that.

It’s not that I don’t want to tell you,
it’s only that the leaves started to fall,
and I started to fall in love with old flames and blades,
so I asked God,
if He would please,
put eleven deadbolts on my heart,
and then toss the key in the Thames,
just so I could save myself from you.

My heart is healing
and soon won’t need such protection.
Don’t worry, He can craft new keys,
and don’t even think,
not even for a second
that I want anyone but you
to slowly take off the locks,
one by one, slowly,
one, two, three…eleven.

I promised I’d keep writing,
and I’m writing, and please just know,
that even though the keys sunk to the bottom
of the river, don’t even think that means
I didn’t try eleven times every day
to rip the eleven deadbolts from my chest
just to get closer to you.
Dorothy Quinn Jul 2013
When I was fifteen I started kissing
every single boy who held my hand,
because holding hands was simple, innocent, lovely.
How could anything but gentleness
come from a boy who just wanted to hold my hand?

My biggest fear used to be
failing to see the beauty and goodness in the world,
now my biggest fear is failing to see the world
for what it is, and trusting people
that would, without remorse,
run rusted, ragged, knives
through my ribcage.

I don’t hold hands with boys anymore,
because I refuse to redefine what it means
to hold someone’s hand,
so instead,
I’ll redefine myself,
and my lovers,
and redefine who is allowed
to hold my hand.
Dorothy Quinn Jul 2013
You’re as tempermental as the thermostat
in my grandfather’s farmhouse,
always bouncing between freezing and scorching,
even when it’s a steady temperature outside.
You’re working on that.

You’ve never been in love,
but you told me you would be
as soon as I let you kiss my scars,
and promise there would be no new ones.
I’m working on that, too.
Dorothy Quinn Jul 2013
You still visit me in my sleep,
even when his arms are around me.
You still take your knives and carve
tiny hearts of out my flesh,
then hang them in front of his face.

I love you but not in the way
that you hope for, or **** for, or destroy for.
Your lovers’ minds are not a battlefield -
stop waging war on innocent ground and
allow yourself to be healed.

Stop! I love him because he kisses my scars
and rubs them with ointment, always ensuring
there’s no new ones being made in the process.
He doesn’t drive me to create more, because
he is healed and knows my mind is not a battlefield.

If you won’t admit defeat,
then repeat after me:
I cannot be healed, I cannot be healed, I cannot be healed.
Dorothy Quinn Jul 2013
There must be a reason
for which clichés
became clichés.
Those words and the way they intertwine
must’ve resonated with so many people
as to wear them out and lose their meaning.

But, they have not lost anything
because words don’t decay;
they are infinite.
So, believe me when I say
that I don’t want to live another moment
without you.

Please listen, I’m telling the truth
when I whisper that my heart
has finally found a home with you,
and that you are the best thing
that’s ever belonged to me,
and that I’m jealous of you

half as much as the King is for His creation,
and believe me, that’s more than enough.
Please, understand that I believe
that clichés haven’t lost their depth.
So, when I say I would give you everything,
I mean it with all that I am.
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