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Dnile Jun 2020
it was a year ago when the stars when the stars would align
everything was more than fine
for on this day i became yours and you became mine
we fell in love under the sunshine
of summer time
when the sun went down it was me you and moon
who knew that soon
there would be love
that was followed by despair
who knew John would cause a
crash and just leave us there
who knew Joanie would add gas to the fire
who knew a year later I would only desire
your hand in mind
who knew this heart was designed
to be loved by yours
who knew I would feel love coming out of my pores
who knew that I would
tear this apart
spit in your face and
break your heart
who knew that I would do it again
I know I ****** up
I regret it my friend
if only I knew then
what I know now
if only I could rewind time
some how
if only I could show you
that your boy can be a man
who knew it was you that I wanted to plan
out my days with
kissing your lips
loving your kids
buying you gifts
who knew that I could be
loved because it wasn't me
who knew love could be this hard
who knew a future is what we were building
who knew I'd love you and your children
who knew there would be days we felt like dying
who knew a year later we'd still be trying
who knew it was Dave and Ashley
writing a love story
better than the ones that we see in the movies
who knew I'd give up
on the groupies
and save my heart for one
who knew when I wrote that first song I'd write another one
then many more
who knew you'd fill my heart my walls notebook and
so much more
who knew I would feel pain when I see you cry
who knew that I could try
who knew
I could be better I think that one was you
who knew I'd feel pain Everytime your skin rips
wishing I could fix it
I would give you my flesh
I would take your pain
and put it in my chest
who knew I would cry over people I never met
feeling bad talking to my mom wishing you could get
just one more second with yours
who knew I'd do chores
clean up that dish
say relax miss
I'll take care of your kids
who knew
that after the crash
I would still write these raps
pouring my heart out to Ash
who knew
who knew
who knew
it was you
that would choose me and I'd choose you to
who knew
who knew
who knew
that love stories were true
who knew
who knew
who knew
id write this song for you
Dnile May 2020
hello Andrew
I just wanna know do you
think about me do you remember
I exist
it's me your son from 86
you might not even know my
and honestly that's ******* lame
I have never met you never even seen a picture
your little boy has gotten bigger
pain and depression a fixture
in his life a mixture
of thoughts
about you feeling lost
all this time
swore that one rhyme
was the last I'd write about you
but here we are once more
spent years looking for
you to no avail
one more letter to put the nail
in the coffin
use to think about you often
now those thoughts are seldom
in my mind your not welcome
but I gotta say a couple of things
you could've pushed
me on the swings
you could've helped
me ride a bike
or maybe show me what
it was like
to be a man but you chose
to dispose
the son you never met
bet you felt good sending out that check
fifteen bucks a week the ******* disrespect
thanks allot daddy
I hope ur ******* happy
I hope you got a house and it's not to shabby
I hope you had some more kids
and I hope you raised them well
as for the one you left behind he hopes you burn in hell
daddy your missing
your grandchildren
and building bonds they coulda had
all cause your selfish *** couldn't be a dad
I have never seen your face
I have never heard your voice
I wonder if that choice
was ever a regret
or did you walk away and forget
about the boy
you left in Troy
******* daddy
I hope your happy
I hope you got a house and it's not to shabby
I hope you had more kids and raised them well
as for the one you left behind
he hopes you burn in hell
Dnile May 2020
***** derelict ******* discussing disgusting
details during dinners duration destroying districts digging *******
dismissing documents doing dirt democrats decorating dessert deceiving devoted dads
daily ******* dude do dabs *******
dank dope dissolving distress
dry deserts digress
dear daddy daves desire didnt die dnile delivers delicious detail dont deny
**** define definitions
describe different dimensions debate decisions delay
difficult damage dealing dangerous deep dark delusions
dislike dishonest dwellers
dissing developers
domestic discussions destroy diversity
decrease defiance demonstrate disapproval
draw doodle
drink Dunkin donuts decaf devour delicacies
drop down duck
deploy disease
Dnile May 2020
hello it's me again
back in my room with a pen
in hand
writing raps as my lungs expand
inhale that smoke
till I choke
on the product
thoughts idiotic
excuse my misconduct
as I deconstruct
this mother ******* ****
hits blunt......
I'm gonna go to the sun
at night
that's right
wondering why noses run
and feet smell
can you tell
me sir
and is this ******* water wet
or not
blood shot
wondering why
apartment's are built together
and why professor
x can't move his ******* legs with his mind
think a little and you'll find
that there's more ******'s on the
planet than people
and almost every hand you've ever touched has touched a **** get high pick
ur poison
****** thoughts as I'm destroying
this ****
please tell me if
practice makes perfect
and nobody's perfect
then why do we practice
and let me ask this
if a blind person has a dream
can they see it I wanna scream
cause my fingers have finger tips
but my toes don't have toe tips
but I can tip toe and not tip finger
this bud the bringer
of this **** wondering if
butterflies feel humans in their stomachs when there in love
Dnile May 2020
once again I'm drowning
in an ocean
of emotion
consumed by my thoughts my insides are exploding
so much pain and darkness
I gotta let go
so I'm writing this letter to
let you know
that mommy I still love you even though you didn't try
mommy I still love you even though that guy
touched me
he ruined me
destroyed my innocence
been holding on to so much and it just makes sense
that the darkness is what's
killing me
got me lacking the ability
to say
that I'm ok
but mommy I still love you though you didn't believe
the things he did
to your kid
mommy I forgive you for all
the welt's
from belt's
the pain and the neglect
look at your little defect
so imperfect
mommy I still love you even if
it doesn't show
and even though
you didn't help me grow
or know
where my daddy went
mommy I still love you despite all the abuse
and those words you use to use
the heated hanger
smacked with pots and pans
I'm in danger
mommy I still love you although I wasn't raised
but just so you know you ruined many days
you stripped me of my life
and now I look like
an ******* if I don't visit
I feel ashamed and I don't
wanna revisit
those four walls in that old room
where you called me a ****** and hit me with a broom
mommy I forgive you
mommy I still love you
but look what you did
you destroyed me sincerely
ur broken kid
Dnile May 2020
I don't know where to start
my heart
feels dark
I've lost my spark
I feel so down
the waves are crashing around
and I just wanna drown
dreading the sound
of the words were gonna
have to utter
to each other
I guess I gotta say
goodbye for now
and hope that some how
I make it back to ur arms
where's the alarms
it feels like  the world is ending
and everyone around is pretending
that it's ok
do you feel like that or is it just me
I don't wanna move on
I don't wanna let go
I got nothing left but to
let you know
that I'm here and I'll try
that I won't drown and die
that I'll breathe I'll survive
I'll still wait for that text
it could be tomorrow it
could be next
year and I'll be here
your rap guy
filling the notebook with his thoughts I
don't wanna say goodbye
so I guess it's goodbye for now
hoping that some how
you don't forget me
I beg
I remember you said
Sometimes it last in love but sometimes it hurts instead
and this ******* hurts but why can't it last
why can't it just be Dave and Ash
why can't we talk and
fix our issues
gonna have to spend my check on boxes of tissues
instead of things for you
why can't we just get through
the storm babe I'd buy the umbrella
and ponchos this fella
came prepared for hell er high water
tornados and monsoons
can't we just go back to Cole's and eat some macaroons
and sit on the porch
where my heart starting beating
can we start over
without repeating
the ******* I'm sorry
but I don't wanna say goodbye
not even just for now
not even for a second
I wanna grow this love story
till they speak of the legend
you said your burning so let me  burn with you
I'll walk through the flames
yeah your boy is on fire
on some Creed **** cause you take me higher
let's go back to those places
the parking lot
and that bench
that pool in the woods let's
swing for the fence
let's go into overtime
and hit a homer
your the owner
of this heart that this
bag of bones carries
I love you in a really really big
pretend to like your taste in music
let you eat the last piece of cheesecake
hold a radio over my head outside your window
unfortunate way that makes me hate you love you
so pick me choose me love me
I wanna be your person
so we can be perfectly imperfect
but I guess it's goodbye for now
hoping that some how
you don't forget me
I beg
I remember you said
Sometimes it last in love but sometimes it hurts instead

— The End —