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Divine Edem Efa Dec 2024
It is Christmas once again
A time were we all must silence our pain
To a happiness we must attain

It is Christmas once again
The sky a clock to show what festive time
Wishes to the firmament it climbs
Family seated round the table to dine
On the festive meat

It is Christmas once again
Oh! What time of joy it is
To celebrate the coming of our Lord
The one true God

Born of flesh
Through the spirit
The altars of demons
He was destined to destroy

Critics may wonder
A God made of clay?

Yes the heads of demons
He was meant to slay
The price of our sins he came to pay

It is Christmas once again
The time he brought glee to our mournful gloom
And made our withering petals bloom
This day is worth a celebration


Divine Edem Efa.
This poem is to tell the importance of Christmas and the possible feeling the people have when celebrating it
Groping in the brightness of ignorance
I search for a better light

Blinded by the brightness of the darkness
That engulf my life

I need a saviour
A way to make things right

I am too young and inexperienced
To know the gamut of life

Deceived by the swiftness of my heart
And the weakness if my will

I pursue thorns
In the name of roses

What do l know of love?

My heart is serated by the teeth if reality
Struck by the arrows of Cupid
Struck so hard within
Its beats grow solid like Artic ice

And it tries to run
Runaway through my eyes

My heart speaks
My mouth beats

Tearing deep within
Into the ****** flesh of nature

What do I know right?

I need a saviour
I need a light to make things right

I am a teacher in a classroom of fools
To the wise I am a worthless tool

My only wisdom is foolishness
My pride is shame

Never will I again
Venture into pain

But I need a saviour
A person that to make things right
Because I alone can't do it

I need to make things right
Now that the time still ticks forward
And my shadow is not seen

I need to make things right
In preparation for when the hands of time will click backwards upon my shadow
They will see my trail leading to hope, light and gladness

I need to make things right
The author tries to express the foolishness that ran through his teenage age and his unpleasant encounter with love through his impulsive behaviour. He points out that he was utterly foolish and needs a guidance from a person who wasn't seeing the world from a clouded window like his. A saviour who sees the bright side of the world so that he too can lead him there.
Behind the hulk of a man
Is a little child
Restricted by the bars of maturity
The child wanders within, wild
Waiting, hoping, looking
For a way to explore the world

Behind the shabby walls of the grown man
Is a little child chained by the expectations of the society
Enslaved by an illiberal reality

No more can the land of flowing
With milk and honey be seen
A land with unicorns and candy

No more can the warmth of the blanket in the dark room corner
Serve a cover
Over the world of adventures
The world of rainbows and blooming roses

The hands of time had grown the eyes
But left it he mind

The land with unicorns and candies
Through our weary eyes
Has eroded into one with dragons and poisons

The world beyond the warmth of the blanket
Transgressed into one with clouds of grey
And flowering thorns

Behind the man of steel
The man with a heart of ice

Lays a tender beat
A flaking fire
Waiting to melt away the ice

Behind the words of metal
The heart of steel
Is a child wanting to be loved
To be cared for
To find a true sense of living

It is the child of a man.
As the clocks tick twelve
The old dissolves. A chapter is closed, mystery evolves

Shots in the sky I hear
Piercing through the dying year
Weak and tired it bled in memory ounces
Blood of grey
Tears of gloom
It ate our flesh and sipped out blood

But wait, I can see a child crawl from its beneath
Carrying a smile of gold
A future in bold
A new year is born

Its breath filled the grey with gay
The gloom with boom

Our heart with hope
And our mind with gladness

A new year is born
Dreams beyond dreams
I have dripping upon the blank white

Hoping in enthusiasm
It all becomes real

The past is passing
A new life is casting

I hope I see the light
This new child gleams

I hope I experience the new day
The new life

The new hope.

The poet expresses the joy and anticipation of the new year and all the dreams that he expects to come alive in reality. He attributes the previous year as gloomy and dark but despite its darkness it bore a child of light. Hoping that the new year doesn't usurp darkness we gladly wait for the gift it holds.

— The End —