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72 · Dec 2022
Dikshya Dec 2022
Squeaky brakes, no helmet
Pray to your god
Cheat your destiny
Bet on your life
Be unfair
Don’t believe in fairy tales
Those are for the weak people
Don’t be imprisoned lunatic
Morality for the herd
Do what you want
For you only
Trust your gut
Play big
Listen nobody
Trust yourself
Listen your body
You’re the god
And you’re god’s servant
Don’t be a hypocrite
Shout out loud
Your truth
Don’t listen to others
Their truth has nothing to do
With yours
Worship nothing
But life itself
71 · Aug 2021
Obsessed with you
Dikshya Aug 2021
Everything can happen
Any time
I wanna learn you language
I want to speak to you in your mother tongue
I wanna bite your lips
They’re so sweet
You’re my baby
I wanna ******* everywhere
I wanna ******* in your parents bedroom
How have I become so possessed?
I’m just obsessed with you
Talking with my therapist about you
Talking with my friends about you
Talking in my head about you
All the time
I’m so drunk
And you’re the strongest *****
I’ve tried so far
You’re my muse
And my seducer
To think about you every minute
To write thousands words
To describe my feelings
To write you out of my head
But yet
You still there
You have taken all the space
You’re everywhere
70 · Sep 2021
Who am I?
Dikshya Sep 2021
Who am I?
Am I this?
Or am I that?
Or am I nothing at all?
68 · Aug 2022
Dikshya Aug 2022
Walked in the rain
While you were asleep
Went to buy flowers
Which you never bought for me
Funny but I’m the one
Who’s always buying flowers
And now I’m looking at them
Staying on my table
Flowers which name I don’t even know
And I’m thinking
That we’re quite alike
Me and them
As I feel like a plant in here
Having quite enough for existing
But not really living
Just dreaming of living honestly
While looking through the glass door
At the other plants on my terrace
Which unlike me
Can’t go anywhere from here
And the only thing left
Is to accept their reality
But unlike them
I’m the human
And humans tend to have desires
And I don’t want to put my roots in here
And be like other plants on my terrace
68 · Aug 2023
Substitute for love
Dikshya Aug 2023
Would you agree for a substitute for love ?
You see I’m vegan and I always use a substitute for meat
So maybe for love it will also work out
As I can’t afford one
Too sophisticated and my life is way too complicated
Can’t really rely on me
As I’m like a wind
Today I’m here
Tomorrow there
But I need love anyway you know?
So maybe you would agree to be my love substitute?
I don’t need much
Oh well maybe I do
I know I need touch
And care
Your attention too
Don’t tell me you love me
Just your attention will do
Just hug me and take me
If I feel blue
I know I’m not easy
Well neither are you
And I belong to the world
It can’t be only you
Even tho I need a man to belong
Nevertheless I cannot
It will never work out
As I cannot afford to be someone’s girl
Dikshya Aug 2023
I have this love and hate relationship with my homeland
Always felt ashamed of the passport I’m holding
Hiding at right away
After airport check in
So no one can see
Bc that’s not the person I wanted to be
Never felt free in here
Never felt this place suits me
Every time coming back
I have this fear
That I will stuck
And won’t get out
From here
Perhaps I would love this place a little more
If we had borders opened with Europe
Or even better no boarders at all
If not the Russian influence
If we had national identity a little more
Oh god I’m so tired of repeating it
That no, my country is not a part of Russia
No we have our own history separate from them
And our own language
But I don’t even know it properly
Bc these jerks from the East of us did everything to eliminate it
(If I only could I would cut out Russian language out of my memory forever
And replace it with something else)
But at least I’m half Ukrainian
Which makes me a little bit more proud of my blood
Bc unlike these country residents they’ve got *****
And they do not have this national identity crisis
I’ve been raised up without family values
Even more I’ve been raised up without no values at all
I mean there were people who tried to put some values in me
But they couldn’t make it
Sometimes I envy those who’ve got some values
At least it makes some sense for their living
While I’m just keeping my existence senseless
And I turned out to be the saddest adult after all
Well if you can call an adult this infantile creature
It seems like I went too far
So what I wanted to say is
It seems like I pity my country out of love
But I don’t want to identify with it
Or be somehow connected
Oh god let’s us be the creators of our own destiny
65 · Dec 2020
My lovely friend
Dikshya Dec 2020
A refugee
Nomadic and a loner
Like gypsy traveling the world
In hope to find a place to stay
Oh wild youth
My teenage dreams
Remember every moment
Every glimpse
Of truth
Like drinking till the dawn
And sharing deepest secrets
With you
My lovely friend
And you’re so far away
We’re thousands miles apart
But even lands and oceans
Will never sunder us
Have you forgotten dear
The scent of my soft skin?
But I remember clearly
The way you looked at me
How have you shuddered
Being nervous
How have you laughed
And smiling happily to me
Oh that was lovely

I wish that I could cherish more
All moments that we had
With you
From me
With love
64 · Dec 2020
Dikshya Dec 2020
I don’t have my loved around
Or even closer
I’m all alone conquering the Far East
And feeling like imposter

My journey lasts for years
I’m finding truth within
I’m changing homes and friends
Disposable existence

I’m dreaming thoughts and thinking dreams
I’ve got the sorrows ocean
And desperations filling hopes
I’m drafting aims in motion

Acclaimed homeless,
I’m looking at the west
It’s tempting
And those desires it might have
Achieve which is requested
64 · Dec 2020
Break the core
Dikshya Dec 2020
What are you doing to yourself?
You silly thing
Don’t you remember
How bad was it
Like falling down the rocky hill?
You’ve got the fancy look
And doing pretty well
But deep inside you’re still scared
I know you’ve hidden sinnery and lust
Behind the angle they’re waiting
And underneath your gloss
You know you’re pretending
Who are you really?
Do you know?
What purpose are you chasing?
Layer by layer peeling off
Your masks, your skin
And going deeper
What do you see there
Frightens you
But you continue
Facing yourself
Searching the truth
The reason and consequence
And when you break the very core
You know that you’re saved
59 · Aug 2023
Dikshya Aug 2023
Lemme be a lil old school with this ink on the paper
Can I live in the moment alright and not care about later
Lemme be free as a child, dancing awkward
Lemme make all kind of mistakes,
Even impossible ones
I do feel like imposter
Wherever I go
Whatever I do
Maybe that’s what I am
There’s no escaping
Well **** that
I got burnt thousand times
So that no more scares me
Here I am high and dry
As pretty much always
Perhaps you should fall really down
To build up your wings and fly
All my ex roommates
Are getting married
Are making children
While I’m growing the list of my exes
I cannot relate to their problems
I’m probably too much of a problem myself
So that’s why all of my boyfriends eventually
Got rid of me
Or I got rid of them
Final applause to the old maid
You made it through again
Survival of the heartbreak
Make it plural
So that’s my silly poem
And no morality in it
It’s just a little part of story
About me
58 · Aug 2023
All or nothing at all
Dikshya Aug 2023
I don’t wanna leave my books
And my thoughts forgotten
Somewhere among the dust
When the destiny steps up
And acts nasty
I’m like a cranky child
Who doesn’t know what she wants
But just craving for attention
Of her loving parent
If destiny my mother
Where’s her care?
If destiny my father
Where’s his protection?
If destiny my guardian angel
Where’s his guidance?
I’m lost as never
I’m blank as never
My heart is empty
But only my mind is full of thoughts
And I can never figure out
Which one is right
Or which one is wrong
If I’ve achieved something
Its my complete indecisiveness
The field where I succeed
Never was popular in school
Not really popular when I grew older
Too avant-garde for ordinary
Too simple for the marginals
Always somewhere in the middle
The middle path suits me right
At least it felt always right
But how I want to know exactly
Without guesses
Without mistakes
Oh this seeking of perfection
Where’s it gonna take me
When too afraid to make a step
In any direction really
Anyway something is about to happen
And whatever it is
I’m gonna jump
Into these deep waters
Of new experiences
And have it all
Or nothing at all
56 · Dec 2020
Dikshya Dec 2020
I’m not gonna be devoted to one man or two
Because of what I choose
To be devoted to myself only
Have passed those times
When women were belonging to somebody
I can be free in my own glory
No doubt
I love my freedom
The cost was paid by my ancestors
The price was high
But yet it worth it
With blood and sweat and lifes
Of those brave women
We got the power now
56 · Aug 2023
Jungle of concrete
Dikshya Aug 2023
Listening soft grunge in the metro
Watching the sun watching me
Making my hair golden
In the golden hour
Sets these strands on fire
My split ends -
Endless access to stress
Race to success
Face to face
But avoiding eye contact
Industrialization impact
I guess
My quest to survive
Don’t act like
You’re the one who cares less
I care a lot
Like in this movie
Everyone has their motive and it ain’t selfless
I’m sorry if you took me wrong
Cause I’m that kind of person
Who rolls like a rolling stone
So don’t expect much nobility
It is what it is
In this jungle of concrete
53 · Aug 2023
Dikshya Aug 2023
Chewing on meet without any remorse
Devour everything what crawls
While scrolling feed
Shorten your attention spin
Care about the looks
Who cares about pollution
When these new pair of jeans
Made in Cambodia
Looks so a great on you
Who thinks about Cambodian kids
When you see these 9.99
Everything is fine
In your narrow world
In your narrow mind
We got heated up
Even more then predicted
But how unpredictable
Are you in your new style
Have you seen the met gala looks
Oh my those are just divine
Humans are such hypocrites
We pet those who are immoral to eat
Stop trucks heading to a dog eating festival in China
But serving pigs on our tables
People you have really lost it
Your morality’s sick
Something went wrong long ago
But let’s forget about it
While sipping coffee
Through the plastic straw
Dikshya Jun 20
Barefoot walk on the grass
Barely need to tell you anything
As you already know everything
Could easily sense any single thing
While I’m singing quietly alone
In my solitude around the strangers
It’s so strange how I’m my only home
My body is the sacred temple
It’s more spiritual then any church
I take my inspiration which is brought by wind
And letting the same flow take me wherever
Complete surrender whatever is the circumstance
Complete surrender for what it takes
Taking my time and slowly contemplating
I’m sharing moments with the one who seeks the truth
I don’t own properties or have any money
But I’m rich, abundant and I’m pure
46 · Aug 2023
Self reflecting
Dikshya Aug 2023
Never thought about being myself
Self reflecting my being
And what is it meaning
In this meaningless reality
Unreal hopes, expectations too many
We all thought that we’re special
When we were kids
Childish dreams broke on the walls
Of existence
I’m existing
But barely living
Like everyone else
Had too many demands from this life
Like everyone else
Never wanted to be like everyone else
Like everyone else never wanted to be
Like everyone else, just like me
I’m philosophizing nothing no more
I just wanna go through the door
Of this reality
What is behind
What is hiding there
Is it real the energy qi
Is it empowers me
Or shall I call it kundalini or shakti instead
I was so “no commitment”
But now I’m entangled
With someone who was just a stranger before
Am I worth anything
Am I a little bit talented?
Or just as special as everybody
Wanted to be somebody some day
Well.. sounds like thousand tomorrows to me
To be honest I’m just afraid that there’s nothing left for me
But maybe nothing is already something
Something special
Something the most valuable
Even if it’s not easy to comprehend
Maybe that’s what they call balance
No bad karma
No good karma
Means no karma at all
And settles you free
Ha ha
Very funny
The vanity is pouring out of me
Not realistic, still a dreamer
Still a kiddo
No big plans
No big goals
Just to be
Because I never understand these people
What makes them do what they do
Makes them create more content
In this era of informational pollution
Why to make even more
Aren’t we all just toxic
Encouraged by our ego
Supported by our parents’s
Unrealized desires
I wish I had desires
But I don’t feel much
Staying comfortably numb
Well… whatever
40 · Aug 2023
Dikshya Aug 2023
I couldn’t sleep last night
Had too much on my mind
All the things that I’ve done
And all which wanted to do
But just didn’t dare to

I want to live life
Feel alive and be wild
I want to feel sun on my cheeks
Wind on my neck
Be all over the place

Be over people
Loyalty to the self
Not other selves
Put myself first
Not otherwise

I’m thirsty for life
While I’m not even thirty
Still kinda young
Still kinda pretty
Well… maybe

I’m no one to judge
So don’t judge me either
Or it might take a while
I’ve got too many nuances
Was born sophisticated

Not lucky in romance
I guess
Not good with money
So with career
Never had one

Something never started
What has no ending
Just melting in the middle
Between decisions
Never taken

Unpopular imposter
Living mannequin
Fake pretty girl
Superficial happiness
In affordable price

— The End —