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Deserie Indigo Aug 2013
Clumsy you, clumsy me
How in the world
did we think this would work?
You and your selfish games
And me with my attention to detail

Oh how not only
you Let me see the other side
But you also fooled me into thinking
That you loved me

Oh Silly me, silly you
This would not have
made a good match
For we both loved each other
But never truly persued
How my respect for you
perished in the fire
Once I knew that you also
Loved someone else

Oh how ignorant I was
The dumbest genius
I have ever known
For I saw with my heart
And loved with a blind eye

Oh how we are destined
To be seperated
Yet drawn to each other like magnates
That never loose strength
And how much in love we still are
But live in two seperated worlds
That we will never undersatand
Deserie Indigo Aug 2013
The world is spinning all around her
And she doesn't know how to make it stop
Everything she felt is fading into dust
Nothing she knows is being seen
All her treasures were sunk
to the bottom of the ocean
And won't ever return to the surface
The only love she knows
is the one she keeps hidden inside
her burning soul
Secured so tight in her safest dreams
Where no one dares to look
But that's the way it's always been
And there is nothing she can do
To change that
Some days she even pretends
She is just like everybody else
So that no one
can see the pain in her eyes
Or the devistaion
in her soul
But at the end of the day
She will still be standing all alone
Just like its always been
As the whole world spins for her
And she can't make it stop!
Deserie Indigo Jul 2013
I'm like a wall
A stern girl who sees nothing but the light
Try to break through me, tear down my flesh, aggravate my soul
But I  will still be standing
Strong as ever
Reaching the sky with both hands held high
And my smile as big as ever
For I have known I have succeeded life's test
And the intension of growing like a flower
blooming in the mid spring air
To dare anyone who challenges my existence
And the reaction of my fate
For I am the commander of myself
And lead the direction I will go
Deserie Indigo Jun 2013
I dare you
I dare you my son
To take off that faulty mask
and show your true colors
For you are no special god
no special creature at all

You made me believe in
hope, destiney, love at first sight
But I guess believing
is not worth knowing
until that mask has been
torn upon your face;
Glowing below the moonlight
To show the world
your monstrous form

My heart has been shattered
into thousands of pieces
But you won't dare bother
to pick them up
To be that brave warrior
And clean up the horror
you have thrusted upon me

I used to look into your eyes
And see the heavens
shining from above
Giving hope to all
my weaknesses in life

But now all I see is a ***** mask
Filled with unwanted
critters and clumpy dirt

You may as well love me
But I certainly
do not love you back
Knowing that wonderous mask
appeals to your face

Silence has faded out now
Let go of my hand
And let my heart
****** to the ground
Watching me sink
in the hurricane of my wonders

Dont follow me
Don't try to come back
Because now I see your true colors;
Black and white
No life
Just a prison
Captivated by torn walls

I loved you
I will always love you
But as long as that mask
is thrown on your face
My heart will never come
Deserie Indigo Jun 2013
I cry not for me
but for you
desperately achieving the goals of society
unknowingly striving for acceptance
when all you need is yourself
fighting fire with fire
when all you need is a taste of rain
your hunger for power and cruelty does not suprise me
but only you, yourself, can change
how you perceive the expectations of life and society
for evil does not have to consume your soul
nor is it needed to accomplish any tasks
all you need is some light in your dark pathway
and maybe, just maybe, you can one day learn to love

— The End —