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Ishtar Jan 2017
Hatred is only acceptable for people when it comes from themselves, in some cases until they realize it is a waste of resources.
Ishtar Jan 2017
Having to sustain,
my breathing, a hellish landscape,
where all of them dwell
no further than surfaces...

Industry, enterprises,
companies, businesses,
what a diplomatic way
to keep us slave...

Everybody notices,
Nobody cares,
as long as their dishes are full,
of the polymers they emulate food with...

Wealth and democracy are a placebo,
I'm fed up with it, not taking it anymore,
never took it again, from a while now...

My hopes lie far away,
where none of them can notice,
that I'm higher on thoughts,
higher than them, no envy anymore.

do you think you are free?
dis-attach, learn to fight and go away,
where no man can find you...
Ishtar Sep 2016
Somehow I just wanted to know that all the things you posted and all the messages I thought meant something different than your hate and thirst of vengance, maybe messages meant for someone else, are a proof of how manipulative person can be, that's the only memory that you left me to keep, so I chose to keep away from this, to remain away from all the **** that you are able to inflict and to know that it is caused by your wish... Oh what kind of wishes... You're evil, I disociate the memory...
Ishtar Aug 2016
If only It was easy... It is only easy for you... the end... that is what you have been asking for from the beggining after all, right? fight for us? you never did, you only attended my begging a few times, you know you were avoiding me since weeks, months and even years ago from that moment and you pretend to be the only victim? guilt? Both of us have it and you know it, equally, you were manipulative all the time, I was a ******* at a moment, that is called a reaction, because I got sick of you dealing my emotions at your wish, I allowed you too much in my life, as if you were even there, like a parasite you fed from me and almost destroyed me, how could you ******* dare? and how stupid I was trusting you when you yourself told me that I was a nail driving another nail out? that's something only you can do, I even gave you an excuse to end it as you wished, I should have taken that same excuse because you have given it to me first, or even better for you, should I have never tried at all? Can't you see that I had dreams of a cool future with you? you never dreamed anything else than discarding me and that is what you fed me with during most of the times. I don't even know why I'm writing this, you don't care, you ******* never cared. I wish you understood clearly and not the rough way you like... Want to know something else? Through all this, I never wanted it to end, I love you, no matter what you say to deny it.
Ishtar Jul 2016
I became everything you wanted,
Everything before the day,
The awful day you threw my calm away...
Please understand,
that I stayed up to do everything,
Everything you wished for...

Even when you wanted it to end,
You know you were away,
For you never existed outside, only inside

like a song said...
Ishtar Jul 2016
To incarnate without flesh,
a perfect paradox,
to walk between realities forever...
Illusions and realities.
Ishtar Jul 2016
I went there, where Atrio was sleeping,
I saw him alive and his face resembles mine,
His eyes reflect the same shades than mine do... His blue skin and black wings reminded me what I shouldn't have done...

We recovered each other's codex for illumination and felt amused that we did...

Then I came back, spitting and throwing up every single drop of blood, the one we shared, the codex is complete now... After a very long aeon.

I am free again
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