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Sep 2016 · 428
If I die before I shine
I hope my soul will finally find
A heart that beats as fast as mine
In search of something worth my time
A place to rest, A place to hide
from all the mess I've left behind
I'm not a waste
turn my back on that place
where I've made all of my mistakes
The ghost in my soul
Is reaching out for more
Mar 2015 · 438
I'm so sorry everyone,
I feel i've let you down.
I tried to end it all,
And leave this world behind.

I'm sorry i bothered you,
But i needed someone to share.
My heartaches, and my loneliness,
and you family and friends were their.

Life was really hard for me,
I was all alone.
You were always there for me,
Family and friends became my home.

I hope you all forgive me,
For the silly things i tried.
But all that was on my mind,
Would anyone care if i died?
Mar 2015 · 484
What If
I always thought that when it came,
I'd be ready for the end.
By that time i'd be resigned and tame,
Death would appear a welcome friend.
But what if i still want to live,
Still want to live and grow?
What if i still have gifts to give,
And i'm not yet ready to go?
What if i'm too young still,
Not old enough to die?
What if i want to wait until I have experienced life
before i say
Mar 2015 · 1.5k
Spring appears in whispers
and hushed tones,
as the bellowing winter bows away.
Drowsy flowers come to attention,
waking from their sleep- yawning;
with heads turned upward towards the sun-
i watch with anticipation as...
The concert begins.
Mar 2015 · 401
I count the reasons
Why i love you so
But i can't count as far
As it will let me go
I love you
For a million reasons
More than everything
I love you as you are.
Mar 2015 · 464
If i showed you my teardrops.
Would you collect them like rain
Store them in a jar
That are labelled with "Pain"
Would you follow their tracks
From my eyes down my cheeks
As they write all my stories
That i'm scared to speak
Would you stop them with kisses
Bring their flow to a halt
As you teach me that pain
Isn't always my fault
Would you hold my face gently
As you dry both my eyes
And whisper the words
"You're to precious to cry".
If i showed you my teardrops
Would you show me your own
And learn though we're  lonely,
We're never alone.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Ode to Tears
Don't be afraid to cry, to let away your pain
to let go of hurt that is driving you insane,
Embrace these mini waterfalls, sliding down your cheek
it won't make you seem fallible, it won't make you weak
Taste the salt that linger, and slowly shut your eyes
know that these tears will simply pass you by.
This pain will wear away, and your tears will soon dry.
You've practiced all your life, to accept mistakes as they come
so don't let this mistake cause you to become numb.
Open up your eyes, and let those tears fall -
Recognize your pain, don't put up this brick wall.
So don't be afraid to cry, just let away your pain...
Let go of the hurt that's driving you insane.
Mar 2015 · 778
Who are you to judge ?
Who are you to judge the life i live?
I know i'm not perfect
and i don't live to be
but, before you start pointing fingers
make sure your hands are clean.

— The End —