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295 · May 2017
Never Give In..
K Marie May 2017
To love and be loved, with no limits. no questions or hesitations, no double standards.... to just feel the warm feeling inside when all things good happen. To wear a smile and not have to question if it's real. Life is too short to waste it with tears, sadness, unanswered questions. Are we living to die or dying to live? Nowadays we gotta live like we're dying because tomorrow is never promised and this just might be our last day here.... To feel the sun on our faces, wind in our hair, soft lips of our other half, laughter piercing our stomachs.... what is all that? If you have to think about what happiness is and wish you had it, then are you really happy at all... to think about all the good that can be instead of living it, are you really living? We all live in the same world but different lives, different stories, different paths.... but we all have one destiny, some just chose it sooner than it's time. To end you're story it takes a lot, but one can only hold in so much pain, so much tears, sitting in the dark hoping someone hears their cries and saves them from the monsters in their heads.... monsters usually win, I know mines almost did. To love and be loved is a wild thing, something rare.. not all stories have happy endings or those amazing love story endings, they usually end in sadness or some kind of turn around miracle..... at least that's how mines seems to be going, I found a miracle in a guy he showed me there's more to life than ending my story.. he showered me with love and gratitude and to this day he still does, he put the pen back in my hand and inspired me to continue my story, with him being apart of it..... I have days where I want to put the pen down and give in to temptation to end my story where it is, but life is too precious, he is too precious, MY LIFE is too precious.... I must go on... I chose to continue my story to the rhythm of my heart, and when that beat stops so will my story...
235 · Jun 2017
Another Chapter
K Marie Jun 2017
Afraid to let my guard down again.
Can't let anyone see my insecurities, for they get used against me..
Afraid to be another chapter in someones book, afraid to just be another story to tell the guys, another story to create some laughs.... another joke.
Scared to be that chapter where they get taken as a fool, betrayed, and tore down after many years of serious work.
Another chapter in another book, another story to add to the collection, another chapter in my own story.
Flipping through the pages reading what has already been written, hoping history doesn't repeat itself. Hoping that this life isn't another rerun, hoping that this life isn't another rewrite just with some polishing of new onsets. I don't wanna be another chapter in someones book, I wanna be the best chapter in my own book. Don't wanna be a sad failure chapter in his book... I wanna be my own chapters in my own book. I'll rewrite it all just to avoid being that chapter....Another chapter.
186 · May 2017
K Marie May 2017
So many questions fill my mind as I sit here and look at you.
As I look in your eyes thoughts fill my mind..
I have all these questions, it's strange I can't ask you them..
Maybe you don't have the answer, maybe I never will....
Questions come and questions go, questions that we'll never solve.
I searched high, and I've searched low.. To find the answers to sooth my soul..
It's scary how you can't see the pain hidden in my eyes, hidden behind my smile.. But you should've seen the pain in my eyes, the pain in my voice.
Ask the question.... Are you okay? Are we okay? Even If you're scared of the answer, ask anyway... Don't live a life in question, all you'll get is stress, pain and agony of unanswered things....
Answer the questions..

— The End —